
The Chateau Pt. 3

Later that evening, the Delacours and Greengrasses all assemble in Harry's bedroom. No longer can the Greengrass witches claim they have a higher priority to Harry's bed then the Delacours, because now they are all maids in his service. At the same time, Apolline Delacour's maid uniform is the exact same fare as the other five women at this point, making her demotion obvious to everyone with eyes and leaving her with no authority over either her daughters or her enemies.

Standing before him now, the six women don't quite squirm… but they're clearly ready for action, shooting glances at each other and then at Harry. He can practically see the gears turning in their heads, the machinations taking place behind their eyes. He can see them all plotting out exactly how they might leverage the evening to get further into his good graces.

Indeed, while there are lines drawn between the two sets of three, Harry wouldn't put it past any of them, either Delacours or Greengrasses, to try and get a leg up for themselves personally as well. It's all so… droll, if he's being honest. They're planning tonight out as if it's a battle in a war, and his body is the battlefield. Have they learned nothing from their experiences with him?

Shaking his head in amusement, Harry chuckles and spreads his hands.

"You all might think tonight is a chance for you to get the better of one another. You might be thinking that this is all still a competition, even after the events of today. What you fail to understand is that your petty squabbles mean nothing to me."

He punctuates his statement by reaching out not with his physical hands, but with his magic. It's gratifying, watching all of their eyes widen in surprise… and in most cases, a familiar sense of wonder and awe. Indeed, several of these women have experienced his true magical power before. Harry's very essence tended to fill every room he walked into. His presence was that dense and his magic that strong.

But it had been a long time since he'd been unable to control that pressure. Indeed, he usually kept it at bay most of the time and had learned to control his strength even in the midst of sex over the years. Astoria and Fleur, some of his earliest conquests, had experienced his true power firsthand, back before he'd fully reigned himself in. The others… less so.

Even still, all six women are feeling it now. Witches and veela alike tremble under the weight of his presence, as Harry ramps it up until they're all buckling and completely frozen in place. Using his magic to arrest all motion in the six women, Harry smirks, cocking his head to the side.

"This night is not about who can come out on top. It's about who can come out of the other end still standing. I'm going to use and abuse every last one of you to my heart's content, and there's not a thing you can do about it. There's not a damn thing you WILL do about it, because you ALL know that what you want… what you desire, is my big fat cock."

His words have additional emphasis to them, his power backing them up and making them unwavering. The Delacours and Greengrasses wince under the sheer weight of what he's saying. But Harry isn't satisfied with just talking their ears off. No, now is the time for action. With them completely in his sphere of influence, with his magic weighing down upon them, Harry reaches out with his mind and unravels their maid uniforms right there on the spot, thread by thread.

They gasp, of course, blushing slightly and moaning a little as they're exposed to him. He's right after all, not a single one of the six women want anything more than his cock inside of them, at least for the evening. Some might be a little less broken then others, some might be a little more loyal… but they are all united in one true purpose, an absolute addiction to his massive bitch breaker of a cock.

Said cock stays tucked away for now though, as Harry focuses on his efforts instead. He doesn't just disappear their maid uniforms and leave them naked. That would be boring. Instead, once he's unraveled their outfits, he reconstitutes them, repurposing all of that unraveled thread into much skimpier, much sexier lingerie.

As he does so, he recolors it as well. For the Greengrass witches, the lingerie can only be emerald green and onyx black, and he nods approvingly once that's done, enjoying the way the two colors mix together and hug their pale curves. For the Delacour veelas, its blue topaz and a shimmering silver, and indeed, once again its an excellent color combination, with the lingerie hugging THEIR curves as well.

It's amusing to note that, even with two generations presence, even with it being mother and daughter and younger daughter… all six women are of a mature age. Even Astoria and Gabrielle are barely a couple of years younger than him, in their mid-thirties. They might be the youngest in the room, but that didn't stop them from being mature, sexy women in their own right.

Alas, their mothers were just even more mature, with even more voluptuous bodies. And their older sisters too had them mostly beat. All in all, though, after Harry is finished reworking their clothing into proper 'bedroom attire', he's left admiring six gorgeous women with six gorgeous, bodacious figures. And they're all his.

He gives them all a moment to adjust to their new outfits of course, letting up on the magical pressure a bit once he's done dressing them all up in their new lingerie. Allowing them all to move about, he grins as they blush prettily and size themselves and each other up, each of them looking over their bodies, and then at the others.

