
Multiverse selection 1 Fairy Tail Karna

This book is supposed to be a part of a series this book is fairy tail world based and will have a few au elements. Karna a 16 year old orphan gets killed by a truck and finds out that it was done by a god who wants him to reincarnate into the fairy tail with his magic decided just by his name. He is now tasked with changing the world's fate that is spiralling towards destruction..

Nayan_Karthik_K_V · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs

Chapter 8 Cana

Porlyosika was conducting a medical checkup of the two boys. Outside the house Makarov was sitting with an angry expression, then suddenly Macao came out of the woods

" did you find him" Makarov asked

"sorry master by the time i got there, Ivan was long gone "Macao said shamefully

" damn it all, this is all because i did not take measures earlier and kicked Ivan out"

"don't worry master nobody expected something like this to happen"

Makarov just grunted, he knew that Porlyosika had warned him a long time ago ,it's just because of his stupid belief that Ivan will change is what led to this.

"damn it, tell everyone at the guild that Ivan is hereby exiled from the guild and everyone who joins him will also suffer the same fate " Makarov said coldly

"alright master " Macao said while walking back " just don't beat yourself too much "

After a few minutes....

"how are they ?" Makarov asked

"alive and healing, Laxus has changes due to the Lacrima and the torture Ivan did to him will show psychological reaction later on"

"and Karna"

"safe , it seems like he was asleep most of the time and whatever magic he used had completely drained him

If he just rests for a few days he will be fine "

"huh , thank god "

"yes , thank the gods indeed" spat out coldly "i warned you didn't I "

"yes you did "

"i am not a good mother at all accounts since i was not able to change my hatred for humans for my children , but i at least make sure they are safe "

"yes you do "

"Makarov , i will never forgive you if this happens again so do not test my patience , you will make sure Ivan never gets near them understand "

"yes "

Porlyosika sighed "go home and sleep , everybody needs to rest after what happened today"

"yeah i will , just let me sit here for a while "

"fine" she grumbled "but don't come to me when you get sick in the cold"

"don't worry " Makarov chuckled "i will be alright "

Porlyosika went inside , Makarov looked at the night sky

"huh, Gildarts should be back in a few weeks , i should ask him to teach the kids"

Year 770 Karna – 4 years POV

So that was a hectic night 2 years ago , a lot of things in the guild changed that day , gramps kicked out Ivan from the guild , he is treated as an enemy of guild by almost everyone and is on the run right now

Laxus changed a lot , i guess it was supposed to happen but this time he is angry at the guild members for being weak enough not to save me , even the fact that i was safe because of my armour does not seem to alleviate his anger .

Gildarts sort of became my teacher , he taught me basic fighting techniques in close combat and told me to train till i grow up , though he was beaten up by granny a lot of times for not being careful with magic around me .

The system has not given me any new quest and it gave me a lightning arrow after the Laxus debacle . I still don't have enough magic control for any new arrow creation other than the existing 2 i created , signal arrow which i used once and knockback arrow though i still can't knockback by too much i can still surprise people and disrupt their footing

My armour on the other hand made a lot of people surprised , we were able to find out that it is almost indestructible and it uses up all the stored sunlight when i am using the knockback function but without the knockback i can use the armour alone for a few hours theoretically if i was able to sustain it with my physical power .

"hey brat , you finish your training " suddenly a large hand fell on my shoulders heavily almost knocking me down

"hey be careful you idiot "

"hahahahahahaha , it just means you ain't strong enough kiddo " he retorted

"now its your birthday right kid tell me what do you want , i might get it for you if you ask well "

Just as i was about to retort suddenly

[quest initiated]

Finally i celebrated inside

[major story quest 1 save Cornelia from dying

Cornelia former wife of Gildarts Clive and mother to Cana Alberoni is under the mercy of a disease , find a way to cure her and mend her relationship with Gildarts.

Penalty –death of Cornelia , future disagreement with Cana and Gildarts, Cana's refusal to help fairy tail in time of danger – death to planet cause of acknologia.

Rewards – archer gloves increases accuracy when aimed at a single target + chance of more critical hit. ]

Whoa , what the hell i thought the first quest will be a mild one , and look at how things ended up no wonder this is a dark universe .

Hmm there is an extra tab here ,

[ clues – select guild quest 21 from the board ]

Okay so i am not going blind in this mission huh looks like i have to pull my

A game

"nah i don't think you can do it " i challenged him

"really you think i can't do it huh c'mon tell me now kid , i will show you how the strongest in fairy tail can do " Gildarts boasted , thankfully he was drunk or else this would not have worked .

Actually thinking about this , he is always drunk so yeah the chances of this working are really high.

