
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Komik
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195 Chs

Ch. 88 Mordred and Artoria's FATE

(;Yuto Pov)

' Spear art: First Form: Spatial Massacre'

As I triedntonreach out to Artoria and Mordred, the rebellion army tried to get in my way.

And I slaughtered all of them one by one. With the help of Scathach.

Scathach and I walked through the battlefield.

After finishing off the rest of the rebellion. I moved towards where Mordred and Artoria were fighting.

As soon as I got there, I saw Mordred on the ground.

" Mordred."

I calmly spoke as I kneeled beside her and took off her helmet.

Mordred:" T..each..er. I...I'm....s...sor...ry."

" Shh, it's alright. I'm here now. it's going to be okay." Even with gamers mind, I could still feel the sadness creeping into me.

Mordred:" I d....didn't....g..et...t..o...t..e.ll...y..ou..."

Mordred is trying to find the strength to speak.

" What is that, Mordred?"

Mordred:" I..I ....L.o..v...e..y.o...u."

' I'm sorry, Mordred, I truly am sorry. But I'll have to lie to you.'

Smiling gently, I spoke.

" And I love you as well Mordred."

A smiled creeper up on Mordreds bloody mouth as she took her last breath.

" Sigh, I'm sorry, Mordred."

Getting up. I controlled myself.

Scathach:" It's going to be alright, dear. Just a little more."

" Phew, you're right."

Walking towards Artorias' location, I saw her sitting up against a tree.

" Artoria."

Aroria:" Yuto."

Walking up to her, I grabbed her hand. Looking into her eyes, which were filled with warmth as she looked at me.

Putting a hand on her cheek, I kissed her.

" I'm sorry, Artoria."

Artoria:" For what? you didn't do anything wrong."

We both say there in silence before Artoria spoke to scathach.

Arotria;" Please take care of him..."

Scathach;" Of course, Artoria."

Artoria smiled.

Feeling her hands go cold.

My vision was filled with tears as I looked at her. Even though everything was blurry, I could still see her face clearly.

As the teardrops landed on her face, I decided to take her to Blackmore Cemetary.

As soon as I finished placing Artoria in her grave, I fell down devastated that I had to bury my lover.

Falling to my hands, I screamed as I punched the ground.


I kept punching even though my hands were bloody as I knew they would regenerate.

Scathach pulled me off the ground.


" Artoria." I cried.

Scathach:" She's gone, Yuto. please control yourself, I'm here, everything is going to be okay."

" Sniff.sniff. Scathach." I hugged Scathach as she held me in her arms.

// FATE/ Grand Order: Side Story: Part 5 //

Gil:" No fucking way he won!!"

Emiya lost but took like a champ.

Emiya:" I admit defeat, but please teach me about the recipe."

Yuto;" Of course!"

Smiling as everyone was enjoying both of their food, Yuto saw the door open, and everything turned into nothing but a blur as time slowed.

Their eyes met.

Artoria Pendragon and Yuto Yamamoto crossed paths once more.


( A/N: Short, I know, but my hands are hurting from typing chapter after chapter. So yeah, I think this is the end for the Arthurian Legend arc. I hope you enjoyed it.)