
Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas (Old)

----------------- Welcome! Hi, I am Felix Shin! I was just a person who lived among you guys on Earth. This wasn't my name on that planet. Hmm...I don't remember my original name. Is that weird? Anyway, welcome to my story where you will see me do a lot of crazy things. I was just a normal person losing my mind in total darkness. See, such a normal thing to do on your holidays... Also, did I mention that when you die you lose your mind in the void and then dissolve into nothingness? Looks like our fate isn't just flowers and unicorns. A being came and transmigrated me to do what I want in different worlds. Basically, mess up the canon in these different parallel earths which contain fictional stories. Easy, right? Oh, how wrong was I..... ----------------- Worlds ------------ 1. Weak Hero 2. Wind Breaker and The Boxer 3. ??????? 4. ??????? Disclaimer- 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect top-tier English but my story won't have any major grammatical errors. 2. 7 Ch/Week 3. No romance in the first world. Maybe later. 4. The property herein is not stated to be the original documentation, nor is it to be reproduced or sold in any capacity. Original characters owned by the author; full rights to the author. The cover also belongs to its original artist. In no way, I am profiting from the work as well as the cover; full rights to the artist for the cover of the book. ------------ Join my Discord server - https://discord.gg/UTstwuZY8S Check out my other fanfiction : Multiverse of Sword and Magic

East_Wind_Took_Me · Komik
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63 Chs


'___': Thoughts

"__": Speaking

[2640 Words]


(3rd Person POV)

Both Ben and Felix stopped a taxi, promised the taxi driver to give him five times the usual money to reach that part of Noryangjin and sped across all the vehicles.

The two of them had a really nervous expression on their face. Their hands clenched and their feet were tapping on the

Thankfully, they didn't have to stop at any traffic lights. They reached the location, flung the money at the driver and ran up the stairs.

There was a guy on the lookout. The moment he saw Felix and Ben, he tried to warn the others by yelling but a straight jab at the chin took care of him.

Both Felix and Ben tried to open the metal door but due to it being locked by the other side, there was just a clashing of the metal door. This was done by the strength of Ben.

The reason behind that was that although Felix has strength in the upper tier of this world, it is still not enough to break the lock of a metal door.

Been Park smashed the door and both of them ran through the opening while shouting the name 'Gray'.

The sight they see on entering was Wolf Keum readying himself to punch the fainted Gray with several injuries and blood still trickling out...


(1st Person POV)

Staying in total darkness with no one except yourself was unsettling as well as mind breaking. Every day, I questioned about why do I exist.

Despair and Anguish engulfed my very being every moment. When nothing seemed in sight, I still had some hope.

The hope of someday leaving this place...

The hope of someday feeling the sunlight bathe my body...

The hope of someday feeling the wind blowing against me...

The hope of someday tasting something edible...

The hope of someday feeling water washing down my throat...

I was able to fulfil these wishes and desires of mine. I didn't expect that I will ever be able to live again. I gained something I didn't ever expect like friendship and comradery.

Gray and Stephen were my first friends. Though, that being promised me that the aftershock of being in the void won't affect me. Every day something was at the back of my mind always...but I always ignored those thoughts of mine.

The moment I heard that Gray was in danger. The practical side of my mind calmed me down that Gray is strong enough to take care of himself. However, the emotional side of my mind overwhelmed the other mind...

I kept thinking about the safety of Gray. I never expected the bullies to attack him. This was like a warning to me. I thought that Gray and Stephen were just good friends of mine. They were much more important to me.

I was extremely lonely and forlorn in the void.

They were one of the first interactions for me and someone hurting them was just unacceptable...

I entered the rooftop and the moment I saw Wolf readying himself to beat the shit out of the already brutally beaten up Gray, I was filled with extreme rage and fury...

I activated my first ability to the extreme and dashed across to Wolf. I propelled my hand to reach all of its potential force and bashed it against Wolf.

This was an unexpected event for them. All of them including Ben were shell-shocked at the sudden display of my fighting abilities.

I growled at Ben," Ben, take Gray with you to the hospital."

I saw Eugene the only one among them with his consciousness.

" Eugene, you too. Take Rowan with you."

Eugene surprised at my anger immediately followed my command. He helped up Rowan and shuffled across to the gate. Ben also followed out but not without giving me a look that said 'Be Careful'.

I went to the door and dragged the lackey of Wolf Keum who was guarding the rooftop and threw him across.

Then, I locked the door with another lock at the top. The lock in the middle had already been broken earlier when we barged in.

