
Multiverse Stories (Multicross: DC, DXD, Marvel, ETC,)

In the chaotic multiverse, lost stories abound as events occur across infinite timelines and possibilities. The realm is infinite, with infinite variabilities, making it a fascinating and intriguing concept to explore. Share your ideas in the comments without hesitation, and I will consider turning them into either snippets or short stories. Expect one every couple of days.

EzioAuditore_1 · Komik
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127 Chs

Rules Of The Celestial Forge

1. For Every 500 or 1,000 Words, The Main Character Gains 100 Choice Points Or CP To Either Roll For A Perk Or Item, And If The Amount Of The Buy Is Higher Than The Held CP, The CP Spent Is Returned And Banked For Later.

2. Every Item From The Forge Is FIAT Backed So That Every Item Will Work In The Main Character's Universal Laws.

3. Drawbacks Will Not Appear In The Forge Unless Agreed On By #$%#$^^% Or @#$%#^.

(The Forge Serves The User And Not The Other Way Around.)

4. Higher Beings Cannot Remove The Forge Or Speak Of Its Existence Unless Allowed To By The Holder Of The Forge.

5. Any Companions Gained Will Be Loyal To The Holder But Can Excercise Free Will.

6. Feats Of Great Achievement, Whether They Be Heroic Or Villainous, Will Beget A Reward From The Forge, Whether It Be In The Form Of A Perk Or Points.

7. Be Wary As Initially, The Inventions Of The Holder Can Be Scanned/Replicated Until A Perk Is Gained That Black Boxes The Technology.

The Forge Awaits Its User's Call.