
Multiverse fixer

Our story starts with a genius, blant, but mad scientist (MYTH) who in the name of science did most craziest and dangerous experiments. and thanks to those crazy experiment he end up dragging himself in a crazy multiverse debacle. read how he survive in this ordeal.... spoiler alert:- this is going to be fanfiction , comedy novel with HP, DC, MARVEL, HTTYD, TRANSFORMERS and many more I hope u enjoy this novel...

menhunter_2 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs


I was going to update a new chapter but then I thought "Hey why not recheck my older ones "

and it turned out that my older chapters are very bad, the whole plot is missing and I had already planned a power system for this novel but now I am thinking of changing it. So, for that I need to make many new changes in old chapters and I am also going to change background stories of many characters.

So, I wouldn't be updating any new chapter until I have cleared my previous mess.