
Mushoku Tensei - Legitimately Employed Reincarnation

A working man replaces the NEET isekai'd to the world of Mushoku Tensei. Science, magic, and lewd hijinks ensue. Mushoku Tensei. In this case you could call it Seigyou Tensei - Legitimately Employed Reincarnation Original Autor: sinereal

Cronos_512 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter 3

The price of bronze turned out to be cheaper than any of the available metals, and at Roxy's suggestion I figured the footage for just the pipes and skipped the tanks. Instead, I asked for a couple of bars on top of the piping I would need. Since Earth magic could shape metal, even if it was expensive in terms of mana cost, I could make the fixtures and thread everything myself. Additionally, part of the two bars would go into each tank for their germicidal properties—all I really needed to do was spread it thin and apply a layer to the inside.

While I was making plans as I exited the smithy, on my way to find Roxy where she had been mobbed by villagers with requests for healing, something drew my attention. A flash of color in the corner of my vision. Green hair?

I caught the tail end of a white jacket, followed by a group of four boys running into an alley. I almost turned away, but something about the situation seemed wrong. A nagging feeling in my gut. After a moment thinking it over, I realized what it was. I knew those looks. That wasn't a group of kids at play, that was a group of brats chasing after someone. Having been on the receiving end of that before…

Roxy's busy, she can wait a few minutes. Let's go see what's up, I decided, and hurried after the group. It didn't take long to find them after I entered the little alley between buildings, barely big enough for a large kid to squeeze through, let alone an adult—less of an alley than a crack between buildings because whoever built them hadn't just put them right up against one another. All I had to do was follow the laughter. And the sobbing. Back behind the buildings, in a little space made where a shed and a stable backed up against them for easy access, I found them.

It was pretty dark, but I could make out what was going on well enough. Four boys throwing rocks and what looked like petrified chunks of horse shit from the stable at a fifth, all the while laughing and jeering about 'demon' this and 'demon' that.

I'll admit, I reacted without thinking. Luckily for them, as pissed as I was at what I was seeing, I wouldn't indiscriminately open fire on kids. My line of fire wasn't clear, after all. No, I was going to be very discriminate in my choice of targets and the weapon tool I used to get the job done.

A wall of earth sprang up between the brats and their target. "What the—?!" one of them had enough time to react, before a deluge of water from a Waterfall spell set off overhead soaked the four of them.

They panicked and looked around, finally spotting me. "Run home. Now."

"Demon lover!" one of them pointed and yelled. I raised my hand and sent a Water Ball flying at him. It landed at his feet, exploding and throwing up a shower of mud and freshly wet horse shit that coated all four.

"I'm not throwing horse pucky, you little shit buckets. If I hit you, you aren't going to get back up without a healing spell. Now, fuck off and stay fucked off."

They fucked off, at speed.

I allowed the wall to crumble into a line of dirt, that quickly became mud in the mess I had made. On the other side, I found the boy? watching the kids run. I stepped closer and found myself questioning whether this was actually a boy—hair slightly too long for a boy, small sculpted nose, small cute lips, pointed chin, porcelain skin, facial shape. Yeah, that's a girl. Cutie patootie, really.

"You okay?" I asked, checking her over as I got within reach. She was dirty—her clothes, half her face, and her hair covered in small cuts and bruises, dirt, and dried horse shit.

"I-I'm fine," she murmured.

"Alright, stand up and come over here," I said, offering her a hand and helping her up when she took it. For some reason, the girl actually followed my directions. "Now, lean forward a bit," I instructed, moving to the side.

"Like this?" she asked. Once she had, I conjured a Water Ball. Not wanting to just douse her with cold water, I cast a fire spell in the other hand and used it to warm the water sphere up to a comfortable temperature. She watched, wide eyed, as I worked. "Okay, hold still. Close your eyes and hold your breath."

As soon as she had, I doused her. Instead of releasing my control over the water and letting it fall, I instead used it to gently scrub at her hair and face. It was only a few seconds, but that's all it really took. When I was done, I pulled away the muddy water, leaving her hair and skin slightly damp but otherwise clean. Now that she was clean, I could see her hair was an emerald green color. I distinctly recalled Roxy had said something about running away from people with green hair because they're all murder hobos.

No, wait, it's green hair and a red gem in their forehead. She doesn't have a gem. Red eyes though. Pretty. Nice elf ears, too. Bet she'll be a real knockout in about ten years. Prime fantasy waifu material. And adorable, to boot. Protecc!

