
Mutant Farmer in the Apocalypse

In the year 2022, one year after the Z-20 Virus outbreak, all of humanity had been infected by the virus, and their bodies reacted differently. The majority of the humans turned into zombies, while the minority turned into ability users. Some didn’t change into either. They were powerless in comparison, as even feral zombies were more powerful than an average human. At 20 years old, Yang Zhang was used as a scapegoat and kicked out of his town; a medium-sized shelter base used to protect humanity from the ever-growing threat of zombie attacks. Scared and powerless against the harsh world infested with zombies, he stumbled upon a squirrel that ate the brain of a dead ability user and began discharging electricity constantly. He realized that he could use this newfound information to protect himself. “That’s right! I can build a farm and create more and more of these mutated animals and plants to protect myself!” Thus started the journey of Yang Zhang as he created a farm while continuously breeding many magical —albeit grotesque— mutated animals and plants. Yet, once the zombies and ability users started noticing his unique farm, they began to invade. With no choice left, he armed himself by creating stronger mutated animals and plants to protect the farm at all cost! “Get off of my lawn, you bunch of greedy pigs!” ** Tower Defense + (Mutated) farm simulator + Zombie waifu (Small harem). ** Daily Update -- Cover art is Kureiji Ollie, I got it from Pinterest. English is not my first language. Pardon me if there are few mistakes. --

EvilPupa · Fantasi
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169 Chs

Miss Kobra (1)

"Quit your babbling. Let's take Deng Fan to the boss. You will be introduced and initiated to be one of us," old man Fei Mu said.

"Oh, good luck with the initiation, Deng Fan! I'll have to skin this rainbow boar with Baoyan!" Fei Ningyan said as they went to separate ways.

The old man Fei Mu escorted Yang Zhang to meet the big boss in his office. Yang Zhang swallowed his saliva when he saw at least 6 men guarding the front of the house, and they looked even fiercer than the ones guarding the gate.

"Are you scared?" Old man Fei Mu asked.

"A little," Yang Zhang replied honestly. "I'm just intimidated, I guess…."

"Haha, that's normal to get intimidated because that's what Big boss wants," the old man said. "The Big boss has a lot of enemies. Because the government has discovered her as the leader of this human-exclusive settlement. The big boss refused to bow down under the government's rule to be one of the settlements controlled by them."

"That's why the government wants her head, and she has to take precautions."

"Ah, I see…." Yang Zhang nodded while imagining the situation happening to the Big boss. This kind of human-exclusive settlement must've been difficult to defend because none of the people have the ability. So they have to compensate by being military-trained, or at least know how to use knives and guns like those in zombie movies without ability users.

"She is not that scary when you meet her. Let's go in," Old man Fei Mu opened the front door, and Yang Zhang followed from behind.

But Yang Zhang realized something just now.

'Wait, she?'

The old man walked to a room inside the house and opened the door. He entered first, whispered something to the Big boss, and then said to Yang Zhang standing outside, "You can come in Deng Fan."

Yang Zhang took a deep breath and slowly stepped in. He didn't know what to expect when he entered the room. Honestly, in his imagination, Big boss should be a middle-aged man with a big build and muscle. His vision was that of Big Boss from the Metal Gear Franchise.

But since the boss was a woman, he expected a military-style tomboy woman.

But when he stood in front of the Big boss, all of that expectation flew to the window.

The Big boss was considered a young woman compared to his expectation. She was probably in her late twenties, maybe around 27 years old.

She had short, black hair and wore a leather jacket with tight-fitting black jeans.

She didn't seem to be the kind of woman you'd want to mess up within the normal world pre-apocalypse.

But to be a Big boss of a human settlement in the apocalypse? That was quite amazing.

"I will be guarding the door outside," old man Fei Mu said as he walked out.

The Big boss squinted at Yang Zhang, observing him from head to toe, and the latter stood straight immediately like a soldier.

"Your name is Deng Fan, right?" Big boss asked.

"Y—Yes, Miss…"

"Miss?" The Big boss raised her brows. "You called me Miss?"

"Um… is that wrong?"

There was a slight pause from the Big boss, and then she chuckled, "Okay, that's quite nice, I guess. But this is not the place for you to call me Miss. I am the Big boss of this human-exclusive settlement."

"Call me Big boss or by my code name, Kobra."

"Miss Kobra…" Yang Zhang mumbled the name of the Big boss.

'Bet she is snake type and evolved from Ekans,' Yang Zhang thought.

"You can address me as Boss Kobra, just like how the rest of the people here called me. But…" Kobra got up from her seat. Yang Zhang was surprised when she saw that Kobra was a lot taller than he expected.

In fact, Yang Zhang was only at her bust level, and he was 175 centimeters! So, Kobra must be around 183 centimeters or more.

Kobra walked towards Yang Zhang and then circled around him. Her eyes were checking on every side of this young recruit.

Kobra spotted something, but she said nothing and returned to her seat. She seemed to be picking on something but quickly hid whatever she took behind her back.

Kobra returned to Yang Zhang and stood behind the young man. Kobra leaned in and whispered, "Since you've called me Miss before, I guess you can call me Miss Kobra. It's nicer to hear."

Yang Zhang felt his hair stand up when Miss Kobra whispered on his ear so closely, and his cheeks also reddened because he was never this close to a woman before.

"Your name is Deng Fan, right?" Miss Kobra asked, still whispering in Yang Zhang's ear.

"Y—Yes, Miss…"

"Well, Deng Fan—" Miss Kobra paused for a second, and Yang Zhang could feel a cold muzzle of a pistol touched his left temple.

"Care to tell me about the little friends inside your jacket pocket?"

Thank you for reading! ^^

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