
Multiverse fixer

Our story starts with a genius, blant, but mad scientist (MYTH) who in the name of science did most craziest and dangerous experiments. and thanks to those crazy experiment he end up dragging himself in a crazy multiverse debacle. read how he survive in this ordeal.... spoiler alert:- this is going to be fanfiction , comedy novel with HP, DC, MARVEL, HTTYD, TRANSFORMERS and many more I hope u enjoy this novel...

menhunter_2 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Chapter 5 : Taking the job (part 1)

Before leaving the room the rookie gave him a temporary pass and he also told him that with the help of this pass he could access many faculties.

But after getting the Pass, the myth did not come out of his room, but sat there thinking about his past world, although he had no family in that world but still he was missing his world, And he also started remembering all the past events. From experiment to present situation, he keeps reminiscing about his past and his mood was heavy.

After sitting there for an hour, he finally made up his mind and decided that instead of crying over the past, he should embrace the future.

He looked towards the door leading out of the room, there he saw a white door. He had pushed many doors in his life but he was very nervous to push this door because he knew that behind this door lies a new world, a completely new and wonderful world.

At last he walked towards the door and as he walked he could feel his heartbeat and sweaty palm. Finally he reached the door and extended the pass towards the electronic lock.

While all this was happening, Myth had no idea that he was being monitored by a camera.

There in an office-like room a man was sitting on a black chair watching his every movement. While the man was sitting there watching myth and having a drink, A man enters the office. That person was none other than the Rookie. Entering the room he said, "Boss, I did as you said, but why are this guy getting VIP treatment".

Instead of answering the question, the man threw a file at the rookie.

The rookie grabbed the file and started reading, his facial expressions changed as he read, it was strange at first then it turned into surprise.

After closing the file it asked "what is this or what is he" - what is it about?

The person replied "I don't know so I ask you to hire him"?

"What did he answer?"

Rookie replied Well, he's asking for some time. But I'm pretty sure he'll agree.

On hearing this the man said "Okay..well, we need to keep an eye him. I don't want any discrepancy to come in this troubled time."

Hearing this the rookie fell silent for a while and then he asked "how bad is the situation."

After taking a deep breath the man replied - the situation is getting worse.

Talking to the man, Rookie left the file open on the desk. That open file contained only one page containing the myth's photo and a line in bold letters "Cannot find any doppelganger of the given" meaning myth is the only one".