
Multiverse fixer

Our story starts with a genius, blant, but mad scientist (MYTH) who in the name of science did most craziest and dangerous experiments. and thanks to those crazy experiment he end up dragging himself in a crazy multiverse debacle. read how he survive in this ordeal.... spoiler alert:- this is going to be fanfiction , comedy novel with HP, DC, MARVEL, HTTYD, TRANSFORMERS and many more I hope u enjoy this novel...

menhunter_2 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Chapter 16 : Out of the body (Part 1)

Unknown world,

A woman's body is lying in the middle of the road, And a white sheet is draped over the corpse. A short distance from the corpse, the police have cordoned off the area with yellow tape. At a short distance from the tape, some journalists are reporting with their cameras, Suddenly a voice comes from behind, give way, give way, give way to the senior detective, hearing this, Everyone stepped aside. And from the back two people come to the front. One of them is in police uniform and the other man is wearing a black suit, the man in police uniform gives a file to the man wearing a black suit,

Police officers said "the deceased was a 23 year old girl Emily". And the corpse was first found by her friend Tina, the policeman points towards a woman who is sitting near an ambulance outside the cordoned area. while talking both them come close to the corpse.

The detective picks up the white cloth lying over the body and looks at the body and then asks, is there anyone here from her family. On hearing this, the policeman points to the other ambulance and says that boyfriend is here. Detective asks who else is in her house. Hearing this, the inspector replies that her parents had died sometime back and she is the only child. So,she is the only one in the family. After covering the corpse detective stood up and gives the deceased's file to the inspector and then, he went to talk to Emily's friend and her boyfriend.

First he goes to Emily's friend and asks when and how did you find Emily

Emily's friend Tina replies while crying that "Emily and she had planned a party tonight. But even after waiting for a long time, Emily did not come, so she came to her house looking for her, but when she found here, (she started crying after that).

Then Detective asks if she know Emily's boyfriend, Tina replied while cries - "yes I know him".

Then Detective asks how was the relationship between Emily and her boyfriend.

Tina replies that the relationship between them was very good and I have never seen them fight.

The detective then asked whether Emily had enmity with anyone.

Tina replies "No, Emily was a very nice girl and she has no enmity with anyone.

Detectives then asked "Do you think there is anyone who wants to harm Emily. Hearing this, Tina says "No, I don't think there is anyone who would want to hurt her, she was very nice.

"Have you noticed any change in Emily's behavior since the last few days, as if she was worried about something", when the Detective asked this her friend reply was negative.

After this the detective goes to Emily's boyfriend and he asked how long have you known Emily. Her boyfriend replies Sir I have known her for 4 years, we both loved each other very much and soon I was about to propose her.

Detective immediately points to Emily's friend Tina and says do you know her, her boyfriend replied "yes sir I know her, she is a very good friend of emily.

The Detective was about to ask that man a few more questions however, suddenly a strange incident happened. Suddenly the color of the surrounding world starts fading and the world started to slowing down.

The man standing in front of the detective has stopped speaking at once, not only the man but everything around him, the wind, the birds and the vehicles, everything had stopped. Before the detective could understand anything he felt as if someone has flunged him in the air, due to the push and slowled time he starts flying in the air but to his fear he found that his body is still standing in his original place and he could clearly see that slowly his body is changing to that of another person, in no time his body changed completely.

He still did not know what was happening, but he knew that the body standing in front of him is no longer his, nor is he of this world, while all this was happening to the detective, At the same time, the same phenomenon was happening in the rest of the multiverse as well and the strangest thing in all this was that all these people were similar in appearance, all of a sudden their bodies turn into small particles of energy and all the particles move in the same direction. They start flowing after traveling like this for some time, all those particles come out of their own multiverse, everyone's multiverse looked like a broken glass in appearance.

After leaving the multiverse, all the particles start rising upwards and later they all start going inside a sphere-shaped thing and inside that sphere-like object, A person's corporeal like body was floating inside it.

This corporeal like body was that of myth's and all these people were none other than the myth's dapplegonger, all of a sudden these particles start entering the myth's soul, this was the time when the myth got sucked into the portal.

In order to clear any remaining doubt here is Timeline for you guys.

First event = Experiment on crystal.

Second event = Myth got sucked into the portal and the above event happened.

Third event = Current time.