
Multiverse fixer

Our story starts with a genius, blant, but mad scientist (MYTH) who in the name of science did most craziest and dangerous experiments. and thanks to those crazy experiment he end up dragging himself in a crazy multiverse debacle. read how he survive in this ordeal.... spoiler alert:- this is going to be fanfiction , comedy novel with HP, DC, MARVEL, HTTYD, TRANSFORMERS and many more I hope u enjoy this novel...

menhunter_2 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs


Somewhere in space a strange rift opened. The rift looked similar to a broken glass, the only difference is that the glass always looked pristine white, On the other hand this crack is full of darkness. After some time few repels could be seen on the surface of it. Suddenly the whole crack started distorting as if it was going to swallow or spit something. With a strong distortion it spit out a small piece rock and after spitting out the rock the space crack started sinking and after few seconds it completely disappeared. After coming out of the rift the stone started drifting in a straight line, after travelling for almost half year it came near an unknown solar system and then it entered in it. May be by luck or by something else it did not crashed into anything nor did it change its course. It was still travelling in a straight line. On its way it has crossed many planet's orbits, But just when it was crossing the third planet it got attracted toward it.

3 days ago, On a busy afternoon in a city two man could be seen getting out of a black car, Both of them are wearing black suit and one of them is carrying a briefcase in one of his hand which was handcuffed on his wrist showing the importance of the briefcase and it's content. After exiting the car they went toward a 20 floor building which was entirely covered with glass, After entering they went toward the reception, One of the man showed his badge to the man working on the reception and then he said "We are here to meet General malla, tell her its an urgent matter". After Hearing this and seeing the badge the expression of the receptionist changed. In hurry he said "give me a second sir". Then, he dialed a number "Hello General malla, two gentleman from the PMO office want to meet you they are saying that its urgent; ok mam" after that he put down the phone and then he said "this way Sir" then he led them to the general's office. After leading them to the office door the receptionist left. One of the man knocked on the office's door. "COME IN" A lean but majestic voice came from inside, One of the man entered the room while other stood guard at the door. After entering the room he opened the handcuff and after putting the briefcase he said "Mister president said to open it when you are all alone". Then he left the room and with his partner both of them went for the cafeteria to take the magical stress relieving drink called coffee, Back in the room after waiting for a bit general opened the briefcase. In the briefcase lay a singular file and after reading the file her expression became grim.

CURRENT TIME. {NOTE:- the technology tree of this planet is almost same as ours but it is bit advance than ours}.

Planet Galore,

Penta City, Night time, 11:30 pm.

Usually at this time half of the city would be sleeping and the remaining half would be enjoying their night life, But today the situation has changed. The whole city is as silent as grave and why won't it be, Afterall the whole city was empty.

A night ago this city was full of life and shining neon lights but today there are only neon lights and scattered things in the city, As if the whole city was emptied in a hurry.

{FLASHBACK and a side story: Daytime, The Sun is looking down from his throne, Hundreds of helicopters could be seen flying all over the city. Many helicopters are standing on every junction of the road, few has their propeller rotating while some has their engine off. Many soldiers could be seen leading peoples to these helicopters, few officers in captain rank are holding microphones and shouting "Please stay in line, there are enough helicopters for everyone". Many families could be seen moving in hurry toward the helicopters, In one such family "A father, mother and their 5 year old daughter who is being carried by her father and she herself was carrying a small teddy bear in her hand" could be seen moving toward the helicopter. The Mother and father have quite a worried expression while on the other hand their daughter is looking here and there in wonder and curiosity, she has never seen so many people moving together, Suddenly a man bump into her father's back.

"Sorry" apologized the man.

"It's ok" replied the father.

Due to the bump the little girl lost her grip on the teddy causing it to fall in the middle of the road.

"Aaa daddy, Tata (the name of teddy bear)" said the little girl, while pointing toward her fallen teddy.

Hearing his daughter speak the man turned toward the teddy bear, just when he was about to go back to pick it up, his wife said "Leave it, we don't have time for this".

Hearing his wife the man hesitated for bit. Just then someone accidentally kicked the teddy and soon the teddy disappeared in the crowd.

