
Multiversal Chronicles: Journeys Beyond Unknown

“Best of luck on your journey, Aerin Thorne El Vinterholm. You’ll no doubt encounter numerous challenges in your path, but I have faith that you’d do well.” the Creator said as Aerin got sucked into the wormhole. *** “Hmm...where am I?” He looked around in the small cabin he found himself in, but as he got more time to familiarize well with the situation, a stark realization gripped him. ‘Wait a minute...Is this Teyvat?!’ As Aerin met and interacted with more characters from the game, he realized that his earlier assumption was correct. He was in the world of Genshin Impact. *** As he lived here over the years, he befriended lots of friends and made many memories there. On one instance, he listened closely to a certain Pirate Queen as she spoke standing on the deck, “For as long as I can remember back into my youth, I've always had this itch for the open sea. Yet, as I now actually cast my eyes back, it ain't the adventure or the exploration I was after; it was the taste of freedom.” And in another, he sat in the same carriage as a strange girl with flower-shaped pupils, “Now, Aerin, you know I prefer my snacks with a bit more... spice. How about some pickled skulls with a side of fermented ghoul tears? Now that's a breakfast fit for me!” ‘Sigh, these people are really a bit too much for me.’ He could only shake his head at their weird antics... *** A/N: A wholesome story with special emphasis on dialogues and interactions of people with our MC. It's a multiversal story. If you want to skip prologue, start reading from chapter 8 since the main story starts from there only.

Xeren_Vale · Komik
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19 Chs

The Creator

My eyes fluttered open, and I rubbed them with my hands, struggling to shake off the grogginess as an unfamiliar sight greeted me. I was in a room, but it was nothing like the ordinary rooms I was used to. 

The room emanated a distinct medieval aura. Instead of the modern glow of electric bulbs, oil lamps graced the room, casting warm, flickering light. Intricate wooden furniture, like wardrobes and cabinets, bore witness to centuries of use, while a vanity gleamed with polished silvered mirrors and vessels of precious oils and perfumes. A marble fireplace crackled with a welcoming fire in one corner of the room, radiating a cozy warmth that enveloped me. 

The entire room exuded the ambiance of a space fit for a royal family in medieval periods. 

I groggily rose from the bed, my mind still clouded with sleep, and made my way over to the curtains. With a sluggish pace, I reached out and gently grasped the fabric, sliding it aside to reveal the glass windows. Then, with a gentle push, I swung open the glass windows. 

What I saw was a sight that etched itself into my memory, something I was sure I'd never forget. Before me sprawled a grand city, a mesmerizing fusion of the future and medieval past. Towering spires and buildings, their designs reminiscent of a time long gone, soared into the sky. Yet, amidst this architectural splendor, advanced technology was seamlessly integrated. 

The city was a breathtaking amalgamation of old-world charm and cutting-edge innovation. In my eyes, it was nothing short of a captivating masterpiece, and I couldn't help but stand there, soaking in the grandeur and splendor of it all. 

As I took in the breathtaking cityscape, I couldn't help but notice something odd – there was not a soul in sight. It was uncanny, really. No bustling streets, no voices filled the air, just a serene stillness that hung over the urban landscape. 

I stood on the balcony, gazing at this astonishing scene for a few minutes, my mind swirling with a mix of wonder and unease before I came back to my senses. 

As I went back to my room, I couldn't help but notice a black shirt with subtle grey linings and a pair of matching black pants neatly laid out on the sofa. I found myself muttering out loud, "Am I supposed to wear them?" Hoping for a response, I listened, but there was nothing but the silence of the empty room. 

With a bit of hesitation, I decided to change into the provided attire. As I adjusted the clothing, I took a moment to examine the details around the room. It was then that my eyes fell on a small bell placed beside the table lamp, with a letter placed next to it. The note read, "Press it when you're ready." With some uncertainty, I pressed the bell, and to my surprise, the door to the room opened immediately. 

A striking girl with lustrous black hair, dressed in a maid's outfit, appeared from outside the room. Her face held a serene, almost emotionless expression as she spoke, "Come with me. Master is awaiting your presence." Without much thought, I simply nodded in response and began to follow her as she led the way out of the room. 

As I moved through this vast and mysterious place, a whirlwind of thoughts swirled through my mind. Where was I, really? The notion of being in some lucid dream briefly crossed my thoughts, but I quickly dismissed it. The vividness and complexity of this world felt far too real for that to be the case. 

