
Multiverse Travels of a Lost Soul

A fifteen-year-old boy was walking across the street in his hometown however his walk was interrupted by a truck speeding his way. The body sadly didn't manage to survive however find a blessing in this disguised curse the boy met one of the first Primordials and is now on his new Journey!

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
56 Chs

Return of the King

"My head hurts..."Arakan muttered as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Good Morning Dear" Tiamat's voice came from beside him as he looked towards her he noticed something.

"Umm...Tia, why are you naked?" Arakan asked as he looked towards Tia confused about his situation.

"You see you were rather injured yesterday, we found you vomiting some black sticky stuff. What happened?" Tiamat asked.

"I am not sure...I just saw a golden light and then everything hurt a lot" Arakan said as he winced remembering the burning sensation that brought him bad memories.

"Aww look at you being sad here let me help you," Tiamat said as she hugged Arakan sandwiching his face between her bare boobs.

'No matter how dense you should know what I meant by this' Tiamat thought as she waited for Arakan's response.

"I see..."

'Yes accept them and become mine'

"Thank you, Tia"

"I love- "

"You are the best sensei one could ask for, thank you for taking care of me" Arakan responded as Tiamt sat there baffled.

'He is too innocent!' Kasumi and Sara thought together.

"I have been thinking about this for a while but Arakan do you know what Sexual Education is?" Tiamat asked grasping on straws to keep her reputation.

"Not much I have been training my martial arts since I was three" Arakan said as tried to remember as much as he knew about such topics.

"huffffff" Tiamat let out a large sigh as she patted Arakan's head.

"well, you are just 15 years old...well I do prefer younger males," Tiamat thought as she thought for a while.

"Next time you come we will have some fun alright~," Tiamat said with a smirk.

'hmm? A spar with Tiamat's dragon form?'

"With pleasure now need to report back I am sure others are now rather worried about me," Arakan said as he stood up.

"Thanks for taking care of me for this long" Arakan said as he approached the door.

"Oh I almost forgot, I got a few presents for you and left them in your part of the cave, they are inside a box," Arakan said as Kasumi and Sara held his shoulder and a teleportation spell started below them.

"See you later Tia!" Arakan yelled as he teleported away.

"See you later..." Tiamat muttered as she let out a sigh.

'...no matter I will make him mine...after all, there are not many places he can hide' Tiamat thought to herself as her eyes gave a crimson glow.


Within the Barbatos territory right outside of the Main Manor Arakan's magic circle appeared as Arakan along with Kasumi and Sara.

"You are rather late you know," Izana said as he came from the garden.

"Iza-chi" Arakan yelled as gave a huge smile.

"Don't forget about me as well" Kakucho said as he came following Izana.

"Whoahh Kaku-chan as well!" Arakan exclaimed as he rushed towards and they all shared a hug. Being away from his brothers for a long time sure made him miss them.

"Anyways where you went off to?" Izana asked as he pulled Arakan's cheek.

"uubhaa trbluff ajsrf" Due to his cheeks being pulled Arakan answered in a language even alien to devils.

"I think you should let go we haven't seen for a while," Kakucho said as he moved Izana's hand.

"I will share all my experience but first allow me to introduce you guys to each other. The girl with the Blue hair is Kasumi she is my new knight and the girl with black hair is Sara, she is y new bishop. Kasumi, Sora meed Iza-chi, and Kaku-chan they both are my rooks and sworn brothers" Arakan said as he introduced the new members of his peerage.

"I see I hope that you won't be dead weight," Izana said as he looked towards the both of them.

"Almost forgot since you barely made contact with us during this year-long training Grayfia was rather worried about you. I am sure she is quite pissed about you" Izana said as he shoved Arakan inside.

"ahh- ahh" Arakan stumbled a little as he fell on the ground right near a set of heels.

"Ahh! Fia-chan long time no see" Arakan said as sweated profusely.

"It is glad to have you back Arakan-sama," Grayfia said with a small smile.

'In clear' Arakan thought to himself as he released a sigh of relief.

"Indeed it is nice to be back," Arakan said with a smile as he sat on the floor.