Seeing her favourite toy disappear in front of her eyes the little girl almost cried. But May be it was her good upbringing or her sheer will, she did not cried. Seeing their little angel showing such a good understanding both parents smiled and then her mother said "I will get you a bigger one". Hearing this the little girl reluctantly nodded. Then, The whole family boarded the helicopter. Unbeknownst to them, After being kicked many time somehow the teddy had end up beneath their helicopter. Soon the helicopter took off, The taking off helicopter and the surrounding activities are being reflected in the glass eye of teddy. Time passed and soon it was night time. By now the whole city is empty and the poor teddy is left all by itself, Just few hours ago this teddy was someone's favorite, someone's laughter. but now it is left all alone in desolation.}

Current time.

There was no movement in the city except there are hundreds of newly installed cameras that are moving left-right, up-down almost covering the hole city, suddenly all the cameras pointed toward the night sky, As if awaiting the arrival of some great superstar.

Scene changed to that of the top of the city many big cameras are pointing toward the sky recording the movement of each and every passing second. Scene zoomed in toward the camera lenses, Passing through inside the cables and zooming out in a big hall which is situated in an underground building somewhere outside the city. There is a big screen on the one side of the room divided into many smaller screens showing different angles of the camera and in front of the giant screen few semi-curve long table are placed and many computers are set on it .People could be seen working on them, and behind them on an elevated platform stood a woman of almost 50 years of age in a military uniform and a General Malla named badge pinned on her chest, She has a pair of majestic eyes, tall nose and a muscular body. Currently she is frowning and her expression is pissed as if it was announcing to the world "don't cross me". A man in a lab coat raised his head and looked toward the General and said "General it's here". Hearing this she raised her head toward the sealing of the hall as if she could see through it.

Few minutes ago.

A small piece of asteroid could be seen traveling through the space, Suddenly its speed increased as if it is attracted toward something. The direction it was moving toward was a planet.

After entering the planet the speed of the meteorite increased and after a minute it caught fire due to friction between the meteorite and the atmosphere.

Current time,

A meteorite could be seen streaking through the sky, Suddenly a strange change happened to it, It actually changed its course and make a turn of almost 30°, According to its original trajectory it should have landed somewhere in the sea next to the city, but now it is falling toward the city.

"What the fuck" said a random researcher.

Seeing meteorite changed its course everyone's expression changed for the worse.

"Can anyone explain what the heck just happened" Said an old age man in a lab coat.

Hearing this everyone in unison turned toward the speaker and started staring toward him, to be exact they were staring toward his chest, there is a badge pinned there stating "Dr Witti; Senior meteoriticist and planetary geologists". Seeing everyone stare toward him. the Asian looking guy got confused and then he looked down toward his own chest, there he saw his own badge and after seeing the badge he got embarrassed and muttered "I have never seen anything like this before".

Neither do we, said general with a calm experience.

After few seconds of silence she continued "Where is it going to fall?".

"Its current trajectory is being calculated… According to it current path it is going to land somewhere near the Penta city power plant" Replied a female researcher while fumbling on keyboard.

Hearing this the General closed her eyes and let out a sigh of indignation.

Scene shifted toward that of meteorite, Now it is on the path toward the power plant. With every passing second the land is coming closer and closer and then it crashed.

All the screens lost their visual and turned to statics. Seeing the general closed her eyes. But then she scrounged her eyebrows as if she was thinking hard then she opened her eyes in bewilderment, "something wasn't right". She wasn't the only one with this bewildered expression, Almost all the researcher were sharing her dilemma.

It doesn't feel like meteorite strike said a male researcher, he had a badge pinned on his chest which has Dr Brown engraved on it.

"Mam, you should see this" said a female researcher, Pointing a finger toward her screen.

"Show it on the big screen" said General Malla.

With a click a chart appeared on the big screen.

This is the penta city power consumption chart of last 1 minute. Just in passed one minute. The power consumption has increased exponentially, But the thing is the whole city is empty. Then, who is using all this power said the female researcher.

Just then the lights of whole building flickered for many times and then it went off, After 10 seconds lights came back again. "Main power is offline, backup power is online" Said another female researcher.

Now what happened? Asked General.

