
The Conclave of Mastermimds

The atmosphere echoed with Yuuichi's declaration, "Checkmate." His eyes sparkled mischievously as he directed his gaze towards Ayanakouji.

"Look who's the winner now," Yuuichi grinned, pointing to Ayanakouji. "This fool over here just beat me with an unexpected checkmate."

Ayanakouji, ever calm, replied. "You proved to be quite the challenge, seeing through all my moves. But your overconfidence paved the way for my Victory."

Yuuichi brushed off the compliment, his tone casual. "No need for a gold star. I know I'm the best."

As they settled around the dining table, I adjusted my posture, ready to address them formally.

"I extend a wholehearted welcome to you all, esteemed Masters. It is my honour to be at your service. Allow me to reintroduce myself..."

I cleared my throat gently and continued, "I am the Butler of this mansion, here to cater to your needs. You may refer to me as... Mr Butler."

After a brief pause, I resumed, "There exist three essential rules that must be followed here. First, no harm should come to fellow Masters. Second, decisions made by the appointed leader should be followed. And third, departure from this island requires my permission."

Tetta Kisaki raised his hand, seeking to ask a question. I nodded, indicating he should proceed.

"Go ahead," I prompted.

"Where are we? What's the deal with this island?"

"We find ourselves on 'Insel der Weisheit,' an island owned by an unknown character. The name translates to 'Island of Wisdom' in German," I explained.

Light took a sip of his wine and shared his thought, "So, this unknown character might have German roots."

Ayanakouji supported his chin on his left hand, the other hand with the chopsticks equipped. "There's a possibility that this mystery person isn't actually German. The choice of a German name could be an attempt to mislead us."

Tetta Kisaki summed it up, "In other words, it's a fifty-fifty chance."

Kisaki turned his attention to me, his question hanging in the air. I encouraged him to continue.

"When can we meet this mysterious character?"

I clarified, "Only once you've fulfilled your designated missions you will have the opportunity to meet him."

Unfazed by the speculation, Yuuichi interjected, "Why get excited over this unknown person, If you think the voice belongs to him, you're out of your mind."

Ayanakouji nodded in agreement, he placed the chopsticks back on the table. "The voice called us here for a survival challenge. Also, his voice had an interest in meeting us, like he wanted to watch us facing this challenge directly. It implies that he must have crossed paths with us or will do so soon, he won't wait till we seal the mission."

Kisaki, inquired eagerly, "So, you're saying the voice doesn't belong to the mystery person?"

Light, growing impatient, retorted, "Enough with the 'voice and his challenge' talk. I am not even interested in it."

(That's right, cause the meeting between Light and the voice occurred at the brink of Light's death, hence the voice wasn't provided enough time to propose the challenge of survival and to be an interested part in Light's head)

Then Light turned his head towards me "Mr Butler, You mentioned a leader when listing the rules. Who's it?"

I took a deep breath, ready to reveal the leader's identity. "At present, Light Yagami has been chosen as the leader."

A pleased smile played on Light's lips, and they all focused on their food. Even tho Light and Kisaki had already finished eating by now, respecting the others they sat still on the table

After a few minutes, the group concluded their meal and wiped their hands clean. I told them that they all must attend the meeting right now, they questioned me 'Why?', to which I replied with uttering these words "This meeting is about your first mission, Masters. So, buckle your brains up"

Following my lead, they proceeded to a dedicated meeting chamber in the mansion.

Once seated, I initiated the conversation, "Let us now commence the meeting with introductions: state your names, ages and specify the goals that made you reach here."

Light took the lead, speaking with resolve, "I'm Light Yagami, 23 years old. I aim to wipe out every criminal in my realm. I was failing and came here to seek help"

Yuuichi, the cheerful one, chimed in next, "I'm Katagiri Yuuichi, 17 years old. My goal is to collect Money as much as possible. You see, the voice offered me

1 billion yen, isn't that enough convincing?"

He turned to me, a playful glint in his eyes, "Is that detailed enough, Mr Butler?"

"Your response is perfect," I replied.

Ayanakouji's continued his silence which prompted Kisaki to come forward, "I'm Tetta Kisaki, around 25. I intend to become Tokyo's most dangerous criminal, and the voice was kind enough to offer me more power for achieving it."

Light's gaze sharpened as he addressed Kisaki, "You've just marked yourself as my target. I would gladly terminate criminals like you"

Kisaki, showing no fear, cracked his neck, unfazed. "Try me..."

I interjected sternly, "Remember, rule number one: No harm to each other."

The tension eased, and Ayanakouji, whose social skills are low began, "I am Kiyotaka Ayanakouji, 17 years old. My mission is to stop my father's harmful experiments, The voice told me that I would receive the needed supplies here,"

Yuuichi offered a supportive applause, in order to help Ayanakouji with his social approach "Well said!."

"Mind your manners, Yuuichi. This is a formal meeting," I reminded him.