Recollections of my last moments before losing consciousness raced through my mind. I remembered feeling like there was no way out, that my life was coming to an end. Had I somehow come back to life, and if so, how? Could that mysterious creature I encountered before losing consciousness have something to do with it? When the maid mentioned "Master," did she refer to that creature? And what about that strange Void that had swallowed me? I don't know, but one thing was clear amid this sea of questions: and it is that only this 'Master' of hers can give me the answer to these questions.

I couldn't help but break the silence that hung between us, my curiosity getting the better of me. "Hey, who is this 'Master' of yours?" I inquired, hoping that some of my pressing questions would find answers. But to my surprise, the girl in the maid outfit remained silent, her expression unchanged, and she continued walking as if I hadn't spoken.

I tried again, a bit more persistently this time, "Hello~?" 

Yet, still, there was no response from her. It seemed as though my questions were falling on deaf ears. 

Frustration and confusion welled up within me. I couldn't fathom why this seemingly innocent teenage girl had such a cold, unresponsive demeanor toward me, someone she had never met before just moments ago. I let out a sigh, not understanding what I had done to provoke such an icy response from her. 

After several minutes of traversing the labyrinthine corridors, I stumbled upon a massive door that stood in stark contrast to the one in my room. This door was grand, adorned with intricate gold and silver embellishments, giving it an air of regality. It hinted at something akin to a throne room or a place of great importance. 

The maid, maintaining her stoic demeanor, stepped aside and, with a gesture of her hands, indicated that I should enter the room behind the door. 

With a tinge of apprehension, I approached the grand door and grasped both handles, fully expecting it to be heavy. However, to my surprise, it gave way with the lightest touch. It was as if it had been designed to respond to the lightest touch. I cast one more puzzled glance at the enigmatic maid, who remained in her stoic stance, mirroring the previous action before I entered the room and the door closed on its own, sealing me inside. 

"Seems like you're in your senses now," a voice suddenly emanated from my right, causing me to startle. With a quick, nervous turn, I confronted the source of the voice.

As I gazed upon the figure before me, a realization dawned. It became clear that the "Master" the maid referred to and the mysterious creature I had encountered before were one and the same being. I had found an answer to at least one of my many perplexing questions.

My eyes fell upon a sight that left me at a loss for words. It was a form unlike anything I had ever seen, a silhouette that vaguely resembled a humanoid figure but was far from ordinary. Its body seemed to outline the shape of a human, but instead of skin and flesh, it was adorned with a vast expanse of stars and galaxies, giving the impression of a living night sky. This enigmatic being wore a pristine white robe that draped over its unique form. I struggled to find the right words to describe it, for it was clearly not human. 

"Well, I get that a lot. But don't think about my appearance too much. There are a lot more bizarre beings than me out there," it said in a calm, reassuring tone as it closed the book it was reading. The being was comfortably seated in a chair by the fireplace. With a graceful gesture of its hands, it invited me to sit in the chair beside it. 

"Come sit here. You want to know the answers to your questions...right?" It inquired. 

I couldn't help but feel that this being had the ability to read my thoughts. However, sensing no ill intent, at least for the moment, I pushed aside my initial reservations and took a seat beside it. 

With a measure of hesitation, I directed my thoughts, 'Then, why are you even speaking? We could directly communicate like this.' I felt that a silent exchange of thoughts might be more than sufficient for the being before me. 

"That would be no fun. You know, I have lived for so long that even the concept of time seems unfamiliar to me. So, I don't generally use my powers and try to do troublesome things all the time. And I have to say —it feels good in the long term." 

I suppose unusual traits aren't exclusive to humans. 

"So, what's wrong with this place? I don't think anybody is living here except you and...that maid of yours." 

"This is just my temporary abode. Sometimes, I like solitude, away from everything. So, I created this city just for that purpose. As for my maid, she's more like a puppet I created to help me with certain tasks, although she has been around for quite some time." 

Following its statement, the being leaned in a bit closer, and with a hint of curiosity, it said, "Leaving that aside, what's intriguing is that you didn't seem afraid of my appearance, nor were you particularly cautious." 

I shrugged in response, admitting, "I've been wondering the same thing. Perhaps whatever I went through before I arrived here might have affected some aspects of my mind." Surprisingly, the being let out a small laugh, leaving me curious about what it found so amusing in my explanation. 