They look good, if he does say so himself. Really good. But of course, all of this is for him, and the six women know that. Be they his Delacour maids or his current Greengrass allies, they know which side their bread is buttered on. And all of them are very eager to get down to business. But of course, while they're all now dressed in incredibly sexy lingerie… Harry himself is still completely clothed.

Chuckling, the powerful wizard spreads his arms apart once more.

"It's time for your first cooperative test, my dears. You best start learning to work together fast… because your first task is to strip me down using ONLY your teeth. Hands behind your backs now. Keep them there too, or there will be a punishment."

The sixsome all jolt at the order, but far from looking put out or upset, they look downright eager. They all soon have their hands behind their backs, clasping their arms together as they each begin to saunter forward, the whole lot of them trying to be as sexy as possible. To be fair, they're VERY sexy in a vacuum, each and every one. But put altogether, they just look desperate and needy… which in a way, has a sexy quality to it all its own.

Harry grins, as they sashay their hips over to him. All six witches are soon surrounding him, and slowly, they lean in and begin using their mouths to try and remove his clothing from his body. Harry watches on amused, as they barely even try to work together at first. In fact, they start out actively fighting each other in SPITE of his words to the contrary.

Oh, they try to be subtle about it, they really do… but Harry is no idiot. He recognizes their little territorial disputes, their attempts at competing with one another. When he sees Apolline and Anastasia both fighting over the buttons on his shirt, he finally acts.



Both the Delacour and Greengrass Matriarchs leap half a foot into the air as his magic stings their big round backsides. They look at him, wide-eyed, and Harry just raises an eyebrow, as if to say 'did you really think I wouldn't notice?'. Suitably chastised, they return to their efforts, still not working together, but no longer actively sabotaging each other.

Similar things take place all across his body, as the six women are forced to use their teeth to undress him. It's a slow going process at first, but Harry is set on making it happen. Certainly, six mouths should be capable of getting him into his birthday suit, right? If they can't even do THIS much… they don't deserve his cock.

Every time he can see the competitive nature of the two all-female families rearing its ugly head, Harry reaches out again with his magic and uses it to give them a good swat, pinch, or sting to remind them of their position and what they're supposed to be doing. Slowly but surely, he even manages to get some of the younger ones to work together. Astoria and Gabrielle, for instance, get down on their knees and use their teeth to tug his socks off of his feet one at a time together, after it becomes obvious, they're struggling to do so with each alone.

Meanwhile, Fleur and Daphne, for all their earlier competitiveness, tug his belt open together, and then pull down both his pants and his boxers in unison. The only ones who never show an ounce of teamwork are Apolline and Anastasia, the eldest women seemingly all too set in their ways and all too territorial. But Harry is no territory. They are not here to serve their own selfish desires, but to serve him. It's high time they recognize that.

He's soon completely naked, despite Apolline and Anastasia's self-sabotage. His chiseled physique and massive bitch breaker is all on display. His cock, throbbing hard by this point after all the arousal he garnered from watching the six women in sexy lingerie of his own design stands up straight and is clearly ready for action.

With their task done, the sixsome all unclasp their hands behind their backs and start to move forward as one, mesmerized by his big fat cock.

"Please, Master, allow me-!"

"No, I can-!"

"I-It would be best if I-!"

All of them say similar things, all of them call out to him in unison, all six trying to get a word in and convince him that THEY deserve first go on his dick. Before they can reach him, before they can touch him, Harry once again reaches out with his magic and cuts them off. He sneers at them then, eyes glinting and angry as he prowls among them like a predator.

"You lot still don't get it. So very eager to throw yourselves into the jaws of the slavering beast. I'll show you exactly what you so desperately wanted."

Reaching Apolline Delacour, Harry grabs the Veela Matriarch by her head quite suddenly, ripping her from her frozen spot down to the ground bodily. She yelps as she's forced to her knees in front of him. Harry smirks and lets his throbbing erection drape over her face. The sheer size of his cock makes it so that one of her eyes is completely covered, while the other stares up at him. Panting, Apolline does a poor job of hiding her smug excitement at being chosen to go first.

"T-Thank you, Master. I promise you-!"

"Shut up. Your punishment isn't over quite yet. You'll be tonight's warm-up."

Double-fisting her hair, Harry yanks her head back forcefully enough that even the Delacour Matriarch's mouth opens wide in a gasp of pain as her eyes water. At the same time, he slides his cock back across her squished nose and plush, pillowy lips, until the massive, bulbous head of his member is pressing against the entrance of her maw.

