
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
195 Chs

Ch. 61 The Past 2.0

* A few days later,*

( Yuto Pov )

" That should be it."

I was on top of a building with Kakashi overseeing a celebration of liberating a city from the Mizukage.

We managed to convince a few clans in the city to give aid in taking down the mizukage.

Kakashi:" Yes, now we just need to defend this place until reinforcement arrives."

I turned to look at to see the newly arrived person.

" So, how's commanding your first battle? Mei."

Mei:" Oh my, are you perhaps jealous that? You worked hard today. Should I reward you with a kiss on the cheek?" Mei spoke with a flirtous voice, but I could see the rage in her eyes. She had her jaw healed not too long ago.

" Not interested, you're too old."

Mei:" WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!!!????"

" Huh!!? did you not hear me? I guess you really are old!!?"

Mei:" I'm going to melt that handsome face!!"

" Ready for round two!!?"

Kakashi:" Ahem, why don't we calm down...."

" Don't stop me, Kakashi, I'm going to end her whole career."

Mei:" Oh yeah, I can't wait..."

Ao:" Ahem, Lady Terumi, the can leader would arrive with reinforcement in the morning. Not only that, but Kiri Shinobi's are heading this way."

Mei:" Hmp, get everyone in a defensive position. And you two, I want the two of you to slow down the army as long as you can."

" Great, a suicidal mission."

Kakashi:" We'll do our best."

Mei:" Don't die, Yuto."

I gave Mei a middle finger as she and Ao left.

Sighing, I turned to look back at the sunset. But Kakashi spoke.

Kakashi:" I wonder, Yuto, why do you want help. Our mission was to collect information and leave. Not to mention , we already have the information we need, so why do you want to help?"

I didn't answer as I looked on to the sun finally setting, and the moonlight was the only thing illuminating the sky with its stars. And I finally spoke as I looked up to the moon.

" Freedom is always worth fighting for."

* Flashback *

Nick:" If you ask me Yuto freedom is always worth fighting for."

Nick would always spout the same bullshit every time.

Brock:" Sigh, leave Yuto alone. we got another mission this time, whether it's for freedom or not it's just another mission, nothing less, nothing more."

Brock, he was like an older brother to me. He taught all I needed to know about love and teenager stuff.

Kara:" The mission brief is on your tablets."

Kara, like an older sister, she was the hacker of our group. She and Brock had chemistry together.

Kuta:" Whistle, that's a pretty lady!"

Kuta, the joker of our team, is a playboy, specializes in pistols, and snipers, but for some reason, he always uses a knife, as he said it was quicker than a gun. Especially in close quarter combat.

' Lily.'

On the tablet, I saw Lily. Apparently, she's considered a terrorist by the government.

Kara:" Our mission is to capture our target, Lily, as for the rest they said to neutralize every single one of them."

Kuta:" Welp time to get ready, rookie."

He spoke as he patted my shoulder, and everyone left to get ready for the upcoming mission.

* Few Hours Later,*

* Gunshots *

" Kuta, we're pinned down. We could use some help."

Kuta:" No can do. The Mist is blocking my view. I need to relocate."

' Odd, didn't he have a thermal scope.' I spoke as I checked my magazine in my pistol.

Nick:" Kara, can you find anywhere we could retreat to safety!!?"

Kara:" I'm working on it!!! w.w.wait nonono Shit!!!"

Brock:" Kara, what's wrong!!?"

Kara:" I'm locked out!!"

Nick:" Shit!!!"

' Sigh, they're expecting us from the beginning.'

Kara:" Shit!! my position is compromised. I need to lea... argh, cough."

The call was cut off.

Brock:" Kara!!! answer me!! Shit!!"

Brock tried to get up to go towards Kara's position but was pulled back by Nick.

Nick:" Brock, we need you here, I'm sure Kara could handle herself."

Brock nodded with a stressed face.

* Clank *

'Sigh, shit'

Nick:" Grenade!!"

Hurriedly grabbing the grenade, I threw it back to where it came from.

* Boom!*

Nick:" Greak work, Kid!"