Discarding the water behind me, I smiled down at her. "Much better," I praised her, casting an air spell in one hand and a fire spell in the other to create a warm breeze and dry her hair and face after hitting her with a silent heal. "Hey, there isa girl under all that dirt!"

The girl in question blushed. "T-thanks."

"Don't worry about it. Those guys were assholes. I'm Rudeus, but you can call me Rudy."

"Syl…ph," she whispered, trailing off at the end.

I thought I heard something more there, so I asked her to repeat herself. "Sorry, didn't catch that. Could you speak up?" I didn't want to embarrass her about being shy, but it couldn't be helped.


I sent her a grin. "That's a pretty name. So, do you prefer Sylph, Sylphie, Fie, or Sylphiette?"

She considered it for a moment before bashfully asking, "Sylphie?"

"Sylphie it is, then," I nodded. "So, where were you headed, Sylphie?"

Sylphie hesitated before answering, "I-I was just going home from taking my father lunch."

I hummed quietly, considering her. Bullied by the village kids for her hair color. Probably doesn't have any friends her own age. Roxy is great, but she's not going to be around forever. That girl has a serious case of wanderlust, and I don't blame her. Better for me if I make a friend in the village that I can talk to after she goes, and if those other idiots are any indication then I think most of them will be a lost cause until they get older. Sure, I imagine it's not exactly going to be the sort of adult conversation I'm used to with Roxy, but I need to start dealing with people 'my own age' sooner or later.And there's always the fact that if things work out, even if she's just a kid now, I can give her a nudge or two in the right direction and make a friend I can relate to.

Better for Sylphie if I introduce her to another 'demon.' Better for Roxy if I can convince her to try tutoring Sylphie too, maybe—if she turns out to be any good. I know she enjoys teaching. There's just the issue of pay… Eh, fuck it. I'll ask. Worst that can happen is she says no. With that decided, I beamed a smile at her and took her hand. "Come on, let's go find my errant master. I'm sure she's around here somewhere. Probably got distracted. I'll introduce you, you'll like her. We can talk on the way.

"E-eh?! O-okay. But why? Why would you want me to come with you?"

This age and already starting to doubt others' intentions. Clever girl. If she didn't, I'd worry I'd found a naif. Still workable, but I'd have to fix that too.

"Because I think you two will get along. Also, in case those brats come back. Let me guess, they were bullying you because of your hair resembling the Superd?" I asked, earning a nod in answer.

"It doesn't bother you?"

I shook my head. "Nah, it's pretty. Could stand to be a little longer. At least shoulder length." I had preferences. Short hair only worked on certain builds, but long hair worked on almost any girl. I ignored the dirty old man in me complaining that you couldn't make handlebars with short hair. "Besides, my master is a Migurd with pretty blue hair." Naturally blue, not that fugly dyed crap of old Earth, that tended to work the same way coloration on frogs did. "So no, your hair color doesn't bother me."

Turning to look at her more closely, I asked, "If you don't mind me asking, what race are you? Elven?"

Biting her lower lip, Sylphie murmured, "I'm mixed. Beast-kin and half-elf. My mother is human with beast-kin lineage and my father is half-elf, the other half is human."

"Neat," I hummed quietly, earning a surprised look from Sylphie.

Sylphie worried at her bottom lip for a while as we walked through the village in somewhat awkward silence, drawing the occasional curious look from the villagers but not much else. Awkward on her part, I was perfectly happy to just enjoy the company. Yeah, Roxie's bookish nature and my own clicked really well and when we weren't talking each others' ear off about magic, both of us were perfectly happy just sitting and reading a book for hours. She had gotten into our small supply of them fairly quickly and devoured what she hadn't already read.

"May I ask… why are you protecting me?"

I blinked, pulled from my thoughts. Sending the young girl a confused look, I said, "It's the right thing to do."

"But the others will shun you. They might even gang up on you!"

Rolling my eyes, I created a Water Ball and fired it up into the air, where it exploded a hundred or so feet up before coming down over the village as a short sprinkle. "I can take care of myself if they gang up on me. And I don't care if they shun me. I wouldn't want to hang around those idiots anyway. As long as I have at least one friend I can talk to, I'm happy." Turning back to her, I found Sylphie looking wide-eyed and awed at the display of magic. "So, want to be friends?"

