
Multiverse fixer

Our story starts with a genius, blant, but mad scientist (MYTH) who in the name of science did most craziest and dangerous experiments. and thanks to those crazy experiment he end up dragging himself in a crazy multiverse debacle. read how he survive in this ordeal.... spoiler alert:- this is going to be fanfiction , comedy novel with HP, DC, MARVEL, HTTYD, TRANSFORMERS and many more I hope u enjoy this novel...

menhunter_2 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter 19 : Training begins (Part 2)


Cloudy climate with light drizzle here and there.

Green plants and trees are dancing on the song of wind. In such a weather a man could be seen waving his wand furiously and in front of him lay a motionless wet feather.


Eyes bloodshot with full of malice as if the feather is his worst enemy.

Hair disheveled, Shirt buttoned wrongly and a cracked wand tells the tale of great pain.


Stuart - I am going to show you twice how to do a flying spell watch it carefully.


With a flick of a wand and magical words the feather started floating.

Seeing this, myth wasn't amazed instead his facial expressions was like "that's it". Then he said "Where is the special effects ?

Hearing this Stuart gets annoyed and then he said " Do you want to learn magic or not?

Seeing his annoyed expression Myth replied "Yes I want". See how I mastered this little trick.

I could easily mastered it before you can say "easy peasy lemon squishy".

After firing his mouth cannon and annoying stuart to his hearts content.

He picked up the wand and with a disdainful expression and all mighty background music he waved his wand "wingadium laviosaaaa". Yet nothing happened, The only movement that happened was a laughing stuart who by now has started laughing till the point of almost retching.

Seeing stuart laugh like that, Myth said "Just you wait".

"Yeah yeah I am waiting for more fun" Stuart replied.

And after that DAY 1


Nothing happened.

The only movement was laughing stuart.


Nothing happened.

Again the only movement was laughing stuart.


Nothing happened.

And by now even stuart got bored and left.

conclusion:- No movement what so ever.


Nothing happened. And disheveled myth.


Nothing happened and button wrongly buttoned.


Nothing happened and in anger myth threw his wand toward the feather.

conclusion:- Wand missed the feature completely and cracked after it landed badly on nearby rocks.


Current time.


After seeing myth in such a pitiful condition stuart asked him to stop.

"Let me ask for some help from chief " stuart said.

then he called the chief with his phone. After talking for some time he put down his phone and then, he said to myth "relax for a day, Chief is going to send a tutor for you".

Hearing this myth slumped on the ground.

Next day, Myth woke up late and after getting ready he quickly left for the dining room, After reaching in dining room there he saw two more middle aged men other that stuart sitting there and talking to stuart after seeing myth entered into the room, One of them said "So, he is going to be our student". While saying this he stood up and reached his hand forward for a handshake, while handshaking he introduced himself "Hello I am Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore and he is Gellert grindelwald.