
Multiverse fixer

Our story starts with a genius, blant, but mad scientist (MYTH) who in the name of science did most craziest and dangerous experiments. and thanks to those crazy experiment he end up dragging himself in a crazy multiverse debacle. read how he survive in this ordeal.... spoiler alert:- this is going to be fanfiction , comedy novel with HP, DC, MARVEL, HTTYD, TRANSFORMERS and many more I hope u enjoy this novel...

menhunter_2 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter 27 : Out of the box (Part 1)

Its been 10 days since myth had started doing his experiments, and this was his day to day schedule.

Day 1 : Hard training, then experiment and result - Nothing.

Day 2 : Hard training, then experiment and result - Nothing.

Day 3 : Hard training, then experiment and result - Nothing.

Day 4 : Hard training, then experiment and result - again nothing.

Day 5 : Hard training, then experiment and result - once again nothing, but due to increased electricity bill and with more expensive machines the weight of Stuart's pocket decreased.

{ the electricity used in this chapter and all the chapters before are produced from sustainable power plants means green electricity; "GO GREEN READERS".}

Day 6 : Same schedule.

Day 7 : Same schedule.

Day 8 : Same schedule and more spending.

Day 9 : Same schedule and again more spending.

Day 10 : Same schedule and again more spending, Even Stuart's face turned ugly after hearing the bill.

Day 11 : Present time.

Myth is sitting on a dining table and eating his food. Although he was having his fill but he wasn't paying attention to his food.

His expression looked lost and why won't it be because its been 10 days, yet he couldn't find any breakthrough.

Before doing his experiments he knew that cracking magic is difficult, It turned out that he was underestimating the difficulty, Cracking the secret of magic is much more difficult than he had imagined and now he is getting frustrated.

While myth was busy in his worrying thoughts, someone sat next to him and patted him on shoulder.

This was Albus.

"You looked quite downcast Myth, Don't tell me you never had failure before" He said.

Taking a deep breath myth said "Normally when I do experiment I either get a result or I don't. But here I am getting results but at the same time it was as if there was no result at all. I have no idea what or how to understand all of this.

Just then Gellert sat on the other side of myth and Stuart sat opposite to him as if all three had a some sort of agreement. Seeing them there Albus smiled and then he said "Do you know where you were wrong"?

Hearing this myth shook his head.

You are trying to understand this world's knowledge with your world's understanding.

And prior to your magic training you don't even believe on existence of magic.

It would be strange if you could crack magic's secret just after 2 months of training.

Hearing this myth remember what stuart had told him in the start of his training.

Just then Stuart who was sitting silently said although yours and this world looked similar but both worlds are different, this world has magic while yours don't and this is where both worlds are different. If you want to understand magic then you have to use magic in doing so, Only then can you get some results. Good for you this world has a field which combines both magic and technology.

"Which" asked myth in hurry.

"ALCHEMY" This time the one who replied was Gellert.

Unfortunately, Only Stuart know a bit of alchemy.

" What are you waiting for, Teach me " said myth with impatient expression.

Hearing this all three man smiled.