
Mushroom family in another world

The story is about a single mother and her two children reincarnated into another world, where they become...mushrooms Together they rebuilt the village in the countryside. Together with people in another world. But it seems that life in another world is not as simple as the mother imagined, as forces collide with each other. A mother and her children need to do more to survive in this world. Because nothing in life is beautiful and peaceful forever. It will always get dirty someday.

Hysteria_Hope · Fantasi
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132 Chs

Exchange party

Under Spipi's skilled legs, the party set was finally completed. Mae was a bit shy when wearing this brand new outfit.

"Thank you very much, Spipi"- Mae

"Ki ki ki, you're too complimentary. I used the knowledge I learned and applied it to this work" - Spipi smiled.

"The outfit suits me very well, you've worked hard" - Mae

"The carriage is ready, Madam Mae" - Grayce

Mae nodded as if she understood, she followed Grayce to the carriage, but what surprised Mae was how she could own such a luxurious looking carriage. . She turned to look at Grayce and he just smiled, and she immediately understood.

Step inside and sit down, the material inside is quite good, still lingering with the scent of new fabric. Mae did not expect that the skills of the blacksmiths in her village were so meticulous and sophisticated that they could make this carriage in just a short time.

She herself is a monster who first entered the merchant industry. Every merchant owns something to trade that can prove the merchant's value. Because Mae is a monster, an extremely rare case, there is an even greater need to prove her worth.

Everyone knows that not all low-level monsters have the intelligence to become merchants, which brings a lot of notoriety to the merchant industry. It will definitely cause a huge scandal.

"Madam Mae, I have some advice, do you want to hear it?" - Grayce

"Advice?"- Mae


That party was held in a building located in the center of Drakenberg, richly dressed merchants were there, when Mae's carriage stopped, Grayce and Loya got out of the carriage first and then they bow down.

"We're here, Madam Mae" - Grayce

"Please tread carefully, Madam Mae" - Loya

When Mae stepped down from the carriage, the merchants were very surprised. Mae was wearing an outfit that was a green vest with very delicate yellow lines, not to mention the highlight of the bow on her neck.

It is an emerald stone, one of the very valuable jewelry stones.

The guard held out his hand, indicating an invitation. Grayce stepped forward and handed the letter to the other guard. He read the letter and glanced at Mae.

"Please come inside, enjoy the party"

Mae didn't say anything but just smiled slightly and went inside with her two servants. Inside was a large space, with a long line full of food on both sides, most of the guests were here. are all merchants or nobles. It seems they are all famous people in society.


[Warning: There are many signs of black magic]

[Danger level: 40%]


'40%? As expected, there's really something wrong with this party'- Mae thought

A few days ago, Mae received a mysterious document sent to her, inside was important information about the guests who would be attending that party, along with the document was an anonymous letter.

The content of the letter said that at the party there would be insiders from different countries, the documents were necessary information. At first Mae was a bit skeptical about the person who sent it to her, it was very likely that this was a trick to her. Because how could an unknown monster like Mae be assigned this secret mission? It was indeed very suspicious. But if we don't try, how can we verify the authenticity of the letter?

Currently, Mae is pretending to enjoy the glass of wine in her hand, but in reality she hasn't been able to take a sip yet because there are so many eyes watching her around.

Made her very stressed.

"Hey, is that the rumored walking mushroom?"

"It seems like that, why did that monster show his face at this party?"

"This is the Godfather's party, how dare that monster come there?"

"I heard that monster sells fake honey."

"You're not joking, are you? Honey is a very precious food, it symbolizes the Archdemon of Sloth."

"Isn't that an insult?"

The gossip had finally begun, Mae knew they were saying those mean words on purpose to humiliate her. Suddenly she felt uncomfortable hearing such words, the words became more and more malicious. It reminded her of the cruelty of those in her old world.



[Level of disorder: 34%...46%...67%]

[Exceeding allowed]

[Automatic recovery...]


[Automatic recovery...]



The sound of the Eri system echoing in her head made Mae dizzy, she tried to stay as calm as possible.

"I heard that that monster's child went to a magic academy."

"Isn't that right? There must have been some misunderstanding."

"It seems so, there is no way that monster's child can study there."

"Because monsters are stupid mongrels"

Hearing that, it seemed to make Mae pause, what did they just say? Are you talking about her daughter?