Without further ado, Harry slams forward, thrusting into the back of Apolline's throat viciously. He immediately begins to face fuck her relentlessly, immediately begins to pound into her esophagus and gullet without a single reservation or shred of mercy.

"Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!"

It's not just that though. He doesn't stop there. Instead, Harry takes a step forward. And then another step. Apolline's eyes widen, as she's slowly but surely bent backwards by his movements. With his cock lodged firmly down her throat, her best bet might be to shuffle backwards or something, but Harry isn't letting her do that.

Instead, using his hold on her head, Harry forces Apolline Delacour's back to arch, even as he pounds her esophagus for all he's worth, ramming home into her gullet time and time again. The end result is that her hands have to reach back to catch herself on the floor behind her, while Harry is left crouching on either side of her, jackhammering down into her throat from above.


Involuntary tears soon stream from Apolline's eyes, as the gorgeous Delacour Matriarch is turned into little more than a fuck hole for Harry's aggression skull fucking. He doesn't just bounce her head up and down on his cock, he rails into her from above with all his might and all his power. Her throat convulses around his dick, her tongue writhes wildly and uselessly along the underside of his pistoning member, and her lips suction around his girth even as drool and saliva in increasing amounts pour down her chin.

As she slobbers all over his cock, not entirely of her own volition, Harry picks up the pace some more. After all, it's not a punishment if he doesn't make it… punishing. Grinning viciously, the wizard holds Apolline steady and forces every last inch of his massive member down her throat and into her gullet. Her neck bulges obscenely, even as he buries her flaring nostrils in his crotch, his ball sack slapping against her sloppy, wet chin near-constantly.

Jackhammering down into her throat over and over again, feeling it as she gets more and more desperate for air, Harry watches unmoved while Apolline Delacour's eyes roll up in her skull, the throat-fucking leaving her with little room to breathe and oxygen getting scarcer and scarcer as time goes on. Deprived of that most important thing called air, Apolline's body shakes and spasms, her gurgling and choking getting more and more desperate.

Still, Harry doesn't let up. This is, after all… a punishment. Luckily for Apolline, he's ready to blow soon enough. Luckily for the Delacour Matriarch, he doesn't decide to hold back his load. No, instead he explodes down her throat and out her mouth and nostrils. He cums and cums, and Harry has to admit, it's one of the most satisfying nuts of his life.

Emptying his balls down Apolline's throat as they rest upon her chin, he holds her in place the entire time it takes him to finish cumming. In doing so, he almost certainly causes the Delacour veela to pass out on his cock. Her lashes flutter as her eyes remain completely rolled back in her head, even after he finishes up.

Pulling back, he all but yanks Apolline off of his member with a grunt, aggressively thrusting her away from him, before letting go.

Cum-coated, utterly senseless, and still twitching and shuddering from the oral onslaught, Apolline Delacour's unconscious body drops to the floor. Harry admires his fine work for a moment, before turning his attention elsewhere, to see with his own eyes what the others have been up to. He already technically knows, of course. With his magic filling the room and pressing into every inch of their bodies, of course he does.

They haven't been idle. Each has been masturbating, in their own way. Some more vigorously than others though. Some… some have been pacing themselves. Anastasia Greengrass catches Harry's attention. Before this trip, if you'd asked him who was the most recalcitrant out of this group of six women, he would have obviously said Daphne.

She was decidedly the most openly reluctant about spending any sort of time with him, and until the previous night, she had been completely and utterly unwilling to let herself fall for his big fat cock. Of course, as fun as her defiance had been, all good things came to an end and ultimately, she'd crumbled like so many others.

But that was just it. There were some women who broke upon his cock, like Daphne… and then there were others who bent to avoid breaking, like her mother Anastasia Greengrass. Harry was no fool. He understood fully well that the Greengrass Matriarch was still trying to use him. She might even attempt to get her family free of his influence, once the blood curse was cured. She also might not… but there was no reason not to further break her down so he could rebuild her later.

Ah, but he wouldn't be fucking her to make that happen, no sir. Rather, fucking the Greengrass Matriarch had already been done aplenty. Now… now was the time to attack her another way.

With a flick of his fingers, he yanks Astoria Greengrass up into the air. She's Anastasia's youngest, despite being a MILF in her own right. And women always have a special place in their heart for their youngest daughter. Positioning Astoria between them, he yanks Anastasia over as well, his magic allowing him to manhandle both women, clad in emerald green and onyx black lingerie, into exactly the positions he wants them in.

