
Multiverse fixer

Our story starts with a genius, blant, but mad scientist (MYTH) who in the name of science did most craziest and dangerous experiments. and thanks to those crazy experiment he end up dragging himself in a crazy multiverse debacle. read how he survive in this ordeal.... spoiler alert:- this is going to be fanfiction , comedy novel with HP, DC, MARVEL, HTTYD, TRANSFORMERS and many more I hope u enjoy this novel...

menhunter_2 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Chapter 23 : First magic spell (part 3)

Next day,

Myth was once again sitting in a school like class room, With a pen and paper in his hand.

But this time the one standing in front him was not Stuart, Instead it was Gellet grindalwarld with his white and black mixed hairs, wearing black coat, white shirt and black pants with black shoes and he has a black bag place next to him.

Gellet grindalwarld (with a serious expression) - Myth, A magic duel is not a magic firework competition, It is different.

There are generally two types of duel.

"For show" and "to kill".

"For show" means duel for fun or showyness, These duel looks good and shiny but lack essence.

As for duel to kill, Gellert continued with a smile "Well as its name suggests it is for killing, There is no rules or edicate in it".

As long as you are the last one standing. Then everything is fine.

Myth raised his hand.

"Yes myth" asked Gellet.

"Actually I did take part in all out killing, Free for all duel". Said Myth.

"They wasn't aiming for our heads so, it couldn't be counted as life and death duel and Myth also fainted after few minutes in battle" Stuart shouted from outside the room.

Followed by awkward silence for almost a minute.

Well, let's check your magic progress. Shall we? Gellet said this while trying not to laugh.

Then, He took few items like apple, cup and few rocks from under the table.

After putting them in front of myth he said "try using floating curse on them.

While chanting the curse myth started waving his wand and after a flick all three items started floating.

Seeing this Gellert remark "Good, Now try increasing the height of apple, while on the same time try decreasing the height of cup and rock.

At first all the items were controlled perfectly by myth, But when he started increasing and decreasing the height of items at the same time mistakes happened. And the items started falling back on the table, Before the apple can crash on the table Gellet put his hand underneath the apple and without chanting or using wand the apple started floating gently above Gellet's hand.

Seeing this great control of magic myth shows a impressed expression on his face. Seeing myth's facial expressions Gellert said "No need to be amazed or impressed, after a proper amount of training and practices, you can also do the same.

After saying this Gellert retracted his hand from underneath the apple and the apple landed gently on the table.

Next he took out more items like a living frog, a monkey toy, small pebbles and few plates and glasses from the bag which he was carrying.

Then he said to myth "Use petrification curse on this frog.

Unfortunately his magic did not work properly this time and only the legs of frog get petrified.

Seeing this Gellert said sternly "again and this time with more focus".

Myth ones again tried and this time he succeeded in petrifying the frog completely.

Good, Now go to the other end of the room, I am going to throw these things on you. Things that are fragile like plates and glasses you need to use floating curse on them. So, they won't break on contact and As for things like rocks and pebbles you need to use shield magic to protect your self.

Careful not to break plates and glasses these are your cutlery or may be you can let them fall by this way you get to experience how it like to eat directly from pot.

Hearing this myth face turn savour, but after few moments his faced turned to that of contemplation as if he was really imagining himself from eating in the pot.

Seeing myth's distracted look Gellet shouted "focus". Then, he flicked his wand and a glass was sent flying with a high speed toward myth, Seeing an object fly toward him with a high speed he unconsciously chanted a shield spell. What followed after was a shattering sound of the glass.

Seeing the poor state of glass myth laughed dryly.

"Again" Shouted Gellert and one after another the stuff started flying toward myth.

Scene changed to that of dinning room all four of them were having their meals this scene look very harmonious except Myth who was eating from a pot and another pot is placed next to him which has some water filled in it.