"Y-yes!" she squeaked. "How did you do that?"

I chuckled, holding out a hand and conjuring another ball of water. "Oh, this?" Sylphie nodded. "Well, I've been learning magic from Roxy—"

"Rudeus!" the woman in question called, hurrying over from one of the few side streets in town. "I saw the spell. Is something wrong?" she asked, looking around with a somewhat concerned expression as she held her staff ready.

Chuckling quietly, I engaged anime protagonist idle animation number 1: sheepish head rubbing. "Sorry, Roxy. No, everything's fine. Well, mostly. There was some trouble, but I took care of it. I was just showing Sylphie here magic. But hey, it's great that you came! I was looking for you anyway." Clearing my throat, I pushed Sylphie out ahead of me, between me and Roxy. "Sylphie, this is Water-saint Mage Roxy Migurdia. Roxy, this is Sylphiette. I found her being beaten up by a couple of brats and sent them packing."

Roxy examined the girl briefly before nodding. "Pleased to meet you." Meeting my eyes, she asked, "Did you hurt them?"

I shot her a hurt look. "Do I look like the kind of idiot who beats up kids?"

"Paul is your father," she pointed out, and I winced.

That is a very fair point. The man's a meathead, very much an 'act first, think later' type, and she's been here long enough to figure that out. And even if I've got years on him, the saying that you are the average of the five people you know still holds true. Somewhere in here, I'm an average of Paul.

"No, I didn't hurt them. Cast an Earth Wall to separate them, then cooled them off with a Waterfall. Scared them off with a Water Ball when it looked like they were still feeling froggy."

Roxy silently mouthed that last part in confusion before shaking her head. Looking at Sylphie, she asked, "Where are your parents?"

"Fa-father is on watch at the forest. Mother should be at home."

Humming, the bluenette nodded. "Take us to her, please."

Sylphie turned away, heading down the street Roxy had just come from and I found myself pulled along when she didn't let go of my hand. Chuckling quietly to myself, I turned a look up at Roxy. "So," I drew the word out and Roxy raised an eyebrow. "How would you feel about a tagalong for our lessons?"

The little mage fell silent as we walked, following Sylphie as she lead us to her home. Eventually, she gave a single nod. "I'll test her."

"Great. I have a theory," Roxy sent me an amused look. "If she can cast, I want to see if I can teach my way. My line of thinking on this is that it may just be easier for kids to do it my way, because they haven't learned the other way yet and it's not set in stone in their minds."

"A psychological hurdle, as opposed to an inability on the part of an older caster?"

"If that word means what I think it means, yes," I agreed.

"A problem in the mind."

I sent her a smile. "Yeah. That's what I'm thinking. One test case isn't enough to prove it, but it won't hurt to try."

"See what her mother thinks first," Roxy murmured as Sylphie turned to a specific house and began pulling us inside.

"Mom! I'm home! I brought," she glanced over her shoulder at us before those red eyes found my green, "friends."

As it turned out, Sylphie's mom knew Roxy—or at least, they had met in the village on occasion. Roxy explained the situation and I wound up getting a hug for my trouble. When Roxy asked if she could take on Sylphie as a student, the girl's mother happily agreed. And that was how my second future waifu joined us as Roxy spent the day teaching her the basics while occasionally giving me direction or the odd suggestion. Not that I actually decided that on the spot like I did with Roxy.

Years down the line, she confessed that she decided it herself that day.

That evening, we returned home late, to find Paul waiting on the porch. He stood as he saw us approach, his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face. "Roxy, please go inside," he requested, but it came out as a command. "Rudy, do you know why I'm angry?"

"No?" I asked, shooting Roxy a confused look.

The mage sighed, stepping between me and Paul. "Paul, listen."

"This is between me and—"

A whispered phrase left Roxy's lips and a microburst filled the yard, shutting Paul up as the wind slapped him. "Be silent." Paul's jaw flexed and he glared, but he shut his mouth. "There was an incident in the village today. Laws' daughter, Sylphiette, was attacked by a group of older boys. Rudeus broke up the fight and brought her to me. I confirmed what happened and he acted within reason. I've taken her on as a second student. Let this be the end of it."

As she spoke, Paul visibly deflated. "What? But no, Mrs. Ada came by looking for me earlier. Rudy hit her boy, Somar. What's this about Sylphiette? Somebody is lying here—"

"Who is more likely to lie to you? Your son's teacher, or a young boy who doesn't want his crime known?"