Once they're right where he wants them, Harry tears Astoria's lingerie off of her, letting her tits bounce free and exposing her crotch. For Anastasia, he leaves her skimpy undergarments intact, and instead uses his magic to grow a nice, thick, vibrating strap-on right out of the front of her panties. The GILF squawks a bit when she sees the huge protrusion, sized to be just a little smaller than Harry's own throbbing bitch breaker.

She outright blushes when Harry curls his finger inward and she slides forward, until all three of them come together in one smooth motion. His cock, still rock hard and covered in Apolline's spit and slobber and drool, slides right up into Astoria Greengrass. Her sopping wet pussy is more than welcoming to its Master's cock, and he fills her to the brim right then and there, taking her to the root and hilting deep, DEEP inside of her.

As he's penetrating her womb itself and Astoria is moaning wantonly in response, Anastasia finds herself slowly but surely impaling her own daughter up the ass with the magical strap-on as well. The vibrating nature of said strap-on makes it quite pleasurable for Harry, as he can feel the fake phallus through the barrier between Astoria's two holes. By stretching out her daughter's anus, she's in turn making Astoria's cunt all the tighter and thus more enjoyable as well.

Of course, Harry's groan is drowned out entirely by Astoria's squeal as she's subsequently DPed between both her mother and him. The two phalluses, penetrating deep inside of her cunt and bowels, leave the youngest Greengrass Witch flailing a bit, spasming her way through a rapid orgasm. Harry smirks, letting her enjoy herself for a moment. Once she's recovered from that initial climax, he reaches out with his magic… and activates the hidden function of Anastasia Greengrass' magical strap-on.

Namely, it's ability to make her feel everything that the person who's currently impaled upon it is feeling. The Greengrass Matriarch jolts, her eyes widening as she shudders from the sudden sensation of HER two holes being fucked in the same way Astoria is experiencing. As Anastasia's eyes flicker over her daughter's shoulder and meet his own, Harry just grins wickedly.

"Don't you dare slow down now, Anastasia. Consider this a test… you dearly want a passing grade by the end of the evening."

The Greengrass Matriarch stiffens at the threat implicit in his words, but Harry doesn't give her a chance to think about it… about any of it, really. He starts to truly fuck Astoria between them, and by sheer virtue of the DP sandwich they're currently engaged in, Anastasia is forced to fuck her daughter up the ass just as hard, in order to keep her balance and keep Harry from completely overrunning her and forcing them both to the ground.

She clearly did not want that, taking his words about this being a test very seriously. But at the same time, it was obviously quite… difficult for her. After all, she was currently feeling everything Astoria was feeling. It was like Harry was fucking both of them at the same time. But not just that. It was like Anastasia herself was fucking her daughter's and her own ass at the same time.

He could only imagine how intense such an experience would be, but it wasn't like Harry was intending to let up or give her a break or anything like that. No, rather… he was just getting started. Reaching up, he grabs a fistful of Astoria Greengrass' hair and pulls her into a deep, tongue-filled kiss, even as his bitch breaker of a cock continues to plunder her womb directly. Not that it's anything the Greengrass witch hasn't experienced before with him, of course.

She moans into his mouth quite responsively, her eyes already rolling back in her head and her pussy constantly clenching down around his cock in what might just be a continuous orgasm. She's still fairly coherent however, when he finally ends the lip lock and pulls her in even closer, whispering into her ear.

He knows this, because as soon as he's done giving her his orders, Astoria throws her head back into the crook of her mother's neck and squeals loudly, right into Anastasia's ear.


She's good at hiding it, but Anastasia is definitely embarrassed by her daughter's words. There's no denying that she's sinking to a new low right now… and loving every moment of it. Unfortunately for the Greengrass Matriarch, while her youngest daughter can happily throw herself into the ocean of pleasure Harry is visiting upon her and greedily drown in it as she sucks it all in… Anastasia cannot afford to do the same, on either a micro or macro level.

In the moment, she has to keep her wits about her in order to keep from falling flat on her ass and failing Harry's 'test'. In the long-term, she has to maintain some semblance of mental fortitude so that her true goal, of getting her family cured, can actually take place. She's afraid even now that Harry intends to string them along like so many wizards before him. He knows that she won't truly believe it until it's already done… but all the same, he's not just about to let her fly under the radar with her doubts uncontested.