I cracked my knuckles and had a sweet smile on my face....though it may have seemed the smile of a devil for them.

"Shall we?"







"Come here all of you, stand in line properly..."

One of them, an orange-haired guy who was probably the leader currently shouted," Who the fu** are you?"

I raised my brow and used my ability to again dash across and punch in front of him. He felt that pressure of my punch and fell to his knees wide-eyed.

"Now. Now. Do you want to repeat myself again, huh?"

All of them hurriedly scrambled into a line except Wolf Keum who had still not regained his consciousness.

"Now, I am gonna ask you questions one by one... If any one of you fails to answer them... Then...you know... the consequences might be too much to handle for you."

I went to the two lackeys of Wolf Keum. Both of them were sweating nervously and were looking down.

"So, tell me what did you guys do?"


"Did I stutter?" Saying that I grabbed the fingers of one of them and broke it.


I grabbed his hair and spoke pleasantly in his ear," Will you answer my question or do you want me to help you with that again?"

"No. no. I am s-sorry. I will tell everything to you..."

Then he explains all the details of how he was ordered by Wolf Keum to catch Rowan who was a thief and White Mamba.

"So, you are saying that Rowan is a thief and Wolf ordered you to bring White Mamba because he just looked at Wolf for 3 seconds? This seems kind of farfetched..."

Then, Wolf began to stir and gain consciousness.

"Oh, the champion of our show is gonna wake up..."

I said to those two while walking towards Wolf, "You two, break all your fingers in one hand."


"Do it or I might do something worse to you..."

Both of them gulped and looked at their hands. I leave them to their own devices and their destiny in their hands.




I squat in front of Wolf, grabbed his hair roughly and slapped him several times from both sides.

"Hey, Wolfy... Wake up. You have someone who came to meet you..."

He wakes up out of his stupor and glanced here and there wildly. He found me beside him and glared as if I killed his hamster," Who the fu** are you?!"

"What?! You don't know me? I thought that my fame might have reached over here but sadly...it hadn't, so for your information, I am The Falcon and your buddy for the next hour."

His expression just screamed ' What the fu** ?'

"Night. Night."





A barrage of punches landed on Wolf by me. My mind was just on a single track and it was to massacre the person who hurt my friend.

This went on for several moments until someone came from behind and tried to stop me.

It was a student wearing the uniform of Eunjang.

I stop myself from punching for a second and said," What are you people doing here? You are a Eunjang student aren't you?"

He started dashing out bullshit like he was forced to come here but his face just screamed guilty to me.

I called out to the masked guy and told him to tell me. He came clean out with everything and told me how all these three cowards sold Gray out and also stopped Rowan and Eugene.

When I heard the whole situation, I gesture him to go back and send the rest of the two Eunjang students.

All three of them came in front of me with a scared expressions.

"Now. Now. No need to worry about me hitting you. We are all from Eunjang right?"

They answered back as they stopped holding their breath," Yeah! Yeah! We had no choice. We won't do it again! We had no choice!"

"Now break all your fingers in both of your hands."

They looked at me with their mouth wide open as if they didn't expect my pleasant tone to turn into something threatening.

"Don't delay or... do you want to force me?"

They pleaded with tears just coming out of their noses and their snotty noses," P-Please forgive us... We didn't have any choice..."

I pass my hands through the hair and hold the two of them with my hands. My strength might not be the same as Ben but it is strong enough to hold these wusses in the air.

"You wanna do it?"

Then I throw the two of them onto the ground. All of them painstakingly readied themselves and...





The sound of these three breaking these fingers was heard throughout the rooftop. The others standing flinched every time they heard them screaming.

After some torturing minutes, they had all of their lacrimal fluid and the mucus out of their system.

They faced me with pleasing expressions.

" Nah...Nah... You guys still have to pay..... Now, hmmmmm..... Yes! Punch yourself in the face 100 times when you stand in line there. I have told that masked guy to watch over you and you have to punch the hardest you can. For every punch, you don't do the hardest, I will punch you in the face 10 times..... Also, did I mention 100 punches by each hand? Hahahahahaha!!!"

Their expressions were as if their soul had left their body. They wanted to argue but they chose not to....which was a good decision. They will have regretted that if they had done so...

"Hey! You orange-haired idiot, come here..." I motion him to come towards me.

He moves toward me hesitantly while sweating buckets. I patted him on the head and said," Now...Now... No need to worry. I won't hurt you...yet. Bring that slit-eyed guy to me."