Paul's hand scrubbed over his face and he sighed. "I guess you're right. I was wrong to doubt either of you."

I reached up and tugged on Roxy's sleeve. She looked down and I quietly asked, "Who's Mrs. Ada?"

Roxy jerked her head in the direction of the closest house. "Neighbor."

The neighbor? The one always watching Paul when he's out practicing? I blinked, before frowning. Ah. I see. Pretty face and a nice set of tits. Glad to know you'll trust a stranger's word over giving your own son the benefit of the doubt, just because she's your type.

Sure, I was a little angry, but mostly I was disappointed. It felt like he just didn't trust me.

Before I could dwell on the thought, Roxy's hand found my shoulder and she pushed gently, following along as she guided me inside. "What happened?" Zenith asked, upon seeing my surly expression and Roxy's own annoyed face.

The little mage explained as she directed me to the table, where places had already been set. When she finished, Zenith's eyes twitched. "Excuse me a moment."

The blonde's chair scraped as she stood, before heading outside where Paul still hadn't come back in. The door closed and shortly after, we heard a smack! echo from outside, followed by Zenith yelling, "Idiot! That's what you call 'handling it?!'"

Dinner was a tense affair, with Paul on the receiving end of hostile looks from all three of the women of the house. I ate in silence as I watched, carefully hiding the fact that I enjoyed his suffering. Teach you to be a dick.

Eventually, food was finished and I decided to bring up the original reason for the trip to the village. "So, I've got an idea. I'm tired of bucket baths. Between Roxy and I, we have enough magic to build most of what we need to make a real tub and a hot water tank, along with something better than a box over a hole in the ground to crap in…"

I went on to explain what I wanted, with some help from Roxy and occasionally using earth magic to make some low detail scale models. Convincing Paul and Zenith to part with the money, especially since we'd have to pay up front to cover the cost of having that much bronze carted into town from the city, was actually kind of difficult until I finally broke down and spelled it out for them that nightly baths meant better sex. Also, higher likelihood of conception. Well, more along the lines that I asked Roxy to pass that detail along the next day. Zenith had Paul convinced by that night. I was pretty sure, by the look in Lilia's eyes, she was getting ideas herself.

Our routine changed a little over the following year. Sylphie was included in our little group and began learning magic. I started learning more advanced lessons from Roxy while, after practicing with her at night, I began teaching her what I could remember of science. Roxy was brilliant as ever and picked things up at an amazing pace. Her only stumbling block was still silent casting. It was only a small sore point for her when Sylphie managed to get silent casting within a few hours of me explaining the same visualization process I'd used with Roxy, but the little mage decided to put it down to my theory on those without prior experience having an easier time learning it.

The order of pipes came in eventually and finally, after four miserable years of 'whore baths' as they had been called in my previous life, I had my first real shower and bath. I'd like to say it was amazing and everything I'd hoped for…

But coincidentally, I also had my first cold shower after someone ran out all the hot water fucking in the tub. Magic meant I could sterilize the tub with fire, cut off the cold shower, run a tub full of cold water, then heat that for a hot bath without having to walk outside, climb the tower, and refill and heat the hot water tank. But my shower was ruined and I had to make do with a bath. Well, at least it was big enough to completely submerge myself in.

Needless to say, the whole 'running hot water' thing was an immediate success. Following that, the flush toilet with (warm water) bidet was also a huge hit. Sure, water pressure wasn't great, and it was not something I had ever used myself on Earth (I had pretty much reverse engineered from the idea of the thing and not having seen one, but a basic valve, pipe, and spigot pointed up weren't hard to make), but it was better than straw or cloth strips.

The biggest hurdle to getting a bath put in was space. The house wasn't exactly huge. It was large for what it was, but every room was in use. The toilet went downstairs and replaced the shit-box, but the tub was too big to fit and even after I sank the shit underground and turned the soil with earth magic there was a lingering stench. So, I had to do some fast talking when it was time to actually set everything up.

I would sacrifice my bedroom to turn it into a communal bathroom. Roxy agreed to allow my bed to be moved into her room. She offered to sleep with Lilia, but I managed to talk her out of it privately—mostly by reminding her of my promise not to spill her secret, so she could continue her nightly self-exploration without Lilia potentially saying something. She apparently decided it was better to risk the devil (dirty old man in a child's body) she knew than the devil she didn't.

