
Chapter 22

“I am.” Reid followed him into the living room, set down his bag, then, putting a finger to his lips, pointed to the bedroom and bathroom, indicating he’d check them while Michael took care of the kitchen.

“Told you, nobody’s here,” Michael said when they got back to the living room.

“I know. We’ll consider this a dry run for tomorrow and however much longer it takes.”

“Okay.” Michael didn’t look happy, but obviously accepted what Reid had said. “Are you hungry?”

“Starving. What do you have? I’d even settle for hotdogs right now.”

“I think I can do better than that,” Michael replied. “Burgers, tacos, burritos…”

Reid laughed. “Homemade fast food?”

“You did say you were hungry.”

They settled on burgers and fries, and had barely finished making them when there was a buzz from the callbox. Michael went to see who was there, with Reid right behind him.