
Multiverse And A Vampire

Tsukune my own brother slept with my girlfriend shortly before we were shipped off to Yokai Academy. A pink haired vampire ran me over with her bike and now the entire student body hates me. So I'm going to take every hot girl I see into my harem.

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25 Chs


I fiddled with my aura cloak, getting rid of the high collar for something more modern. I altered the color, darkening the jacket, waistcoat, and trousers while brightening my tie. Moka and Kurumu were out using Moka's credit card and Kurumu's charm to find something to wear at the theatre. I couldn't find my card, so I missed out on buying them dresses; that was unfortunate.

A smile stretched across my face; what they chose would be a surprise.

With a heavy heart, I removed my weights, slipping them out of my suit like it was made of smoke. Really it adapted to my will, and when I wanted to reach through it, I did. The weights settled in my inventory for later use. While training was essential, tonight was for Moka and Kurumu. Yukari volunteered to watch the rouge witch, which was nice of her. I would have to do something nice for her.

I knew Moka liked art, my blood, walks through campus, her clit rubbed, the school experience, a deep, slow pounding, long sensual baths, and children. But, of course, there was so much more to her than that, and I couldn't wait to explore her depths. Art, school, and masturbation supplies weren't the best gifts for a soon-to-be wife or mate. Inner Moka didn't care about condoms; apparently, vampires only ovulated once a year. She was a few months out from that.

After giving it, some thought, I decided to look into a vampire bath and body works. I would ask her father or sisters when I met them. Her mysterious stepmother might know something. She needed herbs to take a bath, and I had already begun growing what she needed. Jewelry took precedent because girls liked shiny things. All I had to do was avoid silver, and I was golden.

Kurumu liked to cook, take long sensual baths with me, suck my qi while we made out, bully Yukari, flaunt her beauty on campus, and watch sappy romance movies. Knowing only that about her made me realize I needed to pay more attention to her. Harems were only ok if I gave all my girls attention. Since I didn't have the Shadow Clone Jutsu, that greatly limited my time.

Although I still had 11 Gotcha, the Hokyoku might let me fudge the odds in my favor. I wanted the Shadow Clone Jutsu but didn't have the Chakra to use it. Nor did I have a handy way to get Chakra without one of the most important items in the verse, the chakra fruit. One of those was like a fruit from the tree of might, but I didn't know what it would do to my body. Odds were high, and my flesh would evolve to something closer to godhood. Then again, there were hundreds of serums and power-ups in DC and Marvel. Fate probably had something besides the heart of Siegfried I could use easier.

I looked myself over in the bathroom mirror one more time to make sure my suit was perfect. Yukari rushed into the bathroom and froze. "You look like a pimp." Yukari turned her head to the side. "Why aren't you wearing your weights?"

"Because Yukari, tonight I'm going to relax. No training or extra straining, just my girls and me and a trip to the theatre."

She gave me an odd look and then turned to the elephant in the room. Maybe that was a rude thing to say about the witch. The girl was tied up and gagged to prevent her from whispering any spells. Her wand was also on the other side of the room. I could at least admire the girl's body, if nothing else.

Her eyes widened in pure terror when our gazes met and something else. I chalked that up to Kurumu's work, moved over to the bed, and pulled the gag out of her mouth. She grunted and tried to rise.

"You'll never make me reveal my master's plans no matter what kinky things you do to me. No amount of whips or chains will make me spill my guts."

"She was planning to attack the city with her army of plant monsters." The girl gasped and looked over at Yukari. "You're a fellow witch; how can you side with such a monster."

"Human actually, superhuman if you want to be technical. We're about to become a common sight." I said, and her breath hitched.

"My name is Arakan," I said, sat beside her, and gave her my full attention.

She lunged and tried to bite, and I let her get ahold of my throat. The girl bit down with all her might which didn't do a thing. She licked it, then tried biting again. I reached up and strung my hand through her soft brown hair.

"I can hold a pencil in class, but my skin is still tougher than steel. Don't be fooled by my control. I'm much stronger than I let on." I said, and the girl pulled away and withdrew my hand from the back of her skull.

"My name is Ruby Toujou." The girl said.

"Why did you destroy my home?"

"Ruby, tell me something," I said and draped an arm around her. "Do you like air, water, and food clean of radiation?" She looked at me, confused. "Because I do, being able to breathe, eat, and hydrate without dying are some of my favorite pastimes. Yukari, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Don't you enjoy breathing, eating, and hydrating? Now you're young, but I'm sure you've heard of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; it only happened 53 years ago." I said.

Ruby was older than me, but her clueless look was adorable. I concluded her education was somewhat lacking in world history.

"You're talking about the total destruction of the world," Yukari said.

"Maybe, or there could be a controlled nuclear strike. I can't predict the future, but a public monster attack might make a few leaders itchy to push certain buttons. That's the last thing the world needs."

"So, you saw that we were going to attack and obliterated us before we could cause you trouble. Well, that's great for you, but we deserve revenge. Humans took my parents." Ruby said.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and I felt like an ass. Girls crying always made me feel that way, even if they deserved it. "Would sex help?" I asked the girl.