Speaking of that, I was actually surprised when Roxy's willpower finally broke.

One night, in the middle of winter.

Roxy and I had just finished up the last of our lessons for the night. Coincidentally, this was not long after Paul and Zenith had finished their nightly performance. As I'd suspected, being clean just lead to those two wanting to get each other dirty again.

"Good night, Rudy," Roxy called quietly from across the room, where her bed sat under the window.

My own bed was against the wall, across from the desk, situated on the same side of the room as the head of her bed. If I looked up I could see the bedroom door, while if I looked down I had a decent view of Roxy's bed when it was bright enough to see. "Sleep well, Roxy."

Every night since we had started cohabitating and Roxy had grown bold enough or frustrated enough to ignore my presence in the room, I laid there and pretended not to hear while Roxy quietly worked herself over, relieving her pent up frustrations at having to hear my parents going at it like rabbits. I was polite enough not to say anything about it, if only because I didn't want to push too hard. Roxy hadn't mentioned my 'open door' policy since that night I caught her in the hall and I would rather not scare her off, so I hadn't brought it up. I was perfectly willing to play the long game here, considering the prize was worth it.

As I slowly drifted off listening to my future wife pleasuring herself, something changed. I frowned, my mind a bit slow as I tried to work out what it was. It took a while, but I finally managed. She stopped, but didn't finish.

I was just about to roll over and try to get back to sleep when a quiet noise of cloth on cloth from nearby caught my attention. I placed it as the blankets moving about the time I heard her foot hit the hardwood floor. It wasn't at all unusual for her to get up in the middle of the night and go to the restroom, especially if she was on her period and felt the need to see to that, so I ignored it. Right up until the corner of my blanket lifted and a blast of cold air from the room hit my pajama-clad form. "Scoot over."

Blinking my eyes open sleepily, I scooted towards the wall and made room. If she wanted to climb into my bed, I wasn't going to complain. "Too cold by the window?"

Roxy's arms wrapped around my middle, pulling me flush against her soft warmth, before her legs twined with mine as she pretty much curled herself around me given our size difference. Roxy was small, but I was smaller still by comparison—for the time being, anyway. She smelled amazing—the scent of her hair, her skin, and her arousal all mixing together into a heady aroma I didn't think I'd ever get tired of.

"A little," she admitted softly. Roxy's forehead pressed against my own and I closed my eyes, putting my arms around her and simply enjoying the sensation of holding a woman again after so long without. When she spoke again, I nearly flinched as I'd almost drifted off again with her warmth and smell surrounding me. "You win, Rudy. I would like to explore."

"Hm?" I hummed, not quite sure what she was talking about given how fuzzy my head was at the moment.

"Can, can you," she hesitated, "would you hold me while I…?"

Her words finally managed to penetrate the fog. I shook my head rapidly, forcing myself back to wakefulness. "Wait. Just so we're on the same page here. You want me to hold you while you touch yourself?" I felt the girl nod against me. "Just holding, or…?"

Her response came out as a whisper. "You can touch. A little."

"Okay," I agreed. I squeezed her a little tighter, but otherwise didn't move. I decided to see where she would go with this and follow her lead for now.

In the faint moonlight coming in through her window, I could just make out Roxy's piercing blue gaze from inches away as she studied my face. Biting her lower lip, she released me and repositioned her hands. She shifted and shimmied around to get her night gown up over her hips before her hands went under the gown—one heading to her breasts, the other to the juncture of her legs. She watched me watch her as she began, a quiet gasping breath slipping from her lips as her eyes went half-lidded.

I allowed my hands to move, shifting down and resting against the bare flesh of her hips. I smiled as she jerked at the slightest of touches, her breathing speeding up already. Apparently, she really enjoyed being watched and touched. My hands trailed up her sides, gliding from her hips, over her ribs to her arms. I followed her arms back down, feeling them working frantically under my hands, before transitioning back to her hips and traveling down her thighs as far as I could reach before coming back up and moving around to her bare back. I stayed out of the obvious 'danger zones,' but even just the little bit of petting I was doing was apparently more than enough.

Roxy shuddered as she came, her hands going still as her whole body tensed, her eyes going wide as she clenched her mouth shut around a whine. It was a sound that had become very familiar to me since I'd started sharing a room with her. Roxy always tried her best to be quiet, but she couldn't hide everything and I had good ears.