Meanwhile, Astoria continues to spout out lines like that, on Harry's orders of course. She gets quite inventive, and the more inventive she gets, the redder Anastasia Greengrass gets. Body bouncing and jiggling between them, one might assume that Astoria is the helpless one here. Trapped between her mother with a strap-on and Harry's massive monstrous member, one might think she was the one who could do nothing but wallow in the pleasure.

But Astoria had more power than Anastasia, that was for sure. She had the power to force her mother to reckon with everything she'd done so far in pursuit of helping her family. She'd bent her daughters to his will all for his help. She'd BROKEN her eldest to get his assistance. And her youngest… her youngest had been his creature longer than she had ever known.

There's something akin to resigned acceptance in Anastasia's eyes when Harry looks next, and so with a smirk he reaches out, past her daughter, and grabs the Greengrass Matriarch by the hair. Pulling her in, he captures her lips with his and kisses her lewdly, their tongues swapping spit before he wrestles hers into submission and dominates her mouth entirely.

At the same time, they're both compressing Astoria's already pinned body even further between them, driving his cock and Anastasia's strap-on even further up into her holes from below. The end result? Astoria squeals and cums her brains out, while Anastasia does the same, experiencing everything Astoria is experiencing as well as his mouth on her mouth.

With a grunt, Harry finally blows his load deep inside of Astoria Greengrass, detecting that she's past the point of no return. He fills and fills her with his cum, knowing that while Anastasia is not getting pumped with actual seed, she's still feeling every last bit of this creampie as well. It's no wonder then, that both mother and daughter's eyes have rolled up in their heads at the same time. No wonder that, by the time Harry is done with them, they both look like they're just about done as well.

Anastasia is already teetering when he finally pulls out of Astoria. Her hands are still under her daughter's thighs, holding her aloft, but it's clear she can't be expected to stay standing for more than a second more. Before she can fall of her own accord, he reaches out and grabs a fistful of one of Astoria's tits and gives it a contemptuous push.

The two women topple backwards, though of course Harry has no intention of letting them get seriously hurt. A simple cushion of his magic makes sure Anastasia doesn't bounce her skull on the floor. Instead, they fall back safely and softly, but with Astoria still impaled on Anastasia's magical strap-on, and thus Anastasia still experiencing everything Astoria is experiencing.

It's information overload, but it gets even better when Astoria happily interprets Harry's orders to her as not quite finished yet. Tilting her head to the side and reaching back with one hand to grab hold of her mother by the hair, Astoria viciously assaults Anastasia's mouth with her own, aggressively making out with her mother right there on the spot. Trapped as she is beneath Astoria's body, the Greengrass Matriarch can do nothing but take it in response.

Smirking at the scene, Harry moves on. Admittedly, he'd been focusing a lot of his magic on the mother-daughter duo and thus a lot less of his awareness on the rest of the room. As such, he's not all that surprised to see Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour have gotten… busy in the absence of his attention. Their lingerie is completely gone already, and they've moved things to the bed.

Indeed, the two silver-blonde part-veela have apparently come to the conclusion that he's busy with others and so why not… prepare one another? The sisters are going so hard at it, heatedly making out and pressing their bodies against each other, that they haven't even noticed his attention. Of course, that's not stopping them from sending a clarion call his way still.


Indeed, as they moan into one another's mouths, as they rub their tits together, the two sisters are also smacking their pussy lips against each other, their sopping cunts resounding through the room as they connect again and again in an incredibly lewd display. As far as mating calls go, it's certainly enough to get Harry's amused attention, as he slowly makes his way over to the pair.

Unfortunately… there's just one problem. They can't seem to decide who's on top and who's on bottom. Fleur might be the elder of the sister pair, but that doesn't mean Gabrielle is just going to roll over for her big sister. Indeed, neither veela seems at all inclined to give any ground. The result? They're wrestling back and forth even as Harry stops at the foot of the bed, watching them with a single raised brow.

Hands entangled in each other's hair, lips locked together, they're growling into one another's mouths as much as they're moaning. One moment, Fleur is on top and pinning her sister down. The next, Gabrielle has flipped the script and taken the top position, holding her big sis beneath her. Neither manages to maintain their position of superiority for longer than half a minute, or Harry would have already stepped in.

As it is, they're too evenly matched. He can't fuck them like this, not with them constantly rolling around like a pair of hyenas. With a sigh, Harry shakes his head and takes one more step forward.

