
Multiverse fixer

Our story starts with a genius, blant, but mad scientist (MYTH) who in the name of science did most craziest and dangerous experiments. and thanks to those crazy experiment he end up dragging himself in a crazy multiverse debacle. read how he survive in this ordeal.... spoiler alert:- this is going to be fanfiction , comedy novel with HP, DC, MARVEL, HTTYD, TRANSFORMERS and many more I hope u enjoy this novel...

menhunter_2 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter : 13 Return and recuperation (part 1)

Present time,

Eyes open, the first thing that came into rookie's eyes was a white sealing.

he had a baffled expression on his face as if he don't know how he reached here, His eyes was blank as if he was trying to remember what had happened?

suddenly, with a start he yell Aaaa.

Hearing his shouts a nurse hurriedly entered the ward.

She said "Sir, are you ok"?

After some time he calmed down and then, he said "Go get the chief ".

" OK " Saying this the nurse left for the chief office, after sometime CHIEF entered the ward.

then he said "So, you finally regained your witts ha". when the field team reached to you, both of you were in very bad condition, Especially you. you were hit by a heart tortureing Curse.

So, What happened? and when did you became so careless.

after taking a deep sigh rookie started recounting the whole event.

Few days earlier


fuckkkkk fuckkkkk


myth got tackled by rookie, Usually in movies now would be the time when villains would start trash talking unfortunately, this wasn't a movie and unlike movie they are not being attacked by one at a time. Instead, they are being attacked by everyone at a same time.

With his wand rookie could have easily beaten them all to hell but without his wand and a dead weight called myth. the only thing rookie could do is to take a beating. Even though he was outnumbered and out weapon but still rookie was putting up one heck of a fight. suddenly, "heart torturing" a curse hit rookie. With a painful cry rookie fell on the ground in pain. Seeing him fall, All the attacker relax and then, one of them said" take him with us and as for this one(pointing towards myth) "kill him".

One of the remaining five men came in front of cowering myth and with his wand pointed toward myth he said AVEDAAAAAAA.

I am dead, I am dead, I ammmmmmm

suddenly as if someone has flipped a switch. myth stopped shouting and with a thud sound a body fell on the ground, hearing this sound all the remaining four men turned around, "what the hell" there they saw a body lying on the ground but this body didn't belong to myth instead it belonged to one of their own man. And near the body they saw myth standing with a creepy smile on his face.