She took in a gasping breath and I caught tears in her eyes as she tried to blink them clear. The hand at her chest came away and she put it around me and pulled me closer, clutching me to her as little tremors continued to wrack her body. I shifted around a bit, bringing my lips to her ear, partially laying my head on top of hers—Roxy shifting to nuzzle her cheek against mine. "It feels nice, doesn't it, Roxy? Being held by someone who cares for you while you come."

I felt her nod against me. "Y-yes, Rudy."

Her hand slowed and she sighed, seemingly finished. I raised an eyebrow at that. Nope. Let's see how many I can wring out of you without any lewd touching. You've already come this far, Roxy. You might as well see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Leaning forward just a bit, my lips brushed her ear as I asked, "Done already? You can keep going, you know." Then, I took her ear lobe between my lips, flicking it slowly with my tongue.

The effect was immediate. Roxy's little body went taut, the hand she had around me practically crushing me to her as she took in a ragged breath. I bit down gently for effect and she moaned. We both stilled at that, eyes going wide as we turned our attention to the door and the hall. We listened in silence for what felt like minutes before the tension eased out of our bodies and we relaxed. Roxy breathed out a quiet laugh, which she had to stifle when it became something more lewd as I attacked her ear again briefly, silently insisting that I wasn't letting her get away that easily now that I had her here.

Just to be on the safe side though, I decided to give her an out. "Tell me to stop and I will, Roxy. If you don't, I'm going to keep doing things like this just to see how many times we can make you come."

"Don't," Roxy whispered.


The hand that had gone around my back found my right hand, before pulling it under her night gown and pressing it against her left breast. The nipple was hard and hot against my palm as she held it there. "Don't stop," her answer was a little louder. "We can't… we can't have sex, but this, this is okay. Just touch me, Rudy. Please?"

My answer was more exploration of her body and to move my attention from her ear to the skin of her neck just beneath it. All the while, I whispered dirty talk to her.

"I'm glad you're enjoying this, 'master.'" I knew how much she hated the title, but the little sound she made when I called her by it was great. Maybe she had a student/teacher fetish. Something to explore.

I allowed my fingers to roam over her chest and stomach, occasionally brushing around her nipples but very rarely giving them direct attention. I listened for her breathing to cue me in on when to do so. Instead, I mostly focused my attention on lavishing her skin with kisses, licks, suckles, and the occasional nip—making sure I didn't do it too hard and leave any marks that would be visible come tomorrow. Sure, healing magic would probably remove them, but I'd rather not risk it right now. "I'm going to make sure it's me you think of when you touch yourself from now on, Roxy. No other man will ever do."

The girl whimpered at that, coming again in my arms. I took the opportunity to kiss her lips. Shock was visible in her expression as I pressed the attack, teasing her tongue with my own. The little mage melted against me as she shuddered, her eyes slipping closed as her forehead pressed into mine. She eventually grew still, her hands stopping their work on herself. She broke the kiss, panting softly. One eye slit open, barely enough for me to tell she was studying me. "You have to take responsibility."

"Gladly," I murmured in answer, pecking her lips. "When you feel you've taught me all you can, go out and do your adventuring. Practice, learn, and get strong. But come back to me in eight years."

"Seven," the girl sighed quietly. "Tired now."

I watched her eyes slip closed and chuckled quietly. I'd counted about four there, but honestly I'd take anything over zero as a win. Reaching down, I gently took the hand she had used to play with herself and pulled it out from between her legs. Roxy let out a quiet, inquisitive hum as her eyes opened partly again to see what I was doing. I brought her hand up, outside the covers, and brought it to my mouth. Locking eyes with her, I smirked before sucking her fingers into my mouth one at a time and licking them clean.

"Delicious," I praised her, earning a blush as she shut her eyes and squirmed. I wasn't even lying, either. Maybe it was alien biology or something, but she didn't smell or taste awful. A bit salty, a bit sweet, but she mostly tasted like she smelled—which was, itself, hard to describe. Far from unpleasant, anyway.

Her hand squeezed mine when I finished and pulled it back under the covers, refusing to let go.

And then, she passed out, leaving me high and dry. Thought it was supposed to be the man that goes off early and leaves the woman in the lurch. Gonna have to work on her stamina. And educate her on the finer points of the male anatomy. Namely, what happens if she just taps out after one round without returning the favor. Not cool.

Can confirm, blue balls sucks at any age.