When the next swap comes, when they next begin to roll over with one of them taking the top position… they don't quite manage it. One of Harry's real hands gets in the way, but so does his magic. The hand is just to let them know he's there. The magic is what does the heavy-lifting, as Fleur and Gabrielle suddenly find themselves frozen in place again, this time on their sides.

With their bottom legs bent beneath them, Harry grabs their upper legs and lifts them into the air. Their cunts are still grinding together even now, even as they both look up at him with nothing but utter wanton lust in their eyes. Indeed, for these two women, there's no doubt in their minds who they belong to. Harry is their Master, plain and simple, and neither veela has ever wanted anything else.

Smirking, he places the head of his thick, throbbing cock up against their grinding pussy lips and slowly begins to push. The two veela moan wantonly as he does so, even though he doesn't end up penetrating either of them. Instead, his cock pushes up between their bodies, using their grinding cunt lips as the valley through which he penetrates. His length ends up nestled between their flexing, wiggling, undulating abdomens, and as Harry lifts their legs up into the air, he drapes them over his shoulders, running his hands down their thighs and squeezing harshly.

Blushing up a storm, Fleur and Gabrielle don't stop holding each other. They can't. With his magic, he's able to push them even further together, their tits squishing against each other's chests, their nipples rubbing back and forth and driving them even more wild than before. All the while, Harry begins to properly thrust in and out of the makeshift cunt he's made of their bodies, pistoning back and forth at greater and greater speeds.

His veela sex pets both squirm helplessly, as he binds them together and fucks their cunts at the same time, their puffy pussy lips doing their best to hot dog his massive cock. Indeed, it's a decidedly unique experience, with them both up on their sides like this, and brought into such a tight, warm embrace as to be able to create an entirely new hole for him to fuck.

He decides then and there that he's not going to penetrate either of them, this time at least. He could fuck their wombs, he supposes. He could plow their cunts. But he'll get around to that later. With six women all jonesing for his cock, Harry knows the night is just getting started. And besides, how can he possibly choose between them? The two lustful, incredibly horny sisters are beside themselves with arousal, and even now are making out heatedly.

Of course, it's more a show for him now than anything else. Moving his hands from their thighs down to their pale buttocks, Harry gropes and squeezes his veela pets' ass cheeks, even while continuing to piston in and out of the valley created by their pussies. Meanwhile, Fleur and Gabrielle are making a show out of their incestuous debauchery, all for him of course. The display of wanton lewd slurping at one another's tongues is indeed quite the turn on, and with a grunt, Harry leans forward.

His hands go from their asses to up under them both, letting him cup their breasts. This pulls their upper bodies apart ever so slightly, while also pushing their crotches together even further to make the valley through which Harry is fucking all the tighter. Leaning in, he captures first Fleur's lips with his own, and then Gabrielle's. The ensuing three-way makeout session between him and two of his veela sex pets is quite the treat. The sisters are doing everything in their power to make him happy, to pleasure him with their bodies.

And its working. Undeniably so. Harry grunts, picking up his pace one last time. Fleur and Gabrielle both groan, cumming helplessly from the over-stimulation he's providing their bodies. Squeezing their tits, digging his fingers into them, Harry gives the sisters one last three-way kiss before pulling back at long last. His hands go back to their thighs, and he holds their legs up, even as he thrusts a handful more times before finally cumming.

The ensuing explosion of white, hot seed all over their bodies is… spectacular to say the least. Its neither a normal creampie OR a normal facial. Rather, he cums and cums, and his seed shoots up between their tightly pressed bodies, before reaching the point where their upper halves are pulled apart ever so slightly. Their breasts are still touching, but not quite squishing on one another anymore. As such, his cum shoots up, mostly impacting the underside of their tits. But some of it comes exploding out of the top of their cleavage and manages to coat their faces as well.

The end result is quite a mess, and Fleur and Gabrielle both moan wantonly, their hands coming up to rub his seed into their bodies, into their tits and abdomens and the like as their tongues loll out of their mouths and lick up what they can. Then, through lidded eyes, they notice each other of course… and like Astoria and Anastasia before them, end up locking lips right then and there all over again, swapping cum between one another.

Of course, unlike the mother-daughter Greengrass pair, Fleur and Gabrielle are both quite eager for it… and to Harry's satisfaction, they remain on their sides, facing one another but no longer trying to wrestle for top position. For the moment at least, their competitiveness has been laid to rest as they instead work on consuming the gift their Master has given them, together.