"It seems like I underestimated you guys" - Mae

They can say cruel things to her.

"I thought that merchants learned manners and treated each other equally" - Mae

But if they dare to talk about her children. 

"It seems I was wrong, you guys are behaving like a bunch of ordinary people with no manners" - Mae

That's taboo.


[Automatic recovery successful]

[Level of disorder: 20%]


"What...what did you say?!"

"A mongrel like you should know your place!"

"Monsters have no place in this society."

As expected, as she predicted, the merchants were really quick to anger because they had too big an ego. She had only said a few words and was already making such a fuss.

"I don't care what you guys tell me, but my child's admission to the magic academy is all thanks to their own strength. Otherwise, how would my child have been accepted into the position of expedition magicians?" - Mae

"It's definitely just luck, that's for sure"

"That's ridiculous, do you really think that luck applies to admission? Did you forget that it's a prestigious magic academy that can only admit talented people to enter there?" If I remember correctly, there are some people here whose children cannot enroll?" - Mae


"Ah, I remember something, you are the mother of the child who along with the vice principal's son bullied me and my daughter. No wonder you look familiar" - Mae

The incident on the day of admission was a very famous scandal, with the image of a group of students blocking the path of two walking mushrooms. Not only that, the actions of the vice principal's son also implicated the children accompanying him. It also tarnishes the name of the kids' family.

Looking at the unsightly faces of those people made Mae chuckle.

"After all, they are just children. Children need to be taught more carefully, especially parents" - Mae

Then there were whispers and discussions, it seemed like Mae had done exactly what Grayce advised.



"Eh? Would that really be that effective?"- Mae

"Yes, it's important to correctly address the weaknesses of those people. Because they don't want to have a bad reputation among the crowd" - Grayce

"If we talk about weaknesses, that reminds me, the incident at the academy is also very big. There's still no sign of the heat slowing down" - Mae

"A rate of 67.34% will make the people there angry" - Loya

"So, Madam Mae, there's nothing bad about saying those words. You're just turning yourself into a victim and rebelling against those people" - Grayce


'I didn't expect it to be so successful, now those people can't say anything' - Mae thought

"You mongrel!"

A guy in the crowd approached Mae, he raised his hand to give her a slap. Mae closed her eyes, preparing for physical impact, but then a figure stood in front of her, blocking the other man's attack.

"Oh my god, please don't use violence at my party. Don't you remember this?"

"You are...."

Suddenly the man's face became distorted when he was hit by the middle-aged man.

"You are Mescal!"

"That's "Godfather"!"

Immediately everyone became silent and bowed down to pay their respects to the horned man. Mae looked towards that man and felt a bit familiar. So this is the host of this party.

Mescal turned towards Mae, a friendly smile on the man's face.

"I think this gentleman needs to relearn how to not physically impact women, right?" - Mescal

"I'm just teaching this monster!"

"This monster you speak of, does it mean Madam Mae?" - Mescal


A loud sound of broken bones rang out, startling the whole room. The man's scream rang out as he hugged his wrist painfully, blood pouring out from the man's broken fingernails. The scream scared the others, Mescal looked at the man contemptuously.

"It looks like this guest has a health problem, please take him for treatment" - Mescal

The servants stepped forward and picked up the man and took him out of the party. Everyone still couldn't recover after witnessing the scene just now. Mescal calmly threw the bloody glove on the ground and smiled as if nothing had happened.

"Sorry to interrupt the party, everyone please continue to enjoy" - Mescal

Everyone smiled awkwardly and then returned to the party as if they hadn't seen anything. Mescal turned towards Mae, she was a bit scared by his actions just now. She was wary of what he would do next.

"I'm truly sorry for making you witness what just happened, Madam Mae. This was supposed to be an exchange party, but I didn't expect that flat-headed people would appear here" - Mescal

"Do you know who I am?"- Mae

"Of course, in the merchant industry, I'm the manager at Drakengard. So there's no one I don't know who works in this industry" - Mescal

Mae looked at Mescal, it seemed like she felt something from that man. It seems that he is not an ordinary person at all. As if understanding Mae's gaze, Mescal immediately suggested a way.

"We shouldn't talk here. Should we go somewhere private to talk?"- Mescal