We are sensing some sort of electrical surge from the point of impact and Mam we have permanently lost all the camera feed, All our cameras are offline.

"Connect me to stand by team" ordered the female general.

Stand by team is online mam said another female researcher while passing on the mic to the general.

This is Captain James from the stand by team, I await for your orders mam.

"We have lost all the eyes on meteorite, it had landed somewhere in the city I want you to find it and careful something isn't right" ordered the General.

"Copy that" replied the captain.

Time passed soon 20 minutes passed.

Suddenly the speakers in the room came alive.

"What's the status of our space rock" asked the general.

"It's hard to explain man, you need to see this" replied the captain.

I will be there in few minutes said the general and then she gave the mic to the previous researcher.

Ready my chopper she ordered the soldiers who were guarding the door.

After 5 minutes the scene changed, The general could be seen flying in a helicopter toward the strike spot.

The whole city was as same as before. There was no damaged building, no broken glass, no mayhem no nothing as if the meteorite strike was a dream, A very bad dream at that.

Everything was unchanged, By now the general was sure that something was not right.

"Mam we have arrived" said the pilot.

Hearing this she opened the helicopter door.

The Helicopter had landed in front of the power plant. Outside the power plant three soldiers were standing with evident tension in their eyes, Two guarding the entrance and One standing in the middle waiting for the General. After seeing the general he saluted and then they both shook hands. "Captain James Jarret of Madbull betalion. It's a pleasure to meet you mam." Said the man standing in the middle with the voice full of worry and tension and a nervous smile pasted on his face. "What is the situation captain" asked the General sternly. Hearing such a cold tune the smile on the face of James stiffened. But the next second he gets his wits together and then he said "this way mam". Leading her to the inside of power plant. The security of the power plant was very tight, On every corner there were atleast two soldiers standing on guard fully suited and in attentive position as if they are ready for war. The air is full of tension. After few twist and turns they came to the backside of the power plant. The security here was stronger than outside, Here all the soldiers are in ready position, pointing their weapons toward a particular direction.

"What the hell is this" asked the female general with a shocked and stunt expression, all her calmness thrown out of the window.

"We have no idea mam but I think it is not hostile" replied the captain.

"Wait, for atleast 2 to 3 hours then call all the scientist from Mindy base(base outside of Penta city)" Said the general.

Scene shifted on the front of them.


Time passed, After 3 to 4 hour the scientists reached the location with many devices and machines, They secured the perimeter and started taking reading for radiation level and other things.

Soon 6 hours passed, A team of scientists could be seen moving around the stone and in the corner the general could be seen standing with an old man. The old man is wearing a black overcoat and black pants. After some time a staff member came to them and said "Sir we are ready to move".

The old man nodded and then he turned toward the general and said "Thank you for your hardwork general I'll take it from here, Now you can go home and crank open some beers."

"Go home! what a joke, who is going return all the penta city people" Scowled the general.

Hearing this the expression of the old man froze.

Ha.Ha ,He laughed once dryly then pretending to look at his wrist watch he said "Oo I am getting late, I'll be on my way". After saying this he left in hurry as if he was running away for his life.

Outside the power plant, Before entering in his car the old man ordered his man to pack up all the scraps and quarantine the power plant for few days for observation. His car is a bit like limousine although not as big as limo but it has quite a space. Inside the car sat a man in a casual clothes.

What do you think? Asked the old man.

So far everything is according to the plan, after saying that the man opened the car door and before leaving he said while pointing toward the file on the seat "Get him! He is perfect for the job".

[Outside the car]

The man has just walked few step when someone called him from behind "Dr Brown, Where were you everyone is looking for you, Come on everyone is leaving.

Hearing this the man nodded in affirmation and then he said I'll be there in a bit.

"Come quick" said the man and then he left in hurry.

[Inside the car]

The old man opened the file, Inside the file is a information of a man and the first line is NAME:- Myth.

After sometime the whole caravan moved.

After almost 2 hours they reached a secret lab, Which was located somewhere in the middle of two mountains.

After exiting the car, the old man gave the file to a soldier next to him and ordered "Get him".

Yes, Sir replied the soldier and then he left in another car.

Planet Galore has 5 major cities:- Penta, Delta, Molt, Ganja, Wonta.