And then there was one. Harry turns his attention to Daphne Greengrass with some amusement twinkling in his eyes. She technically wasn't his newest conquest… but at the same time, she was, by sheer dint of how long she'd fought and tried to avoid becoming his woman. Indeed, the Potions Mistress had been one of his earliest projects back at Hogwarts during his sabbatical, and yet it wasn't until here and now, in the Chateau, that Daphne had finally broken.

And what a spectacular breaking it was. As Harry gazes upon her, the Greengrass witch is currently making quite the fool of herself, moaning wantonly while fisting both her cunt and her ass. The bra of her lingerie is disheveled and half hanging off of her tits, with one nipple out and one contained. Meanwhile, her panties have been pulled to the side entirely, to make room for her rapidly pistoning hands.

She obviously didn't start with her full fists being shoved up her back door and quim, but in the end, it didn't really matter if she'd worked her way up to it or not. The fact is, when his eyes lay upon her at long last, Daphne doesn't even stop what she's doing. She just stares at him as he approaches, her eyes heavily lidded and her lips parted in moaning need.

Pointing to the floor silently, Harry watches in amusement as Daphne immediately drops to her knees and opens her mouth even wider than before, her tongue lolling out in quite the lewd spectacle. Her hands remain stuffed in her lower orifices, even as Harry nonchalantly and altogether casually feeds his messy cock right into her mouth. Her pillowy plush lips suck down on his cock, cleaning it off of the juices left behind by her sister and the veela sluts he just got done fucking silly.

As he cleans himself off using her as his cum rag, Harry chuckles, musing on just how hard she'd fought to resist him, only to end up like this. No matter how long she'd tried to hold him off… this was her fate, all the same.

It's enough to make him rock hard and ready to fuck again in no time at all. Daphne's mouth isn't too bad for that purpose either, but honestly, he just uses it to clean himself off, fisting a hand through her hair for a brief time and sawing back and forth along her wagging tongue before pulling back. With his cock cleaned but glistening, properly spit polished, Harry cocks his head to the side as he smirks down at Daphne.

"How do you want it, bitch?"

Looking up at him, Daphne doesn't even miss a beat. Her tongue rolls around her lips needily for half a moment before she answers in a throaty, sultry tone.

"However you want it, Master."

Harry just grins at that. Of course. Ever eager to please, Daphne is doing her level best to show her submission by passing up on the chance to choose and letting him choose instead. Unfortunately for her, he remembers how hard she fought him back at Hogwarts… and isn't about to let the chance for some payback pass him by. Call it what you will. Payback… punishment… or just a Master using his fuck toy however he likes. Regardless, Harry just nods in amusement, before declaring his intentions.

"Then I suppose I'll have your ass, bitch. Assume the position."

For just the briefest of moments, a flicker of dismay and displeasure crosses Daphne's face. He can tell, even though it's gone as swiftly as it appears, that that's not what she would have preferred he chose. Even with one of her fists up her own ass, she's still afraid of his mammoth-sized member. After all, his cock is bigger than her dainty little arm.

But she passed up on the opportunity to make her own choice, and now that Harry has made his decision, there's nothing Daphne can do but roll over and submit. Assuming the position, as he said, involves the kneeling Greengrass Potions Mistress turning over and going face down. Slowly, she removes her fist from her ass, though she keeps the other in her cunt, even now.

With her back door gaping, her ass cheeks still spread for the moment, Harry admires the view… and then crouches down behind Daphne, grabbing her by one of her bountiful butt cheeks and grabbing hold of his cock with his other hand as he angles it downwards. Despite the prior efforts she'd inadvertently made to prepare herself for this, Daphne still squeals, as he slowly but surely feeds his cock into her back door.

There's no denying that the Potions Mistress wants it. His big fat cock is probably all she's thought about for the past day, ever since finally admitting the truth to herself the night before. All the same, Harry isn't going to go easy on her. Rather, here and now is where he intends to make sure Daphne Greengrass finally learns her place, once and for all.

As such, the moment his cock is halfway into her ass, Harry grabs her butt cheeks with both hands, giving them a harsh squeeze and then clapping down on them, hard and fast.


Daphne's squeal is nearly enough to make him nut right then and there, but of course Harry isn't willing to end things quite so soon. Holding back the churning in his balls is simple enough as he begins to jackhammer into her from above. Her fist in her cunt adds the same pleasure to the experience as the strap-on in her younger sister's ass, just from the opposite side. With Daphne's full hand buried in her gushing twat, her ass is even tighter, and he can feel it through the barrier, can feel her fist pistoning in and out.