As for my lack of wariness toward his appearance, I didn't dwell on it much. Beyond the reason I already mentioned, I had a strong instinctual feeling that he could kill me whenever he wished. On top of that, he seems to be also doing mind-reading. I reckon he might be some kind of higher lifeform or even a God, no matter how ridiculous I may sound. So, being wary didn't seem to serve any purpose. 

But besides all that... 

"Who really are you? You definitely don't seem human to me," I inquired, finally voicing the question that had been bothering me the most. Was he a deity, or perhaps some kind of extraterrestrial being, or something entirely beyond my understanding? 

If the being had eyes, I could almost envision them piercing into the depths of my soul as I posed my question. 

"You're right. I'm not a human being, although I used to be one. But right now, you can call me The Creator. I am what people on Earth would consider a 'God.' As you can tell from my name, my powers are related to the creation of existence. There are others like me, but they operate under different laws and are of a lesser rank. And yes, before you ask me anything related to my past, let me tell you, it would only be a waste of time. So, don't ask me anything related to it," 'The Creator clarified. 

As I listened to him, a surprising realization washed over me: I wasn't shocked by what I heard at all. Gods did exist, but not in the way we typically thought of them. I directed my gaze to that space of stars where I imagined the Creator's eyes would be, silently seeking answers from this godly being, fully aware that my thoughts were still an open book to him. 

"You're correct in your thinking," The Creator responded. "And to address your question, I indeed used my powers to help quell your shock." 

I acknowledged this with a simple, "Is that so?" I knew deep down that the Creator had played a part in mitigating my reaction, for without his influence, I was sure I would have shown a much stronger response to the revelation of their existence. 

"Yeah, it can be quite vexing when humans constantly make a fuss over my true identity or the like."

I see. There has been humans before me too in this situation.

"Since you're a god, does that mean you can create anything? Even 'infinite' universes?" I inquired, emphasizing the word 'infinity' to convey the magnitude of what I was asking. 

"In one word—No. While I can create universes, multiverses, and many more things that are beyond human imagination, the concept of 'infinity' is something beyond even the reach of a god. Regardless of how humans depict gods on Earth, in reality, a god is simply a being on a higher plane of existence than mortals. In essence, no one can truly control the concept of Infinity, not even me. Expanding on this idea, no one can definitively determine if this reality is all just a simulation. But if this is indeed a simulated reality, then who knows," the Creator mused as he gestured with his hands, "this very meeting we're having right now could be just a work of fiction published online somewhere, and readers could be reading this very conversation between us." 

So, aside from a few grand universal secrets, great powers that can turn mortals to dust, and a few perks like immortality, in the grand scheme of things, I might just be as helpless as the mortals themselves. 

But even if this is a simulated reality," The Creator continued, "I stand above every cosmic being or God in any universe or multiverse that would ever exist or existed in this simulation." 

I paused for a moment to digest what 'The Creator' had shared and then moved on to my next question. 

"I think I understand now. So, to my next question—what was that place I was in earlier? If that was even a place at all, and not just some horrifying nightmare conjured by my own mind?" I asked, still grappling with doubts about the reality of my experiences in that enigmatic place. 

"It was not a nightmare of your mind. It was all real. 

That place is called 'The Void.' Sometimes, the souls of the dead wander there instead of following the natural cycle of life and death. The Void has no concept of time, space, reality, or anything for that matter. If I hadn't helped you back then, who knows, you might have remained there for eternity. And please don't ask me how you ended up in the Void; it's all based on probability. The likelihood of someone's soul entering the Void is approximately 10^-31%, so you could consider yourself rather unlucky to have ended up there." 

I couldn't help but feel that even if he hadn't helped suppress my shock, I wouldn't have been surprised by the revelation of souls being real. I had already encountered numerous supernatural phenomena that had left me somewhat desensitized to the extraordinary. 

"So, you were watching me in the Void, huh?" I posed it as a question, but it was more of a statement conveyed through my tone and expression. I had an inkling that he had observed my experience in that mysterious realm. 

"Yes, I was watching from the moment you entered Void until I stepped in," he confessed. "You spent 29 years in that place, far longer than any human I've ever witnessed, by a significant margin. Most others could barely last a year before their souls simply extinguished." 

"All on my won?" 

"All on your own." 

His statement unveiled two revelations. Firstly, he had been observing me since I entered the Void, raising the possibility that he had been watching me in my previous life. And secondly, there was no external interference in the Void, meaning I had endured those 29 years solely with the resources of my own mind. That's crazy. 

