
Must I fall in Love?

Toyomi is a girl who receives compliments everywhere she goes. Her beauty is so striking that she gets asked out by many boys and men often stare at her. However, all of this attention has become overwhelming for Toyomi. She finds it tiring and considers herself too lucky. In fact, there was a time when she almost got raped, leading her to feel even more uncomfortable with the attention she receives from boys. Toyomi is finding it hard to decide whether to get a boyfriend in the hope that it will reduce the unwanted attention she receives. But she is also finding it difficult to fall in love with someone she doesn't want to. She is struggling with this dilemma and often asks herself the question, "must I fall in love with someone I don't want to?"

Sapphire_lynn80 · LGBT+
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2 Chs


Yuki was excited to see Toyomi in the morning. Toyomi was feeling both nervous and depressed. They both went to Toshihiro's class at lunch. When Yuki called out to Toshihiro, everyone stared at her. "Oh, Toshi, you're so lucky!" a boy said.

Toshihiro was confused, he didn't refuse to come out, Yuki with a smile, took Toyomi's hand and placed it in Toshihiro's, everyone was shocked, they all yelled and began to chant Toshihiro's name. "Come on, let's go!" Yuki said as she dragged both of them to the rooftop. 

"I've never met you before but I've heard about you guys, why did you bring me here?" Toshihiro asked, Yuki gave Toyomi a gentle nudge as she moved to Toshihiro. "Well, um...hi, I'm Toyomi and yes you've heard about me and you also heard I almost got raped" She sighed and continued, "...the thing is, you know what I'm passing through right now and you're the only person that has never asked me out before, so I want you to help me, I'll do anything!" Toyomi clasped her hands together, pleading with him.

Toshihiro shook his head and smiled, he held her hands, "Calm down, don't you think you're going too far by saying you'll do anything? It's okay, I'll help you". Toyomi blinked, her mind was racing with so many questions, It was that easy? He didn't complain?

Yuki gave Toshihiro a handshake before turning to Toyomi and giving her a tight hug, Toshihiro was a cool guy, simple and straightforward, "I now declare you...Couples!!" Yuki said as she jumped into the air with a smile. 

Later, during closing hours, Yuki didn't meet up with Toyomi as usual, instead, Toshihiro arrived, "Are you ready to go?" Toyomi was confused, she then realized Yuki must have set it up, and she sighed, "Alright, fine" She began to walk away, Toshihiro followed and squeezed her hand in his, Toyomi almost shrieked, "We must make a good impression", He said with a smile. 

Toyomi didn't feel good, she wanted to know more about him, so she began to question him. "You really want to do this?" She asked without looking at him, "Of course, I understand the way you feel right now, we can be friends first if you want", Toyomi was glad to hear that. 

That evening, Toyomi told her mother everything, and her mother, Mitsuru agreed to it, "That's fine darling! Oh and I'll be leaving tomorrow". Mitsuru received a call from an organization in Canada a few weeks ago and had been planning for her departure. Toyomi forced a smile as she replied to Mitsuru, "That's lovely mom, I hope your project goes well". 

By midnight, Toyomi was on her phone, she enjoyed chatting with Toshihiro, she considered him a friend, and she couldn't picture both of them together, even if she wanted to, she just couldn't see it. "I'll be all alone, huh?" she said to herself. Her phone vibrated, and Toshihiro had texted her, 'Hey, are you there, I was just wondering, how'd you get to be so sexy like that anyway?'. 

Toyomi shivered, it was the same question the man asked, the man who almost raped her, she was too terrified to reply so she switched the phone off and hid it. She buried her face in her pillow and wrapped herself up with her blanket. 

By the time Toyomi woke up, her mother was gone, Mitsuru had left her a note; I didn't want to disturb you dear, just so you know, I left by 4 am this morning, have a wonderful day at school. "Wonderful day?" Toyomi asked herself, she held the note in her hand and looked out the window, "I'm not going anywhere", she squeezed the paper and threw it in the bin. Her mother had gone and it was an opportunity for her, a very nice freedom she always wanted to feel. 

At school, Yuki wondered why Toyomi hadn't come today, "I texted her yesterday, she read the message but didn't reply" Toshihiro had told Yuki. Yuki then planned they'd come to Toyomi's house. When Toyomi found out Toshihiro tagged along, she was nervous. "Toyomi!! Wait, your mom isn't home, is she?" Yuki asked. 

Toyomi welcomed them both in, "Nope, she isn't, she left for Canada this morning, so I decided I wouldn't come to school...how was it? Mr Hiwa was in, wasn't he?" She asked as she brought chilled soda for them. 

Toshihiro nodded and sighed, "He was, he's terrible!", Yuki smiled and excused herself to leave. "Hey! you just got here!" Toyomi held Yuki's hand. 

"Listen, I have to run an errand for my mom, just make sure you come to school tomorrow, or else, I'll kill you!" Yuki smacked Toyomi's ass in an instant, "Ow! Yes ma'am! Bye Yuki" She waved her goodbye and shut the door.

Toyomi turned to Toshihiro, "Don't you have somewhere going?" She asked, Toshihiro stared at her from her head to her toes and smiled, "I thought you were going to let me stay for as long as I want" he stood up. Toyomi waved her hand, "It's okay, you can stay then, you can even stay for the night!" Immediately she said that she knew she'd regret it. 

Toshihiro's grin grew wider, "Thanks, do you have card games?", Toyomi nodded, she got the card games, and they played for hours, as time flew by, they got hungry, Toyomi decided to prepare food, and she enjoyed every moment with him, she couldn't believe it. 

It was past ten when Toyomi woke up to find herself on Toshihiro's body, she tried to stand up but he held her down, "Where are you going? You looked so cute when you were snoring" He said with a smile and let her go. 

"I'm sorry! I didn't even see this coming!" Toyomi said as she stood up and looked around for her phone, she then remembered she'd hidden it in her room, "It's past ten already darling" Toshihiro jumped up and stretched out his arms. 

Toyomi immediately began to sob, Toshihiro was confused, "Hey, why are you crying all of a sudden?" He hugged her and gave her a pat on the head. "You're a very nice person, Toshi, I want to love you but I find it very difficult to do that, I've never fallen in love with anyone before, I don't know if I really want to...". 

Toshihiro's grip grew tighter after hearing those words, he let out a sigh "It's okay, you don't have to force yourself to do so..." he took off his glasses and kept it in his pocket, "...you're perfect just the way you are".