
Patience is a virtue

Li mansion...

The sky was bright as the sun shone brightly. Some rays of sunlight peeked through the pale pink curtains. Ivy's eyes fluttered open, how long could she have slept?

She stretched as she got up from bed and went straight to the bathroom to freshen up. She felt dirty because she hadn't taken a bath before she slept. She came out after some time and went down the grand staircase and was greeted with a very sweet aroma.

She inhaled the scent and a smile crept up to her face as she exhaled. She walked towards the kitchen and was greeted by her brother serving some food on a plate.

"Good morning Xiao La... Ivy. How was your night?" he asked still backing her. He could notice her presence anywhere.

"It was okay"

"Of course, it should, you slept like a baby," he said as he turned around to face her, and approached her with his hands in his pocket.

"I-I'm sorry," she said, lowering her head in guilt.

"Huh? For what" he asked with confusion written all over his face.

"For making you worry the way you did ye..." he suddenly placed his index finger on her lips to shut her up.

"Shh, don't say that. Why would you apologize to me? I'm your elder brother and you're my responsibility. You may have grown up now but you're still a baby in my eyes, got that" he said, placing both hands on her shoulder and she nodded slightly with a little smile on her face.

"Now eat and get some rest, I'll be going out later," he said and he kissed her forehead.

"Where are you going," she said, now looking up at him.

"Not sure either. But I'm sure I'll be back before midnight," he smiled playfully while cupping her face like a delicate flower.

"Can I come along too?" she asked just when he was about to exit the kitchen.

"Ah... little one I can't risk your safety for anything. You have enemies everywhere and now everyone knows what you look like... it's just too risky to let you out"

"Oh, here we go again," she said rolling her eyes at him.

"Xiao... you..."

"Have you forgotten what I did back then when I was in high school"

Ivan chuckled slightly at her remark. She was in her first year of high school, he was in college, and he came to pick her up after school hours because he had witnessed what happened on that fateful day.

"Or in America," she continued "and let's not forget when a group of thugs tried to harass Mia and me back in college," he burst into laughter when he remembered all those things.

"If you don't mind, I can go on and on with the examples. I've been taking martial art classes since I was four, s..."

"Alright, alright little one, you win," he said, raising his hands in defeat.

"So that's a yes," it sounded more of a statement than a question as she scrutinized his face.

"But on one condition," he said, looking at her with a stern expression. She looked at him, eager to know this condition of his. She waited but he didn't say anything. She was getting impatient and she couldn't take it anymore.

"Speak up. What i..."

"Patience, little one. You see this word, patience, is a virtue. Patience is a virtue my dear and you have to cultivate it. I wonder how you became a businesswoman when you lack one of the most important qualities, patience"

"My dear brother, it's like you haven't heard of the saying, 'time is money,' and 'money Is time'. If I keep waiting, what am I going to gain? Nothing!" she said with her two hands raised by her side.

"Okay, okay I hear you," he said and he grabbed her hands and raised them before him. "My condition is... that you stay by my side at all times, if you can't do that, I might have to bring bodyguards along, okay?"

Her smiling face suddenly turned to a frown as the temperature of the room dropped, but the young man was unfazed and he looked back at her with the same intensity she looked at him.

"Fine," she said through gritted teeth.

"That's my girl," he said, ruffling her hair, and went out of the kitchen.


Qin villa...

"How's mom," Xavier asked with his phone in his hands, they just finished eating breakfast and Qin Zhan went up to check on her mom.

"She's okay, still sleeping and I don't want to disturb her from her sleep. She had a bad day yesterday," Xander said.

"That's good. You've suddenly become mature and speaking like a true man... hmm," Xavier looked up in contemplation. "I like it," he said and Xander's eyes widened like saucers. Did this brother of his just compliment him?! that too for the first time? this calls for a celebration.

"Brother I'll be going out with a friend. Can you come along, please?" he asked pouting.

"Then who's going to take care of mom?"

Xander thought for a while before he answered. "Xiao Zhan is here, she'll do it"

"Just when I thought you were getting matured, I take back what I said to you earlier," Xavier said, rolling his eyes and returning his gaze to his phone.

Xander was frozen on the spot. His brother just complimented him, it wasn't up to a minute and he just ruined it. 'Stupid, stupid fool," he scolded himself inwardly smacking his forehead a couple of times. He quickly got over it as usual and continued.

"Brother, I know what your next excuse will be," he smirked. "You'll say that you have some important work, I also know that you used that as an excuse yesterday to stop the discussion about you and Miss Ivy," he said crossing his arms, smiling triumphantly.

"So?" Xavier asked in his usual flat tone, waiting for his brother to tell him where he was heading with this conversation.

'The fact that I knew his true intention didn't shake him a little bit. What kind of human is this?' Xander thought in frustration.

"Oh, please brother, I'm begging you. Please follow me," he pleaded with his hands. He almost knelt before this Stone-hearted brother of his.

"Girls chase me everywhere I go, it's not my fault that I have a pretty face y'know," he said with pride. "And I can't fight ladies, it's wrong. If they see you, they'll stand still because of your godly beauty. Your aura alone will do the work. And if there are some of them like Lisa, they'll be very few. That way, there'll be no hurting of any lady. Please just agree to my request this once. Be a brother in need for once," he begged.

He waited a while for a reply but no reply. Just as he was about to give up and turn away a voice made him stand still.

Sorry, my dear readers. This week has been really tight, so I'll be updating on weekends. Love y'all

Lili_Jcreators' thoughts