Yuuichi responded cheekily, "Sure thing, Mr. Butler. I'll be on my best behaviour."

I addressed the group, "Any further inquiries?"

Ayanakouji raised his hand, and I nodded in encouragement.

"Please, proceed," I said.

"Can I have a chance to meet the voice that brought me here?"

"You shall have that opportunity when the timing is right."

Kisaki, eagerly asked, "So, what do we need to do for our first mission?"

"To initiate the first mission, you'll need to be split into two groups," I revealed, setting the stage for their next attempt.

Turning to Light, I prompted, "Light Yagami, as the leader, you hold the responsibility of dividing the group."

Light nodded and declared, "Certainly. I look forward to working with the genius chess master, Ayanakouji. And I would like to name it 'Team A,' while the lousy ones(Kisaki, Yuuichi) will make up 'Team B"

While I reminded Light, to take the meeting seriously and not to call anyone lousy or anything like that. Ayanakouji went into his thoughts

'I should have lost to Yuuichi, by using 25% of my brain. I thought he was more challenging and used 50% of my brain and won. When it comes to chess, Is he really dumb or was he trying to play dumb? Anyway, way... I shall be careful to not expose my capabilities again'

Yuuichi knocked the table to get Ayanakouji's attention "What's the matter, pal?..." he smiled, a develish smile and continued "...You look lost in thoughts."

"I am fine" the unemotional Ayanakouji replied

Kisaki leaned forward, curiosity piqued, "So, what's our first mission?"

The atmosphere in the room was charged with anticipation as I revealed their first mission.

"Your primary task is to conquer a country," I announced, watching as Light's smirk hinted at his amusement.

Light's voice dripped with mockery, "Our first mission is to conquer a country? Quite the ambitious plan you have for us."

"Take this assignment seriously," I emphasized.

Ayanakouji turned to me, "Mr Butler, do you have any insights on how we should approach this challenge?"

I replied, " It's up to you to come up with a plan. You all are in charge of this task.'"

Ayanakouji let out a sigh, "Alright. When should we present our strategy?"

"Have your plan ready by August 21th, cause we will get the perfect opportunity to strike on August 25th " I specified.

Curious, Kisaki inquired, "What's the current date?"

Yuuichi pointed towards the digital clock on the wall, displaying

'August 10, 8:48 PM.'

Kisaki chuckled softly, "I must've missed that."

Light chimed in, "So, that gives us 2 weeks to formulate a plan."

With a nod, Light added, "We can utilize the internet, can't we?"

"You're free to utilize any necessary resources," I confirmed.

Ayanakouji let his voice out, "Mr Butler, you haven't mentioned the name of the country we're supposed to conquer."

"The country that you should conquer is North Korea," I revealed.

Light's brow furrowed, "I'm curious, why split us into two groups?"

I took a calming breath, "collecting some important tactics to conquer North Korea, requires a meeting with two individuals." I took a small breath and further explained. "After tomorrow, Team A, you'll meet a charming young man in a park located in Frankfurt."

Ayanakouji inquired, "Could you provide the park's name?"

"The park's name is 'Griesheim Park, I will give you the exact location, Dont worry'," I replied.

Kisaki pushed his glasses up his nose. "What about us? Who's our contact?"

I turned to Kisaki, answering, "On the same day, Team B will meet with a person wearing a full-head mask bearing a symbol. Meet at the 'cafe rostro' in Tokyo."

A hush fell over the room as the information settled in.

"Any further queries?" I prompted.

Silence persisted.

"Very well. The meeting has been concluded," I declared.

As the Masters stood up, stretched, and prepared to leave, Yuuichi turned to me, his question lingering in the air.

"Dining and meeting is over... Now what?"

I addressed them all, "Now, all Masters, kindly follow me to your room."

They followed me to a spacious room,

I opened and held the door for the masterminds to enter

Stepping into the room, they were immediately enveloped in an atmosphere of lavishness and luxury. The air carried a sense of richness that seemed to embrace us as we entered. Their eyes were drawn to the four generously sized beds that occupied the space. Each bed was adorned with sheets that felt soft and silky to the touch, and the pillows looked incredibly inviting, promising a night of comfortable rest.

The lighting in the room played a crucial role in creating a warm and cosy ambience. The soft glow revealed the room's exquisite furnishings, making them appear even more elegant and inviting. As they explored further, their attention was drawn to a comfy couch placed in one corner. Its very presence seemed to extend an invitation to sit down.

A huge size television mounted on one wall instantly caught their eye. Its presence hinted at endless entertainment possibilities. A beautifully designed closet stood nearby, revealing a collection of fashionable clothes that awaited those staying in the room. The selection promised the ability to dress stylishly for any occasion, adding a touch of glamour to their stay.

The room also contains two attached bathrooms, build by luxurious design. The promise of comfort was evident in every detail. Each bathroom boasted the convenience of a hot shower and a generously sized bathtub.