"I will take a bath first then I have to share my part of the adventure as well!" Arakan exclaimed as he lazily stretched.

"Also Grayfia after Lunch I have something important to discuss with you," Arakan said in a serious tone.

'Hmm? I wonder what Young Master wants from me' Grayfia thought to herself.

'So it is time eh? seems like we are having an event tomorrow,' Izana thought as a grin made its way on his face.

'So it is time...After the event, we should be able to participate in the Rating Games freely.' Kakucho thought as he narrowed his eyes.


After the bath, Arakan joined Grayfia and others as everyone enjoyed the feast prepared by servants of Barbatos household. Arakan told many of his tales as everyone listened to his journey excitedly.

With the great feast concluding Seves attended to Sara and Kasumi and lead them to the guest rooms and gave them the basic structure of the mansion so they don't get lost.

Izana and Kakucho decided to train with each other as they both went towards the Dojo that Arakan personally oversaw. With everyone parting ways Grayfia followed Arakan to his room as he sat on the bed.

"You must be rather confused Grayfia but I only called regarding an event of the past" Arakan stated as he looked towards her.

"On my fourth birthday, I asked if you would be my queen of the peerage, you agreed on the condition that I would have to defeat you in a one-on-one " Arakan said as he pulled out his index finger and pointed towards Grayfia.

"Grayfia Lucifage I challenge you to a duel" Arakan declared giving Grafia a little shock.

'I would have joined the peerage even without a fight, however...It is time to witness the fruits of your training Young Master' Grayfiya thought to herself with a slight smile.

"Very well I accept the challenge tomorrow at sunrise we shall begin the fight," Grayfia said as she excused herself.

'I wonder how strong Izana and Kakucho have become' Arakan thought as he jumped from his window and made a beeline towards the dojo.

"You are getting slower Kaku!" Izana yelled as they both sparred on a similar level. Izana was faster but Kakucho was more resistant and stronger.

'Their strength and speed are already on pretty good terms with just that they should be able to take on at least six-winged devils. ' Arakan thought as he observed the battle.

'Their primary style seems to be some alteration to Taekwondo. Time to see their limits.'

"Oi Iza-chin, Kaku-chan" Arakan alerted both of them as he approached them.

"Arakan? I expected the talk to go longer" Izana said with a smile.

"Wanna train with us? I have been waiting to fight you" Kakucho said with a grin.

"Yeah both of you come at me," Arakan said as he got in a stance.

'Let's see how strong their techniques are' Arakan thought as he rushed towards them as they started exchanging blows.

'Taekwondo...despite being one of the newly introduced martial arts it is rather respectable.' Arakan thought as he kept on deflecting their moves and learn more and more about the art.

"You are getting sloppy Iza-chin," Arakan said as he re-directed Kakucho's punch towards Izana.

'I see the main strength of the art come from its fast kicks, the might must against someone around your weight level most of the time' Arakan concluded before redirecting their kicks towards each other as they both fell to the ground.

"You both have gotten stronger physically! Even with the buff of a rook, I doubt anyone could become this strong at such a young age." Arakan praised them.

"It seems you haven't seen anything," Izana said as his eyes glowed and he pointed his hand towards Arakan and released a wave of purple flames.

"What do you think of that?" Izana asked he looked towards the silhouette of Arakan who withstood the flames.

"If I am not mistaken is that the Incinerate Anthem?" Arakan asked.

"Indeed," Izana responded as Purple Flames danced on his palm.

"One of the Longinus, Impressive" Arakan said as he praised Izana.

"Ho then I should show off mine as well," Kakucho said as Arakan turned towards him.

A reddish-purple aura emitted from Kakucho as a soldier made of crystals appeared from the ground and stood beside him.

"Annihilation Maker!" Arakan exclaimed a little surprised.

"Both of you have a Longinus! Amazing" Arakan said as he was proud of both of them.

"Now this was a great warm-up! and great news!" Arakan said with a big grin.

All three of them said on the ground as they all stretched a little. The door to the Dojo opened as Kasumi and Sara entered bringing a few snacks.