Ruby blushed before glaring at me, but her tears were drying up. "It isn't fair," Ruby said.

"No, it isn't, but that's life. Let the dead bury their dead; you only get one life; Ruby, what do you want to do with it. Does starting a war by killing people who don't even know you exist sound worth it to you? Have you fantasized about being Helen of Troy?" I asked.

"It's easy for you to say that I bet nothing bad has ever happened to you," Ruby said.

"My ex-girlfriend slept with my brother and sent me pictures as revenge. He told me she came on to him, and they decided to go out after we broke up. But I can't be sure they weren't sleeping with each other the whole time. We never even had sex. My brother and I can't ever be friends again after that. For all intents and purposes, he's dead to me." I said.

Ruby shook her head. "Do you want revenge?"

"Absolutely, I wouldn't mind popping the cherry of that redhead who turned him into a devil. Doesn't that sound like fun; bonus points if I get her pregnant." I said with a savage smile.

Yukari took a step back. "Does Moka know about your feelings?" The little witch asked.

"She wouldn't mind unless I wanted to make Rias my third wife. Then, Moka gets to decide that." I said.

"Who could possibly be strong enough to make a devil submit?" Ruby asked.

"My wife is a vampire," I said, and Ruby's eyes widened.

That was good to know. Vampires were on a similar respect level to devils in this world. Moka certainly worked her but off to earn it. She made as many gains in the gravity room as I had. Well, without one implanted directly into her chest.

"Let's wrap this up. I have a play to go to. If you need revenge, make sure your target deserves it. The men who were going to bulldoze the witches' knoll probably didn't know witches existed. I don't understand why you couldn't ward it against muggles." I said and looked over at Yukari.

She shrugged. "I'm eleven, and I know them."

"Right, so your master was picking a fight," I said.

Yukari nodded but made a distasteful face. "Muggle is a very European term but not completely wrong; I try not to use it. We can ward ourselves against humans."

"Then why were my parents run over?" Ruby asked.

Yukari looked uncomfortable before sighing. "We're taught never to ward ourselves from humans on a busy highway. Many witches and wizards lost their lives because drivers couldn't see them. It wiped out several families and caused more than one blood feud against humans who didn't know better. They often don't even realize they hit someone because of the wards." Yukari said.

Ruby looked from Yukari then at me. "Would they work on him?"

Yukari shook her head. "I put some up on the door to our gym. They shattered when you made contact."

I thought about any time I would have felt something like that but couldn't tell. "I didn't even notice." Yukari looked more than a little troubled by that statement.

Maybe I should take some time to thank her properly for the training gear she provided. Clearly, breaking her wards so easily messed with her self-esteem. I grabbed the girl and sat her on the bed beside me, away from Ruby because she bites.

Yukari shook a little, so I rubbed her back to hopefully soothe her anxiety. I shouldn't have been so destructive at the witches' knoll; clearly, the battle traumatized the poor kid.

"Kids like juice." My zanpakuto offered, and I acted on the advice immediately. From my inventory, I pulled out a sealed bottle of peach juice. Since Kuyo burned down all my peach trees, I only had a few bottles of peach juice left. Yukari was worth it.

"Drink this; it'll make you feel better."

Ruby stared at the bottle, then back at me. "So that's how you tamed a fellow witch; you're using potions."

"Peach juice, actually," I said.

"You expect me to believe your lies," Ruby said.

Yukari popped the lid and took a sip. Then chugged the whole thing. Yukari jumped up and started pacing around the room. She twirled her wand around and started making things float around the room. Soon the bed was floating along with Ruby. I pushed away Yukari's attempts to levitate me. She pointed her wand at me, and objects in the room shot at me in rapid-fire.

"With this energy, I can do anything." Yukari cried out.

I calmy caught each item with my own will and returned them to their proper place. She glared at me and waved her wand again, conjuring wash bins above my head.

That's when Moka and Kurumu returned, and Yukari dropped her control when Moka glared at her. I caught everything and made sure nothing was damaged too badly.

"What was in that juice? I feel like I can keep casting spells for hours?" Yukari said.

"It was just juice," I said.

Yukari gave me a skeptical look. "Is there more?"

"Maybe if you're good, I'll give you some more. I didn't expect you to have a sugar rush from a cup of juice."

"There was so much power. I couldn't hold it all in; it had to come out. There is still so much power inside me." Yukari said and blushed. "Is that what all the food you grow is like?" Yukari asked.

Yukari has been rather adamant about not eating food that didn't come from the cafeteria or a store. It made dinners awkward.

"So that's why you want the dragon dung to help your crops grow. Does that mean they can become even better?" Yukari asked.

Kurumu brushed her hair to the side. "I should spank you in front of everyone for causing Arakan trouble. The blinds went up while you were throwing your fit, and if I hadn't charmed the people outside, you would have exposed yourself. They thought you were demon-possessed." The succubus said.

"It's fine; the bathroom is free if you want to get ready," I said and lowered the blinds.