The bathrooms themselves seemed like a sanctuary of modern comfort. Soft towels and robes were thoughtfully provided, offering a cosy cocoon after a refreshing bath. Every faucet and handle was carefully chosen to strike a balance between aesthetics and functionality, creating an atmosphere similar to a high-end spa.

It was clear that the creators of this room poured their hearts into every angle of its design. The walls displayed tangled and pleasing designs that added an artistic touch to the space.

The windows provided a glimpse of the mansion's sparkling gardens, inviting natural light to stream in and further illuminate the room's beauty.

In every corner of the room, from the beds to the bathrooms, the attention to detail was unmistakable. This room was a witness to luxury, a shelter that offered an experience of richness and comfort within the grand surroundings of the mansion.

I pointed towards a bell located near the door. "Masters, if you require any kind of assistance, simply ring the bell."

"Understood," Kisaki acknowledged.

I reminded them, "Always remember, the leader has the final say in all matters, no matter how trivial. Everyone should respect the leader's decisions."

Yuuichi replied casually, "Yeah, yeah, we've got it."

"Enjoy your stay, Masters," I concluded with a bow before leaving them.

As I exited the room, Light took charge, announcing, "The time is 9:23 right now, By 10:00, everyone should be in bed. Lights off, no noise."

'Even tho we have slept 12 hours, we should get everything back on schedule by sleeping at night, so that our brain could work in the best way' The voice inside Light told him

Yuuichi couldn't help but add with a smirk, "The first order from our esteemed leader. I suppose we must obey."

Ayanakouji, the only one who wasn't interested in enjoying the room headed to a bathroom to freshen up, while Light who prioritizes his schedule more than his comfort occupied another to do the same. The couch's invitation was irresistible for Kisaki and Yuuichi, they took a moment and guess what they did?

While relaxing, they started a small friendly conversation which led them to reveal each other's interaction with the Voice,

You know what happened between Yuuichi and The Voice, The Voice tried a manipulation tactic, but the result wasn't positive, anyway, Yuuichi entered the portal to gain more money Well, That's not the case on Kisaki's side. I will explain it.

As Kisaki walked on the streets of Tokyo, the same portal sparkled into existence before him, seemingly out of thin air. As he stared at the swirling vortex, the same voice emerged, echoing softly in his ears. "Tetta Kisaki, you are stronger than you know, but your potential remains undeveloped."

Intrigued, Kisaki responded, "Who are you? And how do you know my name?"

The voice chuckled, "I see the ambition that burns within you, the urge to prove your worth, to be known as more than just a common criminal."

Kisaki's curiosity piqued, he cautiously asked, "What do you want from me?"

"Nothing, Tetta Kisaki. But what if I told you that I could help you unleash your full potential? That I could elevate you to heights you've never dared to dream of?"

A sly smile played on Kisaki's lips, his interest growing. "And what do I have to do for that?"

"Simple," the voice replied. "Enter the portal before you. Welcome the unknown, accept the challenge of survival and I shall grant you the power to command respect, to rule over those who once looked down upon you. No longer shall you be trapped in the shadows; moreover that you would finally be able to show your real potential to your love"

Kisaki's mind raced, visions of power and dominance dancing before his eyes. He had always been driven by his desire to be feared, to be in control and to be chosen by his love (hinata). The voice seemed to understand him, to tap into the very essence of his ambitions.

"You have a weakness, Tetta Kisaki," the voice continued, its words a whisper that sent shivers down Kisaki's spine. "Your thirst for power is only rivalled by your fear of being defeated. You desire recognition, yet the thought of failure in front of your love paralyzes you."

Kisaki's eyes widened, his heart pounding. The voice's words were dreadfully accurate, exposing his deepest fears.

"I offer you a chance to conquer those fears," the voice enticed. "To break free from the chains that hold you back. Enter the portal, survive, and I shall grant you the strength to overcome any challenge. Your enemies will bow before you, and your name will strike fear into their hearts."

Torn between ambition and caution, Kisaki hesitated. The voice's offer was tempting, but the unknown still loomed before him. It was a choice that would shape his destiny, one that could either lead him to unparalleled power or throw him into the abyss of uncertainty.

And so, Tetta Kisaki stood before the portal, his mind a battleground of desires and doubts. The voice's promises echoed in his ears, a seductive melody that promised to transform his weaknesses into strengths. As he gazed at the portal before him, he knew that his decision would forever alter the course of his life. And he took a leap of fate by entering it.

By 9:41, they finished exchanging their stories, Ayanakouji and Light have already stepped into the room and crawled into their beds, midway through the conversation, As the Bathrooms were free Yuuichi and Kisaki used them.


The clock displayed '9.57'

Everyone Lying in bed, lights dimmed, and silence enveloped the room.

Everything was okay until...

Yuuichi's voice travelled softly to Kisaki's ear, "Are you absolutely certain you'll live to see another day?"