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"Hubby, what do you think is going to happen to Nixon?"
The husband said, "Nixon is done for," as his wife lay in his arms on the sofa.
"I still can't believe that there is so much evidence against him."
"Well, Nixon thought he could hide everything because of his status," her husband said, staring at the screen.
"It was only a matter of time before he was exposed... I mean, nothing ever stays hidden."
At a late-night diner in the centre of Washington, D.C., a group of men were seated around a table, their voices low.
"Did you hear about the tapes? Nixon's finished this time," one of them muttered, in his hand a cup of coffee.
"He'll never admit that he was involved," another man said, shaking his head.
"He will try to slither, like the serpent he is, out of it."
Back at the White House, Nixon walked in the Oval Office, on his face an expression of fury.