
Mushroom House: I have a wonderful zoo

He is the most mysterious backstage financier in the entertainment industry! They have become popular one after another. But at the peak of his career, he chose to live in seclusion in the countryside! It has opened a 'wonderful zoo'. I thought I would live a leisurely and full life here, but unexpectedly, I became a neighbor of the fourth quarter of "The Life of Desire"! Liu Tianxian: Wow! This parrot can sing "Look at the girl opposite"! Boss Yang: Can I play with your python? Huang Lei: Why is a brown bear so good at cooking? Pumbaa: I'm not as good as an orangutan in dancing

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18 Chs

Chapter 18: What's in your box

Peng Yichang and Zhang Zifeng are not very familiar with Liu Yifei, and some of them are standing there listening to He Jiong and Liu Yifei.

Tang Zhan, however, could not control his heart.

When he saw the fairy sister, he found that Liu Yifei was more attractive than on the screen!

So Tang Zhan could not wait to show himself in front of Liu Yifei. He looked and saw that Liu Yifei was dragging a large suitcase in his hand. He opened his mouth to interrupt her and He Jiong and said, "Fairy sister, let me help you with your luggage!"

Without Liu Yifei's consent, Tang Zhan reached out for the pull rod of the big suitcase.

He wanted Liu Yifei to show himself in front of him and brush off Liu Yifei's good feeling for himself.

However, Tang Zhan's action also hides some thoughts of caution. Instead of extending his hand to other places, he went straight to Liu Yifei holding the hand of the lever.

Tang Zhan deliberately wanted to take this opportunity and pretend to "accidentally" touch Liu Yifei's green white hands.

But although Liu Yifei is kind, she has also made her debut for many years. She has experienced many storms. How can she not see Tang Zhan's caution?

Her impression of Tang Zhan became very bad.

Liu Yifei quietly released her hand and let Tang Zhan pounce. Seeing Tang Zhan's face showing regret, Liu Yifei resisted nausea and said, "Thank you."

Tang Zhan is not discouraged. In his opinion, Liu Yifei will stay in the mushroom house for at least one night. For such a long time, he can always find a chance to kiss Fangze.

Concealing the regret of not meeting the small hand, Tang Zhan smiled with what he thought was the most charming smile and said, "You're welcome. This is what I should do."

He Jiong, who just had a panoramic view of the scene, rushed over to separate Liu Yifei and Tang Zhan, and then said to Liu Yifei, "Yifei, hurry into the room, Miss Huang will be ready for dinner soon!"

Liu Yifei smiled and said, "OK."

Tang Zhan, who was blocked by He Jiong, felt for the first time that He Jiong, an old man in the entertainment circle, was also so annoying.

Seeing other people accompanying Liu Yifei to the mushroom house, Tang Zhan picked up his suitcase and was ready to follow.

Originally, Liu Yifei dragged the big box, but Tang Zhan wanted to show his masculinity, so he wanted to bring it to her.

But this mention of Tang Zhan found that the big box was surprisingly heavy.

Just a few centimeters from the ground, Tang Zhan had to put the box down again and hit the ground with a "bang".

Tang Zhan said in his heart: Nima, is this too heavy?

What's in it?

Hearing that Tang Zhan made a noise in the back, several people in front could not help looking back to see him. Liu Yifei knew what was going on at a glance, and deliberately smiled and said, "I brought some special products with me this time. The box is a little heavy. Can you lift it?"

Tang Zhan thought the box was so heavy, so he might as well drag it to the mushroom house like Liu Yifei just did. But when Liu Yifei asked, he immediately boasted: "No problem! This box is not heavy!"

In front of the goddess, Tang Zhan doesn't want to show his incompetence.

"That's troublesome for you!" Liu Yifei said lightly, leaving him alone and continuing to walk to the mushroom house with others.

Liu Yifei and the other three walked in front of each other, talking and laughing, relaxed.

But Tang Zhan held his goddess's big box at the back and went to the mushroom house for a short time. He was so surprised that he was suffocated red and the blue veins on his neck came out.

He thought it was more difficult to walk than the road to learn the lessons.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room had two different reactions.

"Hahaha, if you want to be strong enough, just your small body, and want to show off in front of the fairy sister, you should!"

This is an ordinary audience who doesn't like Tang Zhan.

"Wuwu, it hurts to fight. To carry such a big box, the conscience of those people in front of us has been eaten by the dog! What fairy sister, who is clearly the devil, let us fight so hard!"

This is a fan who loves Tang Zhan.

Tang Zhan, holding a large suitcase, finally fell behind and entered the mushroom house. When he put down the suitcase, he felt that his life was half gone.

Tang Zhan kept panting and looked at Liu Yifei. He thought he could always get two words of comfort from the goddess if he worked so hard?

However, Liu Yifei just said "thank you" without any pain, and there was no more.

This left Tang Zhan with a huge gap in his heart. For the first time, he had a bad idea about Liu Yifei, but he immediately comforted himself, saying that this was Liu Yifei's reserve. Maybe someone else's personality is the same as her temperament, so cold?

Tang Zhan also confirmed his idea of establishing a good relationship with Liu Yifei.

As for the relationship

Tang Zhan sneered twice in his heart.

How much has he suffered now? Then he will double his money from Liu Yifei!

He Jiong glanced at Tang Zhan, whose face was flushed with fatigue. Although he felt that he was suffering from his own mistakes, he was really a soft-hearted old man. He went to fetch a cup of water to Tang Zhan and said, "It's hard to fight."

Tang Zhan took the water and drank it down with his head up. Then he insincerely said thank you.

He Jiong looked at Liu Yifei's big box and asked, "Yifei, what do you have in this box?"

Liu Yifei dragged the box two meters away from Tang Zhan, then opened the box and said, "I brought you some fruit!"

The box was open, and sure enough, it was full of fruit.