I asked him calmly," Then why didn't you came to help me a little earlier? You know, I might have been spared from that psychological pain." 

"Well," he responded with a nonchalant shrug, "I have paid special attention to you in your previous life. So, for once I wanted to see how long your brain can hold on in that place. And congratulations, you didn't disappoint me." With that, he began to clap, seemingly impressed by my mental resilience. 

My gaze narrowed in suspicion as I pressed, "What exactly do you mean by 'special attention'?" 

As the tension in the atmosphere around us grew, he ceased his applause, straightening up. After a brief pause to collect his thoughts, he began to speak. 

"In this reality, I keep a watchful eye on the lives of specific individuals whose actions have the potential to shape the entire world. As for how I find them before they make their name known, I have my ways. At times, I also choose to offer indirect assistance in their journeys. 

Aside from your own universe in this vast existence, there exist countless other universes, the exact number of which even I have no idea. Every decision, every choice, and every single possibility down to the quantum level creates a new universe. Every story, every piece of fiction you've ever encountered, has a universe of its own. Whether it's Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Harry Potter, or countless others, each has its unique universe. 

Furthermore, there's a slight possibility that some universes may find representation in other universes in the form of stories or ideas. For instance, every piece of fiction you've ever encountered." 

Taking some moments to digest the words, I mulled over each word and the implications they held. 

"What do you mean by deciding to lend some help?" 

"Oh! There's a good example of that. Have you seen Interstellar by Christopher Nolan?" 

"Yeah. I've watched it," I confirmed. 

"That makes it easier." he remarked as he swiped his hand, conjuring a hologram screen. On it, a paused scene displayed a man in an astronaut suit drifting in a weird space filled with bookshelves. It was unmistakably Cooper in the Tesseract. Then, he initiated the video. 


{"Did it work?" He questioned as he looked at Tesseract, crumbling and mending at the same time. 

"I think it might have," came a voice from the comms. 

"How do you know?" he asked. 

"Because the bulk beings are closing the tesseract", A reply came back. 

He looked all around the three-dimensional space bounded by a five-dimensional reality in wonder and a hint of satisfaction that he had achieved his purpose. He had finally gotten the quantum data to his daughter to complete the theory. 

But suddenly, a pang of realization hit him as he realized something. At that realization, he smiled slightly. 

"Don't you get it yet, TARS?" he said to the supercomputer through the comms. 

"They are not 'beings. They are us. What I've been doing for Murph, they're doing for me. For all of us." 

"Cooper, come back to senses. People couldn't build this." 

"No. No, not yet. But one day", he said as he looked wondrously at the collapsing Tesseract. "Not you and me. But people." 

"A civilization that's evolved past the four dimensions we know," he said as he displayed a knowing look on his face. 

After that, everything turned white. 


As I watched the scene unfold, a sudden pang of realization struck me, and I turned to look at him as my eyes opened slightly, "No way, it was you the whole time?" 

"Yes, it was me only. Poor Cooper thought that it was humanity's descendants who had helped. But he didn't know it was just some God's whimsical wish to make that story more interesting. He thought that 'they' have access to infinite time and space...pffft...what does he even think the concept of Infinity is? Some kind of candy that anyone in any universe can get?" 

Ignoring his own ramblings, I turned to him with a heavy, almost accusatory tone. "Then, why!?" I demanded, my voice carrying the weight of my emotions, "why didn't you helped me when I needed it the most?" My tone grew increasingly intense. "My whole life was ruined when I was just six. Where were you then?" I was brimming with anger and frustration right now. "You were watching me as if my entire life was nothing but entertainment. Why didn't you come to help me !?" 

I wanted to punch him so bad right now. But I was aware of the futility and danger of such an action. I would be killed before I would even try. Call it an instinct or perhaps a sense of self-preservation, but I knew that I would die the moment I tried anything funny. I knew that my priority at the moment was to seek answers from him, so I restrained myself from any impulsive actions. 

Ignoring my heated tone, he replied, "I have a specific reason for that, which you'll come to understand in due time." 

I took a moment to rein in my anger, knowing that it wouldn't serve any purpose at this moment. After a brief pause, I asked him to continue from where he had left off. 

"So where was I? —Oh yeah! Then from these universes, I watch over the lives of certain people who achieve remarkable feats during their lifetime. Like for example," he said as he pointed his finger at me. "You." 

