
The Ice Palace

it's been half a day since the takeoff, they had covered half of the distance mainly Feng Lou maintained a modest speed as he soared through the sky, mindful of the aircraft's capabilities. Despite his newfound strength, he was cautious, unsure of the plane's limits, Feng Lou wanted to ensure the safety of all on board.

As Feng Lou drew closer to the origin of the death qi, he sensed a growing restlessness within his immortal aperture. The presence of the death law fragments seemed to stir, causing an unease that resonated within him.

As time passed, the northern continent came into view, looming on the horizon. Feng Lou could sense the tension among the passengers, their anxious hearts beating in rhythm with the hum of the plane's engines.

A few minutes later, Feng Lou began his descent, the vast expanse of the continent stretching out before him. He landed because he wanted to give the passengers some time to breathe and rest before the battle.

Feng Lou carefully guided it toward a suitable landing spot on the continent's surface. With the aircraft now grounded, the passengers began to disembark, led by Jack, who appeared as though he hadn't slept in weeks. His weary demeanor spoke volumes about the mental toll they had endured on their journey. Following closely behind him was Jiang Xiaoyan, her expression oddly cheerful despite the gravity of their situation. As the others filed out of the plane, each wore the exhaustion of their travels like a heavy cloak. 

Jack slowly came towards him and started saying "Where do you think the culprit is?" Feng Lou responded with a simple gesture, extending his arm and pointing unerringly towards the northern expanse of the continent. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a mutual acknowledgment of the looming threat that awaited them in the distance.

"when do you think we should go?" Jack questioned to which Feng Lou replied "You guys are not going with me, I am going alone"

Jack's voice reverberated through the air, his tone tinged with disbelief and frustration as he bellowed, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE ARE NOT COMING WITH YOU??" The force of his words was enough to startle even his most seasoned soldiers, their expressions reflecting a mix of surprise and concern. 

"I can't let you guys risk your lives for nothing," Feng Lou's voice was heavy with emotion as he spoke. "We might not even know if this zombie problem can be solved after defeating that guy."

"Do you think we don't know the risk? We all came here because we understood the danger," Jack's voice boomed with frustration. "You can't just bring us here and then abandon us like helpless children!"

"LOOK AT ALL THESE PEOPLE!" Jack's voice thundered. "They may appear weary on the surface, but inside, they burn with a fierce determination for revenge that cannot be extinguished until that bastard is killed. Almost all of the people here lost their friends, families, and children due to those zombies, THEY WILL NOT STAY HERE" 

Just as his sentence ended, a chorus of voices rose among the soldiers. "WE WILL GO WITH YOU, NO MATTER WHAT!" they declared in unison, their voices echoing with resolve.

Feng Lou gazed at the determined faces of the soldiers, their unwavering resolve shining through. In that moment, he saw the indomitable human spirit, the unyielding will to fight against all odds. "Alright," he declared, his voice filled with determination, "you can come with me. Let's put an end to this once and for all."

With a resolute nod, Feng Lou turned towards the north, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "Let's go," he said to Jack, his voice steady and determined, as they began their journey towards the source of the death qi.

Feng Lou led the way, his mind focused on the task ahead, while Jack and the others followed closely behind, their hearts filled with a mixture of determination and trepidation. Each step was bringing them closer to their destination and soon enough they could see an ice palace in the far.

They could see the Ice tower's towering spires reaching towards the sky like icy fingers. The sight sent a chill down their spines. With each step, they drew closer to their goal, ready to confront the bastard that destroyed their world. 

Soon Feng Lou and the army reached the entrance of the ice tower, As they approached the entrance of the ice tower, a heavy aura of death qi hung heavy in the air, shrouding the surroundings in an eerie atmosphere. The towering gates, forged from ice and shadow, loomed before them like a gateway to the underworld itself. Etched into the ice were intricate patterns that seemed to writhe and pulse with malevolent energy, casting eerie shadows that danced across the frozen landscape.

The entrance was flanked by towering statues, their icy forms twisted into grotesque shapes that seemed to leer down at them with icy disdain. Above the gates, a jagged archway framed the entrance, its edges adorned with sinister runes that glowed with an ominous light.

As they approached the towering gates, Feng Lou's gaze narrowed in realization. The entrance was sealed with a restriction, its icy barrier pulsating with dark energy. It was a barrier that only he could breach, because he had the aperture of death qi.

Turning to his companions, Feng Lou knew that he could not bring them with him. The death qi permeating the air would soon begin to affect them, and he could not risk their safety. With a heavy heart, he knew that he must face whatever lay beyond the icy gates alone.

Feng Lou quickly told the reason why he couldn't bring them instead mainly because they might become a liability. Though some voiced their protests, Feng Lou's words resonated with truth, stirring a reluctant acceptance among the group. Reluctant yet resolute, they understood the gravity of the situation and reluctantly relented, trusting in Feng Lou's judgment.

Nearing the entrance of the ice tower, Feng Lou's keen senses detected the subtle shift in the atmosphere. The death qi, which had been lingering ominously in the air, seemed to intensify, its malevolent presence growing stronger with each passing moment.

Feng Lou knew that he had to act quickly. With a solemn nod to Jack and the others, he stepped forward, his gaze fixed upon the imposing gates of the ice tower. As he approached, he could feel the weight of the death qi pressing down upon him, its icy tendrils reaching out to ensnare his soul but his immortal aperture and the Chaos Bell protected him.

With a focused effort, Feng Lou channeled his cultivation, drawing upon the power of his death qi aperture. As he reached out to touch the surface of the gates, a surge of energy pulsed through him, resonating with the ancient runes that adorned the icy surface. With a resounding crack, the gates began to slowly creak open, their icy barriers crumbling away before his power. As the entrance to the ice tower revealed itself. Feng Lou braced himself, fully aware that the enemy awaiting him might be formidable beyond measure. This wasn't like facing a mere sibling or a familiar foe; this was a confrontation with an unknown entity, one shrouded in darkness and mystery, who would do anything to kill him.

Last chapter of the day.

Hope you guys like it :)

Samay04creators' thoughts