"You know Iza-chin, Kaku-chan" Arakan said as he took a bite of his watermelon.

"I am thinking of creating our own organization," Arakan said as his peerage listened to him carefully.

"What do you guys suggest?" Arakan asked as he addressed his peerage.

"You know...once I and Kakucho had a dream to have our own gang and we would be the greatest delinquents," Izana said as he spat out the seeds of the watermelon.

"We were going to name our Gang Tenjiku, we even had a logo ready and everything," Izana said with a smile as he remembered his past.

"Tenjiku eh? I like it. Very well then we will now go to the human world in our free time and create a Gang! By the name of Tenjiku Izana and Kakucho are going to be my right and left-hand man." Arakan declared.

"Wait what about us!" Kasumi and Sara said as they left they were being left out.

"Well the both of you lack a lot of knowledge and common sense you can join us after you have learned everything," Arakan said as he nervously giggled.

"Anyways...I wanna rest now travelling from wasteland to all the way here was not easy" Arakan said as he let out a Yawn and left for his room.


'System open the Golden Card Pack'


[Host has opened the 'Golden Card Pack' ]

[Host has received:

Portgas D. Ace: Soul Card: Tier 9

Cremation: Quirk: Tier 8 ]


'A Soul Card! and a Quirk as well. Both of them complement each other and with my regeneration, the quirk's drawback should have no effect.' Arakan thought with a grin.

'Now my long-range problems are also covered, after mastering both these cards I should be able to take on Satan class opponents.' Arakan thought to himself.

'System integrate all the skills and Quirks I have left over'


[Integrating Skill 'Sense of World']


'To be aware, is to be strong,

The world around changes constantly,

but its fundamental remains the same,

to connect with the world one must be able to know the world'

'I can feel it...the connection to the world...it allows my senses to get stronger, however. I have already trained them to their peak' Arakan thought as he released a sigh.


[Integrated skill 'Sense of World' ]

[Integrating skill 'Whirlwind Thrust' ]


'Swift wind conquering demons'

'A spear technique...perhaps I can learn it alongside the Primordial Jade-Winged Spear...the technique focuses on swift strikes to make an opening and a string strike to end it all.' Arakan thought as he felt the strength of Whirlwind Thrust pouring into his body.

'these skills are not bad...they compliment my fighting style...adding mana strikes within the Whirlwind thrust would make it essentially deadly' Arakan thought as he flexed his hands a little.

'Now then the main stars...System activate Soul Card Portgas D. Ace'


[Card Equipped: Portgas D. Ace]

[Progress: 45%]


Observation Haki: 15%

Armament Haki: 2%

Conqueror's Haki: 0%

Mera-Mera no mi: 15%

Augmented Strength: Unlocked

Augmented Durability: Unlocked

Basic Staff arts: 100%

Basic Weapon arts: 100% ]


'This physical strength and speed are not that impressive...however...his true power comes from the Mera-Mera no mi wits its destructive capabilities area combined with someone who has strength' Arakan thought as his whole palm turned into flames.

'I don't feel any sort of mana or stamina drain...the flames are like a part of me!' Arakan thought in amazement as he kept on creating small shapes using his flames.

'The mera-mera no mi's destructive capabilities are no joke however when I add my magic to the equation' Arakan thought as he created a small tornado in his palm which in turn used the flames to become a Firewhirl.

'System also integrate Quirk Cremation'


[Host has acquired the quirk Cremation]


Over Arakan's left palm pale blue flames lit up.

'These flames are hot...perhaps hotter than Mera-Mera no mi's flames however I don't feel any sort of burn...is it because of my Logia body?' Arakan questioned as Wind, Crimson and Pale blue flames danced between his palms.

'With these...I am ready to get my Queen tomorrow Arakan thought as he held a Queen piece between his fingers.


[Word Count: 2.3k]

[100% Completion doesn't mean that Arakan has all the knowledge on it, it means Arakan has as much knowledge as the Soul had]

[Leave reviews it helps Tobi a lot ]

[Also Tobi might be busy next week so sorry in advance]