His balls actually end up slapping against her drenched wrist as he drills into her from above, slamming home again and again. As he reaches full hilting, burying every last inch of himself in her bowels, Daphne's squealing turns into loud shrieking, her body shaking and spasming beneath him all the while. It's quite the treat, to watch her buck and shudder, her legs kicking up in the air uselessly.

To really drive it home that she belongs to him and is so far beneath him that it's not even funny, Harry repositions himself after a moment, planting his foot on the back of her head and grinding her face even harder into the carpet. Her squeals and shrieks and screams of ecstasy are subsequently muffled, but her ass tightens up even further, so some part of her must be enjoying the humiliation quite a lot.

There's no doubt in Harry's mind that the Greengrass witch is his. ALL of them are his. But Daphne certainly gave him a fair amount of trouble, didn't she? Not anymore though. No, she had finally learned her place, once and for all. Her ass was his… her body was his. Every single hole she had on offer, was his.

With a gruff, guttural growl, Harry slams home one final time and cums in Daphne's ass. He fills her to the brim, pumping it hot and deep inside of her. He anally creampies her and then some, his cock still spurting out thick ropes of hot seed when he finally pulls out, resulting in her pale reddened behind getting plastered in jizz that slowly but steadily drips down her body.

Face down, ass up, Daphne doesn't move from that position, even as Harry straightens up from his crouch, not even breathing heavily.

The Greengrass witch marks the end of the first round of the night, but she's far from the last. Indeed, with his magic completely unleashed, Harry is just getting started. And while he's had everyone in at least one hole… he hasn't had everyone in EVERY hole. In fact, three out of six of the women, he hasn't even had in a proper hole yet, technically!

He rectifies that by fucking Anastasia Greengrass, Fleur Delacour, and Gabrielle Delacour next, in that order. They beg him for him, and he gives them what they want. He then continues on, making sure to leave no orifice unfilled, making sure to leave no hole untouched. Six women might be an awful lot for most men to handle… but Harry James Potter is not most men. Not by a long shot.

Orally, vaginally, and anally. By the time he's done with them, he's enjoyed every last hole that his 'maids' have to offer, in every position and every combination imaginable. Mother and daughter, sister and sister… even mother and mother. Indeed, there's so many delightful ways to use his fuck toys, and Harry's energy is unrelenting. He just HAS to try them all.

Of course, there are a handful of attempts more from the witches and veela at turning things into a competition. Harry doesn't let them get away with it. He just fucks them more relentlessly, while punishing them with spankings and pinches and stings in all the right places. If they have the strength to argue and compete, that just means he hasn't fucked them hard and long enough yet.

But finally… it comes to an end. When all is said and done, Harry is the only one left standing, metaphorically speaking. In reality, he's laid out on the bed, with his back against the head board, lounging casually and basking in the satisfaction inherent in fucking six different beautiful women into mewling, writhing puddles of goo.

Even now, Fleur and Gabrielle are curled up together on one part of the bed, while Daphne and Astoria are curled up on another. Only Apolline and Anastasia are still even trying, and for them that takes the form of their heads being laid out on his ribs, their hands tiredly moving up and down his cock. They don't even have the strength to glare at each other or try to turn it into a competition, not at this point.

Smirking, Harry rolls his shoulders.

"Mm, as fun as this vacation has been… it's likely time for us to move on and get back to work. As such, I will unfortunately not be able to keep you and your daughters as my maids, Lady Greengrass."

Anastasia jolts as he 'reinstates' her title, blushing up at him for a moment before just nodding tiredly. Of course, Apolline can't just let it slide.

"I suppose you couldn't cut it after all…"

Her quiet tone could almost be considering pitying or conciliatory in nature, but of course, it's obvious she's taking the chance to snipe at her rival. Anastasia certainly takes it that way, stiffening up and scowling. It's clear they're about to get into an argument over whether this counts as a proper dismissal based on performance or is just one of convenience and necessity.

Before either of them can speak, Harry simply smiles… and shuts them both up ahead of time by reaching out, fisting his hands through their hair, and shoving them right into his twitching, pulsating cock.



For a moment, they struggle before realizing just who they're trying to resist. Then, eyes going crossed to look down upon his cock, they begin kissing and licking and slurping lewdly at his member, tonguing it as best they can from either side. There, a much better use of the two Matriarchs' mouths, to be sure. In the meantime, it would fall to Harry to figure out what their next move regarding the Greengrasses' Blood Curse was.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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