That 'yet' scared him more than Wolf ever did to him.

He brought that slit-eyed guy to me and I asked him while wiping the blood of Wolf from my hands," What is your name?"

"J-Jared S-Sun."

"So, Jared listen to me. I don't like your face. I just hate how you look, so I may have to change that, y'know."

Saying that I move toward him and land a bombardment of punches and hits. This seemed to him for several minutes until he was on the ground sputtering blood.

"Oh C'mon. Why aren't there any good punching bags here? I just can't seem to have fun. Hmmmmm...Shall I continue with my earlier punching bag?" I thought with my hand on my chin.

"Nah, I should give Wolfy a chance to say something. He hasn't said anything at all since I came..... Hey, wake up Wolfy..."

Wolf Keum woke up, probably because of listening to my voice and he had an enraged expression on his face. However, the memories of me beating him to a pulp flooded his mind. He clutched his head and looked at me fearfully.

"Wolfy, looks like you know your situation, don't you? Tell me everything about how did Rowan, Eugene and Gray caught up in this shit."

He sputtered the whole story about how his bag had the files and Rowan was carrying it around openly.

"So, you are saying that Rowan is a thief, huh? Hmmm..."

I began to think about this accusation seriously. However, Jared who had already woken up flinched for a second when the word 'thief' was mentioned and this did not miss my eye.

"Jared, come here. Tell me everything about this thief business."

He seemed to falter while speaking. He faltered like a criminal falters when he is asked if he committed a crime.

"No worries. If you tell me everything about that, I will leave you alone. I will just punish the rest of the people linked to it. Don't you know that the royal falcon is a symbol of a noble and magnanimous man? I will forgive you even if you are linked."

His face like a fool believed all of my words and spoke about all how he was basically the master behind this plan. At last, he seem to be even proud of this and was literally bragging.

As he continued to speak, the face of Wolf paled and he was full of rage but he forced himself to stop because he was in my presence.

"Awesome, Jared! You are so good at manipulation! You can go now. I will take care of the rest of them. Bye Bye!"

He waved bye to me hesitatingly as my change in my attitude toward him was too different. He still turned backwards and attempted to walk back to the door when a punch slammed him into the ground.

He shouted "Why?!?!!" with a betrayed expression.

"Falcon represents Horus and did you know that Horus is the God of trickery and vengeance in Egyptian mythology? You didn't right? Enjoy the beating!"

And the beating for him continued with much more fervour and the amount of rage, fury, wrath and animosity I felt for him could not be described in words...

After he had already lost consciousness, I turned my attention toward Wolf," You didn't expect that, right?"

He nodded with clenched hands and veins early popping out of his forehead.

"And I heard about something like a 3-second rule was because you beat up Gray and that is the reason now why I am gonna do something special for you. Stand up in front of me."

He came and stood in front of me with his hands at the back.

"I will be making a special rule for you. If you catch you looking at me even for a second, I am gonna beat the shit out of you. Understand that?"

He nodded like a docile cat.

"Now, look at me."


"I said look meet my eyes."

He glanced into my eyes quizzically.


I slapped him hard across his face.

"Look at me again."


"Look at me"

















This went on for several times until both of his cheeks were swollen up and he had tears in his eyes.

"That's what will happen if you look at me. Do you understand?"


I let out a long sigh and then said," Go, stand in the line."

They trudged towards the line. I also follow them and stand in front of the line.

I proudly looked at my handiwork and smiled.

"Now, I am gonna a personal present for each one of you. Hope you enjoy it!!!"















I stand in front of the door and see my art. Blood was everywhere, all of them were with several of their bones broken and slumped on the ground after losing their consciousness.

I pick up the bloodied mobile of someone from the ground. I dial the number of the nearest hospital I know and said," Excuse Me? Some students have severe injuries here. They had a brutal fight with some gangsters. Can you come here to this address?"

"Ok, we will be sending an ambulance there. Thank you for reporting."

"No worries, ma'am. It is my duty as a proud citizen of Korea."

After the call, I throw the phone on the ground and walk through the door of the rooftop. All of my pent up stress was released. I didn't look behind myself...

I knew it was a bloodbath...


(End of the Chapter)

It was a humongous chapter. I wanted to make the beating as satisfying as possible. Hope you enjoyed it...

The part where feelings of Felix are mentioned is a part that was necessary to give substance to Felux as a human. It was to inform that Felix is a person who has something he treasures.

If you liked the story, then add it to your library. Drop some power stones and write some comments for my motivation.