As Nick turned his attention towards me, Brock used this chance to run towards Kara.

Nick:" Brock!! Yuto, cover me!!"

Nodding as Nick went after Brock, I took out my dual pistols and suppressed fire while they were reloading. Taking cover again, Nick managed to go across and follow after Brock.

As I was the last one here, I was reloading until I started to shoot once more. Taking cover in a different spot.

' First rule in a gunfight, always be in the move.'

Reciting what Nick told me, I kept moving across the ground floor, killing multiple snipers and shooters. It wasn't until I got to the next floor that I took cover again dodging a few bullets.

???:" Is that you, Yuto, Lily told me all about you. How you both used to be a lover until it was discovered that you two were enemies."

He was right. Lily and I met up again in high school. We both fell in love even though she left me behind. It wasn't until we graduated that we learned of our jobs and net on the battlefield. Lily left me again without a notice, vanished into thin air.

' For a side character, you're speaking quite arrogantly.'

???:" Lily was all alone, and you weren't there, so I took it upon myself to take care of her, in her time of need, on the battlefield, and in her bed." He spoke that last part slowly.

Red, it was the only thing I saw before I came to my senses, staring at a dead body that had every bone in his body broken, eyes plucked and fear written on his face.

Staring at my bloodied hands, I clenched the. I to a fist as I knew I had to keep moving.

' A side character, he didn't stand out much.' I thought as I moved up the stairs in the stairways. As I climbed up, I came across Brock holding Kara's dead body.

' No. Kara.'

" Brock, what happened?"

Brock:" Kuta...he betrayed us, Nick went after him."

I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was going through something, so I decided to leave him here to grieve.

As I was running up the stairs, I suddenly talked to the railings and grabbed my collar to threw me through the door.

* Bam *

I took out my gun but lost my grip as Kuta cut my arm.

Kuta:" Didn't I teach you that Knifes are faster than guns." Before he could cut me again, I kicked his forearm, which caused him to lose his grip on the blade.

Before I could punch him, he kicked me in the gut and pucjed me to the floor.

" Gah!" Saliva came out from my mouth.

Kuta:" What's wrong Yuto, not so arrogant now, are we?"

Trying to get up, I spoke.

" Arrogant? I never was."

Kuta:" Really? always had the captain to back you up, always so silent thinking you're better than me!"

" That's just it. It is because I am better."

I kicked Kutas kneecap, which bent his legs backward, making him fall to the ground.

Kuta:" AAARRGHH!!"

Getting up, I kicked the knife away before he could reach for it.

" Sigh, I didn't want to do this, but here we are. This is for Kara."

I reached down and grabbed Kutas head. He tried to struggle, but it was all in vain.

Kuta:" W.w.wwait don't do this Yuto we're friends aren't we!!!?"

" We were."

* Crack *

I sighed as I sat down next to his body and looked outside to see the moonlight shining through the window.

Nick:" Hey kid, the target is about to leave by helicopter. You need to reach the rooftop ASAP!!"

I'm getting a call from Nick. I answered.

" Where are you?"

I got up to run upstairs towards the rooftop.

Nick:" Apparently, something, we need to talk af r...."

The call was cut off. Not bothering on what had happened, I rushed to the rooftop.

* Swoosh *

Opening the door to the rooftop, I was greeted by the sight of Lily climbing aboard the helicopter along with Nick.

" Wha...?"

Lily:" Yuto!!! It's great to see you again. I'm sure you've met my ex downstairs, though he couldn't compare to you."

" NICK, WHAT'S HAPPENING!!!?" I roared

Nick:" Change of plans, Yuto, we're switching sides!!!"

" I'll fucking kill you, you bastard!!"

Lily:" Let's go old man, I told you he wouldn't listen." As they tried to escape I ran to the helicopter and opened its door before they could close it.

I was greeted by a punch in the face by Nick, and I barely hanged on. Tackling Nick to the floor, I kicked Lily in the stomach to the pilot, causing the helicopter to spiral.

