
Multiverse : start in Naruto as uchiha shisui

mc got reincarnated as shisui with gacha powers but lost his memory's, loses his eyes and clan then when his memory returns what will happen ? it involves multiverse traveling. mc travels to boruto verse from his world and vise versa mc world is au so some changes may happen this is a fanfiction , everything used belongs to their original owner

gacha927 · Komik
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16 Chs

broken 2

// genocide has already been happened , but mc has gacha , I have already thought on how to save them, a little or big hint, for current timeline both itachi and sasuke will be male like original //


Training Ground at the Uchiha Clan's Compound

The training ground is bathed in the dim light of early evening, its silence occasionally punctuated by the rhythmic thud of shuriken striking their targets. The air is cool and still, yet charged with a quiet intensity. Itachi stands alone in the fading light, his face a mask of intense focus as he hurls shuriken with a sense of grim determination. Each throw is meticulously aimed, but his furrowed brow betrays an underlying tension, a sign of the inner turmoil he is struggling to suppress.

From the shadows, Shisui emerges, his presence a stark contrast to the somber atmosphere. His eyes are warm, and his smile carries a hint of both camaraderie and concern. "Hey Itachi, your form is solid, but you're using too much force. Precision is what you really need to focus on. It's not just about hitting the target; it's about hitting it with the exact right amount of force."

Itachi halts mid-throw, his gaze shifting to meet Shisui's. Frustration flickers in his eyes, but it is tempered with respect and a willingness to improve. "Thanks, Shisui. I'll work on refining my technique. I know I need to get this right, especially with what's coming."

Shisui's laughter is light, though tinged with an underlying concern. "If you keep pushing yourself like this, you're going to become exceptional. The future of our clan will be secure in your hands, and you'll be the one to lead us through whatever challenges come our way. Just remember to balance intensity with precision."


A Secluded Area Near the Uchiha Clan's Estate, Night

The night air is heavy with an oppressive silence, only occasionally disturbed by the distant murmur of wind rustling through the trees. Shisui, his Sharingan glowing ominously, stands face-to-face with Itachi. His expression is grave, reflecting the deep concern he feels for his friend and their clan. "Itachi, you're becoming incredibly powerful, but I'm deeply troubled by the direction the clan is heading. The decisions being made are steering us down a perilous path, and I fear for the future."

Itachi nods slowly, his eyes mirroring a profound internal struggle. His conflict is clear, a battle between his sense of duty and his personal morals. "I understand the issues, but from where I stand, it's hard to see the entire picture. I am committed to protecting the clan, no matter what it takes. Even if that means making sacrifices I'd rather not have to make."

Shisui's sigh is heavy with dread, his shoulders slumping slightly under the weight of his fears. "I've witnessed your dedication and sacrifice firsthand, but I'm afraid things are spiraling out of control. Remember, the strength of the clan isn't just in its power but in its unity and trust. We need to address these issues without tearing each other apart."

With a determined look, Itachi counters, "I won't let it deteriorate to that point. I'll find a way to keep us from falling apart, even if it means making hard choices."


A Quiet Spot in the Uchiha Clan's Compound, Early Evening

As the darkness of early evening deepens, the quiet spot seems to hold its breath, waiting for the conversation that could alter everything. Shisui, his voice tinged with urgency and a touch of despair, implores, "Itachi, you know what's coming, don't you? The elders' intentions are becoming clearer by the day. They're pushing for something drastic, something that could potentially destroy everything we've worked so hard to build."

Itachi, his demeanor somber and resolute, responds with a heavy heart, the weight of impending decisions evident in his posture. "I'm facing an impossible choice. The clan's ambitions and the political pressures are leading us toward a confrontation that seems unavoidable. It's a decision that will have profound and far-reaching consequences."

Shisui, desperation evident in his eyes, insists, "There must be another way. If you—"

Itachi's voice cuts through Shisui's plea, a harsh whisper laden with finality and resignation. "There is no other option. This is the only path left. I am doing this for the greater good, even if it means sacrificing everything we hold dear. It's not a decision I make lightly."

Shisui's eyes, filled with profound sadness and an enduring sense of loyalty, lock onto Itachi's. "If you truly believe this is necessary, I can't stop you. But remember, even in the darkest times, I'll stand by you. No matter what happens, you won't face it alone."


A Hidden Location, Dusk

The hidden location is enveloped in the chilling stillness of dusk, the last light of day slipping away. Shisui, weakened and barely holding on, clings to his fading strength. His voice, frail but resolute, barely rises above a whisper. "Itachi… they've taken everything from me.Danzo never trust us , now he has one of my eyes, But despite everything, I trust you will see this through and do what's needed to protect what's left."

Itachi, his face etched with anguish and regret, clasps Shisui's hand with a firm but trembling grip. His voice is thick with sorrow, each word laden with the weight of his decisions. "I'm so sorry it had to come to this. I never wanted things to end this way. I wish there were another way."

Shisui's faint smile, a fragile beacon in the encroaching darkness, is a sign of his enduring hope and faith. "Make sure the clan is protected. And remember… even in the abyss, not all hope is lost. There's always a chance for redemption and a future, even if it seems impossible."

Itachi's voice, barely a whisper, is thick with unspilled tears and the crushing weight of his choices. "I will, Shisui. I promise. I'll make sure your sacrifice means something, and that the future you hoped for isn't entirely lost."



Shisui's POV

The echoes of tortured screams reverberate endlessly, intertwining with the shadowed memories of my past with Itachi. The weight of Itachi's decision is immense—what was intended to silence the forth Elder and end their subversion has instead devolved into a massacre that defies all rational explanation. I am haunted by the faces of the innocent—children poised on the brink of their futures, just beginning their journey or about to enter the academy, infants who had yet to experience the harshness of life's reality, the elderly who had spent their final years in service to their families, and clan members who had sacrificed so much to defend the village. Each of these faces is seared into my memory, a cruel testament to the brutality that was unleashed. How could such a nightmarish event come to pass? My mind teeters on the brink of collapse, struggling to maintain its grip as despair looms ever closer.

Emerging from this chasm of grief, I grapple with questions that are as incomprehensible as they are grotesque. Why did Itachi resort to such unfathomable cruelty? What could have driven him to commit such atrocities? Even with the Mangekyō Sharingan's might, the scope of his actions remains maddeningly elusive, so who helped him ? Was he under some form of manipulation or coercion? If so, what dark force could have wielded such control? Genjutsu, despite its power, seems an insufficient explanation, particularly when he has one of my eye. Why was Sasuke the only survivor of this grim massacre? How did the village remain blind to the bloodshed that occurred within its very walls? Where was the intervention that should have come? Why did the Anbu stand by, passive and unmoved? Did the Third Hokage have prior knowledge of this dreadful event? Was Danzo the sinister architect behind this macabre scheme? Did he use Sasuke as a mere pawn to manipulate Itachi? Did root participated?

How the clan's potential to shield itself was extinguished, and the orchestrated carnage suggests a deeper, more insidious conspiracy—a labyrinth of deceit and betrayal.

Driven by a relentless need to uncover the grim truth, I am left with no other path to follow. The quest for answers consumes me entirely. When I finally reveal those responsible for this heinous plot, I will pursue justice with unyielding determination, no matter the cost or the formidable obstacles that lie in my path. The blood that has been spilled demands retribution, and I will ensure that it is met, regardless of who stands in my way.


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Comment what things he will get from gacha, be it items, templates etc that will make him kage level without susanoo.