
Multiverse fixer

Our story starts with a genius, blant, but mad scientist (MYTH) who in the name of science did most craziest and dangerous experiments. and thanks to those crazy experiment he end up dragging himself in a crazy multiverse debacle. read how he survive in this ordeal.... spoiler alert:- this is going to be fanfiction , comedy novel with HP, DC, MARVEL, HTTYD, TRANSFORMERS and many more I hope u enjoy this novel...

menhunter_2 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Chapter 6 : taking the job (part 2)

With the sliding noise electronic door open, the first thing that entered the in myth eye was no high-tech setting as one might imagine. Instead, it was a natural setting. The view was like an artificial park with some fake mounts.

There was a paved path right in front of his room,"God knows where to go".

As he was looking around, he felt a tug on his pants and when he looked down, he saw a small ball-like robot with a holographic smiley face.

Robot - Hello I am x758h47994794gr4j89468 and I am going to be your guide.

Myth - May I call you a Robo.

Robot - Of course, the name "Robo" has been set as a default name from now on.

Myth - I'm new here can you please give an introduction on what's going on here.

Robo - Well, right now you are in the territory of the Timeline Maintenance Corporation.

And where exactly is this place. Myth asked.

Robo - Right now we are on the planet Marna in the Pandora galaxy.

(Just when Robo and Myth were talking, A man and a woman passed by them, both jogging and talking to each other and behind them two ball-like robots that looked much different than Robo were rolling behind them).

Myth - Where do you think I should go if I want to know more about this place?

Robo - You don't need to go anywhere sir. I can answer all your questions.

Myth - So tell me about the history of this place.

Robo - Long time ago there were a lot of wars in the multiverse and many multiverses are getting destroyed by the day.

Although in the beginning the destruction was not so severe but as time passed the effects of destruction could be seen in all the multiverse.

Finally after a lot of negotiations all the great chieftains decided to stop the war.

But stopping the war wasn't enough as there were lot of destructive and prohibited objects from the various multiverses that was still flowing freely in the black market, making these black markets more prosperous, as a result many people became smugglers and many smuggling organizations were formed.

And to deal with all this problem, Timeline Maintenance Corporation is formed.

Myth - So, that's how the Timeline Maintenance Corporation works.

Robo - TMC's job is to nab various smugglers and ensure that prohibited things are not smuggled.

While talking, both of them passed by a building on which canteen is written, till now the myth was feeling hungry, so he asked "do I have to pay money to eat here?"

Robo - No, you are not required to pay in TMC canteen, this is one advantage of being a TMC officer. But if you want to eat out then, you have to pay.

We do not use physical currency here only virtual currency is allowed.

While talking, both of them came to the canteen.

"Welcome to TMC Canteen, what would you like to eat!"