"Be good, Yukari, and we'll take you out somewhere nice tomorrow," Moka said.

"Could we go somewhere just the two of us?" Yukari asked.

Moka sighed. "We can sit at a separate table together." The pink-haired vampire said.

Yukari jumped up and down, thrusting her fists up in the air. "Watch out, Arakan, or soon I'll cuck you," Yukari said.

Kurumu laughed. "I think you said the wrong part out loud." Moka didn't look pleased with Yukari's statement, and my mood quickly soured. I didn't know the limits of magic, so I was wary of Yukari's statement.

I walked over to the girl and pushed her. The back of her knees hit the bed, and she fell on top of it. Her hat fell tumbling off. "I think you're getting a little too big for your britches. So, I picked her up off the bed and put her nose in the corner."

"What are you doing?" Yukari asked.

"Don't talk; you're in timeout for an hour," I said.

She tried to move, but I held her there with telekinesis.

Yukari screamed. "You can't do this to me. I'm a genius, and we're in the same grade."

"Would you rather I spank you with my belt then put you back in the corner? I can also take away your dinner with Moka." I said.

"Don't you think you're being a little hard on her?" Moka said.

"This is tough, love." Inner Moka said from the Rosary.

"But Moka, I love you," Yukari said.

"Then you should learn manners and stop trying to come between my mate and me. Stay in the corner until we're done getting ready and watch Ruby; if you do that, I will forgive you for your words. You can even sit across from my outer self for one meal." Inner Moka said.

"I want to sit beside you."

"No talking; you're being punished." Inner Moka said.

While the girls were getting ready, I took the Kido book out of my inventory and started paging through it. It covered a few exorcises and the first Kido spell. Hado 1 Sho was the first basic spell and only needed the name to use it. Most beginners could use it within a week of practice, so I planned to start tackling Kido to add another tool to my arsenal. Kido spells could be altered with enough practice into some truly versatile forms.

With that in mind, it was about time that I used my Gatcha. I held off on them before because I needed to focus on my current skill set. But, after a week of hard grinding, it was time.

Activating 10 Gotcha Hogyoku bonus +2

1 12 20 +2 NAT 20 Bonus EXP

1 6 9 +2

4 4 16 +2

4 6 19 +2

3 8 1 +2

3 12 13 +2

4 11 13 +2

3 3 7 +2

4 12 17 +2

4 5 16 +2

Skill Disc: Seventh Divine Cruz – Arranges 10 super-heated spheres of light in a Cruciform syzygy and fires the light of annihilation. Enemies slain by this skill form a crown of pride and transform into the user's flesh.

Skill Disc: Shadow Clone – Create a copy of the user from Chakra and gain all memories of the clone's activities upon its destruction.

White Rabbit – A syringe filled with the primordial power of Alicefeeze Fatalbern. If injected into a monster, they will gain the power of the primordial goddess of chaos. Warning if the subject of the injection can't handle the power, they will mutate into a devourer of worlds.

Chakra Fruit – The origin of Chakra in the Naruto world. Consume the fruit and gain the power of an entire world. Warning consuming this fruit will garner the attention of outside forces.

All For One Summon Scroll – Summon the big bad of the My Hero Academia world in his prime. Warning this will turn into a boss fight.

Black Courage Digi egg Summon Scroll – A tragic figure of the past reincarnated in a Digi-egg; if raised right, they can become a powerful ally.

Excalibur Ruler – One of the shards of Excalibur forged into a new blade. This blade can manipulate the will of materials and living things and is considered the strongest of the Excalibur fragments.

Abra Summon Scroll – This abra is stubborn and will teleport away quickly if you don't quickly become its master.

Smart Fusion Loader Digivice – A smartphone with the functions of the fusion loader and Digivice designed to contain multiple Digimon in digital islands, fuse, scan their vitals, and Digivolve them.

Akasha Bloodriver seal of Alucard – Moka's mother just before she sealed herself inside Alucard's main body to seal him. That dimension is no longer stable.

Moka's mother plopped down on the bed naked beside Ruby with all my stuff under her. We weren't going to the theatre anymore. She was beautiful with a head full of silky pink hair, much like Moka's, only refined. Her breasts were a little bigger, and I couldn't help but wonder how they felt compared to Moka's. Then there was the patch of pink hair between the woman's legs. It was hard not spreading the woman's legs and pounding her on the spot.

"I hope she didn't break any of your new drops." My zanpakuto said.

That was enough to knock me out of my lust-fueled haze. But, unfortunately, I had a lot of valuable items mostly stuck under Akasha Bloodriver's sexy ass.

Pushing the woman's legs up and her rear back only flashed me with her tight vampire cunny and butthole. Her assets slowed me down. The Seventh Divine Cruz and chakra fruit went into my inventory first. I managed to pluck the very dangerous vile of white rabbit out from under her when the woman's eyes shot open. She saw me hovering over her, one hand lifting her up by her knees and the other down near her ass. Her PL flew into the low thousands in a moment before she spread her legs and lunged at me.

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