
Multiverse: The alternate Timeline

The alternate timeline of Yuto Takehashi. A man who died in the rain and reincarnated into a different world of fiction. But this time it's going to be a little different.

ShadowPanda_538 · Komik
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35 Chs

Ch. 15 New skills and a spell

( Yuto Pov )

The Hephaestus Familia. 

Some of their crafts were sealed in the tower of Babel. 

I was wondering around the floors checking if any swords felt right in my hand. 

" This one, it feels nice." I spoke as I swung a katana. 

" I see. Then let's buy it." Zald spoke as we both went to the counter to pay. 

It was quick as we left the tower of Babel with my new katana. 

[ Katana ] [ Level 2 ]

[ + 1 bleeding effect ]

I nodded as I started walking towards the dungeon to complete my quests. 

" Oi kid. Don't overdo it." Zald spoke I e before walking off. 

I nodded before walking to the dungeon. 

A few days later...

I huffed as I sat on the ground in my workshop. 

I was tired. Physically and mentally as I overdid it. 

But still, I was able to complete my mission. 

[ Mission Completed ]

[ Rewards: Sun breathing style, C grade spell, Title]

I looked at the system in my head. I rested my body for a while before looking into the rewards. 

But a spell...a fucking spell!! 

I pushed my curiosity of magic down as I wanted to rest. 

But learning a spell motivated me upnto my seat as I checked my rewards. 

[ New spell! ]

[ Lightning Bolt ] [ lvl 1 ]

[ 20 mana ]

I felt the information flowed to my head as I looked at my hand. 

I felt something warm before settling down. I wanted to experiment this feeling but I decided to wait for later as I looked at the next rewards. 

' A sword technique. And one that uses a breathing style... Total concentration breathing. This works well with Transparent View.' I thought. 

I looked at the next rewards, a title. 

[ The slayer of Monsters ]

[ +5% damage to all monster types. ]

I looked at thr title for a second before looking at my new spell and sword technique. 

Since I couldn't perform the spell right now I decided to try the sword technique. 

The first technique was called dance. I performed the technique and I realized something as I felt the swing was missing something. 

' The breathing technique.' I looked into the training session of the technique and realized I needed to train my lungs and breathe in a certain pattern. 

I let out a sigh as I realized I had a lot to do. 

I tried to use the breathing technique with the first sun breathing technique.

But I just as I performed the move, my lungs felt they were on fire as I kneeled on the floor left in a coughing matter. 

A few seconds later, I was able to feel better as I stood up. 

' It seems I have to train in this breathing technique.' I thought to myself. 

Following the rythem in the information of this technique, I started to slowly 

I sat kn the floor and closed my eyes as I breathed in a rhythm manner. 

* Knock Knock * 

My concentration was ruined as I stood up and swung my door open. 

" What?" I spoke calmly as gamers mind suppressed my annoyance down. 

" You're training. That's what." Nimriel spoke as he dragged me to the training grounds. 

" Now it's time to learn how to act with grace." He spoke as I stood in place. 

" First balance." 

I stood still as Nimriel put books on my head. 

' I feel like an idiot.' I thought as I starred at Nimriel as he smiled. 

" Perfect. Now, stand on one leg." 

I did as he said. 

" No, with your knee higher." 

" No. Higher." He repeated as I raised my left knee to the sky as far as I could. 

I reached my chest as I balanced on one foot.

Nimriel nodded as I stood on one foot for a few minutes. 

" Now the other." He spoke. 

I followed his words and raised the other with my left foot down, balancing my body. 

" Pfft!! Haha!!" 

I heard the sounds of laughter. 

' Zeus...' I knew this laugh as Zeus kept laughing. 

" Hahaha!! Is this your punishment? Haha!!" He laughed a while before continuing. 

I hear Zalds and Maxims footsteps as well as they stood next to Zeus. 

And before I knew it, the whole Familia was here watching as I made a fool of myself. 

And I was sure Nimriel was watching with an amused smile. 

" Now. A teacup." He put a teacup on the books as I balanced myself. 

I heard the tea cup clinking as I balanced myself. 

" 100 Valis, he'll drop it." 

" 150." 

" Deal." 

I stood in place for an hour, switching legs every few minutes. 

" Alright, that's enough." 

" Tsk, here." 

" Hahaha!!" 

Nimriel took off the books and teacup before taking a sip. 

" Slurrp. Hmm, cold." He spoke as he out the teacup away. 

The Familia spread as they went on to do their activities. 

" Next etiquette." 

I learned to walk, talk, grab and act with grace. 

As I finished my lesson I managed to learn a skill. 

[ Elegance lvl 1 ]

I despise this skill. 

I felt small difference in my habits as I fell to bed taking a power nap. 

Hours later...

" Ugh." I groaned as I woke up.

I didn't how long I slept as I looked at the clock in the system. 

" Shit." I was late in meeting with Meteria. 

I quickly ran out of the door and out of the mansion, ignoring the drunk idiots on the floor as I stepped over them. 

As I ran outside and towards the Hera Familia Mansion I came across a stall that smelled likecandy. 

For a few seconds I thought of buying Meteria some candy as an apology for being late. 

I climbed into the window of Meteria's room to hear her awake. 

" Meteria..." I softly called her as she looked up from her book. 

" Yuto..." She replied as I heard her soft voice. 

I could see her bright smile even though I was blind. 

I climbed into the room and walked next to her bed. 

" I got you some candy..." Before I could finish, the candy in my hand vanished as I heard Meteria consuming it. 

I slowly lifted my head to her. 

" Hehe." She giggled as I took a few more out as they vanished from my hand once again. 

I smiled. 

" So you like candy, or is it sweets in general?"

I chuckled as I heard Meteria coughing as she realized how she acted in front of me. 

I grabbed the cup of water from the nightstand and gave it to Meteria as she drank it. 

" Th...thank you..." She spoke as she gave back the cup. 

I nodded. 

" Aren't you supposed to be sleeping? You're body can't handle being awake for too long you should get some rest." I spoke with worry as I held her hand. 

I felt the ring on her ring finger and that brought a smile to my face. 

" I...I wanted to wait for you..." She replied with a shy tone making felt warm and shame as I made her wait when I was sleeping. 

" I'm sorry. I feel asleep." I apologized. 

Merteria put a hand over mine. 

" It's alright. You're here now that's all that matters." She replied. 

" Thank you..." I put my head on her shoulder as she pulled me to a hug. 

It was warm. Her gentle hands caressed my hair as she started speaking again. 

" But you should relax from the dungeon once in a while, I heard you have been going to the dungeon every day. I'm worried." 

" I'm sorry. I'll try to take a break." I responded. 

" Don't try, do it. And get some rest as well and make sure you eat well too." 

I hummed in response. 

I felt sleepy, but I knew if I slept here, Alfia would punish me. 

I'm sure Meteria wouldn't mind but...but the Hera Familia would be on my ass as well. 

" You should go to sleep." I didn't hear any response as I heard Meteria's soft breathing. 

" Meteria?" I asked again as I realized she fell asleep in our hug. 

I slowly lowered her to the bed and put her book on the nightstand before leaving a small flower. 

" I'm sorry, Meteria. But the future sight I saw won't come true. I need to change it... for us, and our familias." I left through the window as I made my way towards the dungeon. 

There are new skills to practice.