
Chapter 1. The Beginning

There was nothing, then there was light, worlds where made, and I saw it all.

I woke up in an endless white void, The only thing that was really there was a patch of grass, a small tree that I was leaning on, me and a black skeleton next to me who looked like he was in deep slumber. And I knew I would want him to be like that for as I long as I can. Groaning, I stood up, a black skeleton hand gripped my scarf. Looking down I realised that the black skeleton that I had watched through the computer had grabbed me in his sleep. Smiling, I looked at him more closely, in real life he looked more sad, even in his sleep. Blue lines went down his glitching face, like tears. His body yet to be scarred by bones, blasters and paint. I smiled, looking down at my glow in the dark necklace in my hand that I had wished for.

This is my world now. Under-verse. Smiling, I felt magic tingle on my finger tips. The codes singed underneath me, as I found who I was looking for, A portal opened, to reveal a naked sans, a mer sketch, sitting in an empty void. Grasping his soul as if to tear it apart, teleporting next to him, I grabbed his hand.

"Stop" I said sullenly, my face shadowed.

"Colour?" The Skeleton asked ignoring what I said, His hands moving to tap my lightly as if I was something conjured from his imagination, realising I wasn't an illusion, He grasped my jacket tightly, as if I would disappear, tears flowed down his white face. Sighing, I hugged him, pulling his head into my embrace, his head reaching up to my waist, due to him sitting down. I felt him burry his face into my dress. My cap tipped over my face for a moment. Kneeling down, I carried him bridal style. His head moving to nudge it self into my scarf. Groaning at how heavy he was, I opened a portal, to my 'home'. Jumping through I landed on the soft green grass. My hand cradling the suppose to be creator, from it position on the back of his skull. Hearing slight snores, I smiled at where the sleeping FGOD lay. Moving towards the tree, I placed a now sleeping Ink there.

"Your name is Paint" I said pointing to the nude skeleton, a ding sound sounded and a name tag popped on top of his head.

"You name is Strings" I said pointing to teh black skeleton. Another ding sound sounded and another name tag popped into existence. Smiling, I sat in-between the skeletons, Their heads laying on my shoulder. As strings twirled form my palms, self knitting themselves, into Paint's clothes. Humming happily at the point that I could wake Stings, due to the fact Paint had yet earned his title. But apparently it was no meant to be.