I jumped to the notice board and took out quest 21 it was B rank monster killing .

"take me for this quest if you have the guts "

"hah this is easy kid i will take you for this quest and be back faster than you can think"

Gildarts picked me up by one hand , put me in his shoulder and started waling out of the guild

After they left back in the guild

"hey do you think gildarts will survive that old hags wrath"

"nope lets tell master to dig his grave "

After a day

Damn gildarts had stamina , he brought me all the way to the village while running the entire night while i was sleeping and the journey normally takes two days while using a chariot .

After taking info from the chief of village we started moving towards the forest area near its border , it was a simple quest and with gildarts it was easier than anything .

Suddenly a kid came in front of us , she looked about my age with my age with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"hey you are wizards right " the kid asked

"yeah little lady we are can you tell us your name first " gildarts asked softly man he can be tactful when he wants huh

"my name's Cana , can you take me into the forest with you " she asked nervously

"why do you want to go to the forest kid "

"because my mom's sick and they said a herb in the forest can help her "

"hey Gildarts "

"yeah "

"we can help her right "

"alright then , c'mon kid lets go "

Gildarts took Cana with one hand and put her on his other shoulder

"hello my name is Karna " i introduced myself

"hello " she replied shyly

"lets go kids , we got monsters to hunt" gildarts said smiling like an idiot and went in to the forest with two kids , i hope Porlyosika don't kill him when she finds out

Well the quest itself was not that noteworthy , Gildarts just punched anything that got near and the herb was almost everywhere on the inner part of the forest

After completing the quest , Cana went with the herbs

"hey gildarts "

"yeah kid "

"does that herb cure any disease "

"hmm , from what i know it is supposed to be used as a painkiller not a cure you know "

"so can we help them " i asked while putting the best puppy eyes i can conjure up "i know you can do it you know "

"yeah thats right kid i can do anything , lets go cure that kid's mother "

Easy as taking a candy from a kid

After asking a few residents we were able to find her home

"alright we reached lets see" gildarts knocked on the door

a woman opened the door she seemed a bit weak " yes , who is -"

And suddenly she froze and so did gildarts , man i should have brought a magic camera

"cornelia "

"gildarts , what are you doing here?" she coughed right after she said that

"mommy , who is it " suddenly Cana came from inside

"hey mommy look its that wizard and Karna , they helped me find the herbs for you " she said happily

"is that so " cornelia said weakly "come on in "

After going inside we can say it was an awkward atmosphere , there were a lot of medicines in the shelf . I took Cana to the corner and began to play with her to give them privacy , lets hope they don't mess up .

"so " gildarts nervously began "are you alright "

"well , i have been better , just got a bit sick recently"

"do you know what it is "

"no the doctors were not able to find out "

"hmm , i can take you to our guild doctor you know she is supposed to be the best in this thing "

"gildarts " she suddenly said " Cana is your child

Gildarts had a look of absolute shock in his face

" why didn't you not tell me before "

"well like always you went away for your adventures and i was not able to find you and by that time i thought of taking care of her myself

But currently the circumstances are different i might not have much time and i don't want her to suffer a lonely life when i am gone

So gildarts please can you-"

He didn't even let her finish , he just came forward and hugged her tight

"don't worry you don't have to beg me for anything , i promise to find a cure for you and i also promise to take care of you and my daughter just don't talk like that again"

Cornelia was shocked she did not expect such warm response from him . Suddenly all the weight on her shoulders began to feel lighter . She started to cry in relief.

"why is mommy crying" suddenly Cana started crying along with it and Gildarts pulled her into a hug

Man it was sweet watching this but it feels awkward looking at a family crying

[quest completed ]

[rewards stored in storage ]

And now there is good news all around

After telling Cana about Gildarts she was really happy , we packed all their stuff and left the next day towards the guild ,all the villagers also came to say goodbye it seems that cornelia is a bit famous here

It took 2 days to reach the guild , thankfully Gildarts decided to slow down for the sake of Cornelia

"and look here ,this is our guild where papa is the strongest " gildarts said again with that idiotic smile

"woah daddy is so cool" Cana being a kid had stars in her eyes

When i looked at the guild door i saw someone clutching a broom


"gildarts " a cold voice sounded "did you take my grandson on a dangerous quest with you"

"well you know" gildarts started sweating

And for the next half an hour the guild was reminded again never to cross their doctor .

Cornelia was a bit shocked at first but when she found out the reason she had a bit of sparkle in her eyes ,that is concerning .

Cana too had stars in her eyes like she found her idol who was beating her father black and blue .

I hope the changes to the plot and characters are not that different from cannon . I hope

A/N- hope you like it