
Multiverse Stories (Multicross: DC, DXD, Marvel, ETC,)

In the chaotic multiverse, lost stories abound as events occur across infinite timelines and possibilities. The realm is infinite, with infinite variabilities, making it a fascinating and intriguing concept to explore. Share your ideas in the comments without hesitation, and I will consider turning them into either snippets or short stories. Expect one every couple of days.

EzioAuditore_1 · Komik
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127 Chs

Spear Boy's Created Skills: (Will Be Updated)

Ranked from D to C to B to A to S to EX

1.Massage Rank D (2,000 LP)

2. Currency Generation Rank D (2,000 LP)

3. Mana Skin Rank D (4,000 LP)

4. Sojutsu Rank D (3,500 LP)

5. Biological Regeneration Rank D (10,000 LP)

6. Temporary Pure Water Creation Rank D (400 LP)

7. Increased LP Generation Rank D (5,000 LP) (Must be Increased With LP)

8. MCU Sorcery Rank D (30,000 LP)

9. Cleaning Magic Rank D ( 2,000 LP)