Nick grabbed a knife and stabbed me in the stomach. Holding his arm that stabbed me, I headbutt him, and eblow cut him on the forehead multiple times before he got knocked out.

* Bang*

Barely getting up, I was shot by Lily in the shoulder before I swiped the gun out of her hand and blocked a kick from her. Grabbing a headset from the top, I strangled her with it.

Lily:" Cough, Yuto, don't do this. I.love.you."

I looked into her eyes as she was struggling to breathe, and I grabbed the gun and shot the pilot before he could stabilize the helicopter.

With fear in her eyes, she looked on with horror as we crashed into the building.

* Crash * * Boom!! *

* Heavily breathing *

I was barely conscious. But I got up, and as I looked at the helicopter that crashed into the building, I saw Lily's dead body hanging from that headset I strangled her with from the destroyed rooftop

Seeing her dead body reminded me of her smile back in high school. Our time spent together, her existence was what kept me moving to find her once more.

But I got a new purpose. Everything seemed clear to me, like shackles being broken.

" Hahaha, I'm an idiot for falling in love with someone like you."

Holding my stomach, I walked downstairs and reached the ground floor. I saw Kara's dead body next to Brock, who held a gun in his hands with a bullet hole in his forehead.

???:" Sir, are you alright?"

I heard a voice coming from comms, and I answered.

" I'm fine, Iris, is the local police nearby?"

" They're heading your way as we speak. They should arrive in three minutes. What about the others? I tried to contact them but couldn't."

Iris was my handler. Someone I grew fond of, and as I saw my comrades die and their betrayal, she was the only one I could cling onto in my time of need.

I sat in the lobby of Humane labs as I waited for help to arrive. The lobby was filled with dead bodies filled with bullet holes.

" They're gone. They died with honor. And two betrayed us."

Iris:" I see, what now, sir?"

" Could you find anything of. Humane labs, a reason why Lily was here, why Nick betrayed us even though he believed in what was right, what caused him yo switch?"

Iris:" I'll look into that right now."

* Sirens in the distance *

' Finally.' I thought as I moved outside towards an ambulance. I held my hands up as the police had me at gun point, but laced down their weapons when they realized I was a soldier.

" Woah, woah careful, bullets are pretty expensive these days."

???:" We got a survivor!!! Sir, can we see some ID?"

" Sure you can. It's in my back pocket. Just be careful with the goods."

The police officer looked at me weirdly, but I didn't care as I felt everything was meaningless, like in a good way.

Police Officer:" He clean!!"

Doctor: Sir, over here, let's get you treated."

Iris:" Sir! You want to see this."

" What is it? Just tell me, "

Iris:" Humane labs has been making deals with the terrorist group CORRODE. They've been doing illegal stuff like human test subjects, harvesting their organs, and selling them. Not only that, but the general knows this as well. They've been trying to cover this up."

" Cover it up how??"

Iris:" Let me see."

I waited for a while for Iris to respond again.

Iris:" Shit!! Yuto, you need to run away from the building now!!!"

Without a second of doubt, I did as she told me, with our years of work together, I knew not to question when she gave an order like that.

Everyone was confused as to why I suddenly got up and ran. As I passed the treeline, I kept running until I was pushed forward by an explosion that came from the building.

* Boooomm!!! *

" Cough cough, Iris!! What the fuck just happened!!?"

Iris:" Sir you're okay!!!"

" Damn right I'm okay what happened!!!??"

Iris:" The general, he's trying to cover it up."

" Please tell me you have the evidence?"

Iris:" Yes I do."

" Alright, just stay where you are, turn off everything. I'll come and get you. "

Taking off my headset, I threw it to the ground and stomped it.

" Sigh, my fucking ears are ringing." I spoke as I had a my finger in my ear trying to get rid of the ringing noise.

* Flashback end *


" Hmm? "

Kakashi:" Are you alright? You seemed a little lost looking at the moon."

" I'm alright, come on, we have an army to slow down."

Kakashi:" Yuto, as your sensei is perfectly normal to tell me amthing."

I turned to look at Kakshi before jumping off the building.

" I'll keep that in mind."