"And then, after they life ends, whether they find themselves in the Void, as in your case, or follow the natural cycle of life and death, I save their souls and bring them here to meet me." 

"But," I inquired, my face displaying utter confusion, "Why do you even choose people at all? I don't think a God like you would want to save us for nothing." If he is a god, then I see no point in saving lower existences like humans from death. Mortals are insignificant in front of a higher existence like him. 

It's just like comparing an ant to a human being. No matter how special it may be, humans wouldn't think twice before ending its existence. An ant would always be insigni—" But then, my voice trailed off as a chilling realization gripped me. 

"Good, looks like you realized it." He affirmed with a nod. "I select individuals like you because I find you all quite entertaining. In my eternal existence, boredom tends to creep in, and only a few 'special' people can truly win my attention. That group includes individuals like you." His words revealed that our existence had become a source of entertainment for him. 

I let out a hollow chuckle as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. I finally understood why he had refrained from helping me. 

"You only intervene when you think it'll help make the story more interesting, right?" 

He gave a slight nod, "I believed that it would be great if the story of Interstellar ended on good terms. That's why I took the steps I did. However, in your case, I judged that your story could unfold quite interestingly without my interference, so I never intervened." 

Following our exchange, silence hung in the air for several minutes. 

I eventually broke the silence, asking, "So, what's next? You plan to entertain yourself further by making me come back to life again?" 

As I contemplated our conversation and connected the dots, I had a clearer understanding of why he allowed people to meet with him. It wasn't merely about enjoying a bit of amusement; he sought a wealth of entertainment. The key to this extended fun lay in reincarnating these individuals. Moreover, he didn't manipulate people directly to do his bidding because he relished the complexity and challenges that arose from these less direct methods, just as he had stated earlier. 

Sure enough, this bastard's plan was to have fun watching me suffer in my life again. But I wouldn't let that happen. Even if I had to go through unimaginable pain and torture for countless years, I wouldn't give in. Let's see how he will make me change my mind. 

"Well, yeah. That's precisely why you find yourself here in the first place. Now the question is —would you be willing to do it?" 

"But, knowing you can see the future, would the enjoyment be real?" 

"I've already thought about that. You don't have to worry. So, I'll ask again – would you be willing to do it?" 

"No." I answered in a clear voice, leaving no room for argument. Despite my powerlessness in this situation, I was resolute in my determination not to let him have his way with me. 

Some seconds of silence followed my abrupt refusal. 

"Well, you had clearly come to terms with death on the last day of your life. So, I suppose it's not surprising that you would refuse." 

I couldn't help but ask, "Then why did you bother asking in the first place?" 

He responded with a shrug, "I simply wanted to attempt the easier method to convince you, that's all." The Creator rose from his seat and added, "Oh well, whatever. It'll be more interesting this way. Come with me, I want to show you something." 

"Just so you know, nothing would change my mind. It would be all useless." 

"We'll see about that." 

With a sense of puzzlement, I rose from my seat and followed the Creator as he opened the door I had initially entered. However, the sight that met my eyes was not the one I had expected. 

I couldn't help but question, "Where are we?" My expectations had been that the door would lead us back to the palace, not to some dimly lit alley in...my own world? 

"This isn't your world; it's another world in an alternate universe," he explained as he transformed into the appearance of a regular human being and then proceeded to walk out of the alleyway. When I turned around to look back at the door, it had already vanished. 

I processed the information and accepted it with a nod. It was not like I hadn't expected that at least one out of countless other worlds might look like mine. Plus, I couldn't think of any motive for him to deceive me. What would he even gain from that? After all, he had the power to influence my thoughts and actions. Who knows, he might be doing it even now. 

"I just don't like manipulating memories and brains of people if I could just manipulate them manually. It would be very easy then and its way more fun this way." 

I followed him as we stopped in front of a church adorned with flowers and decorations. 

"Why have you brought me to a wedding?" I inquired, puzzled by the choice of location. His response was to snap his fingers, instantly transforming our attire into something more suitable for such an occasion. 

"Wait!? Are you serious?" I questioned him once more." You want me to attend someone's wedding, but why?!" 

He responded with a cryptic tone, "Don't question. Just continue following me. You'll soon find out. Hehe..." his low chuckle taking on an ominous quality. I couldn't shake the feeling that he had something potentially terrifying in store for me. Despite the unease, I continued to heed his instructions. 

Upon entering the wedding venue, we made our way to the entrance of the church. A few individuals lingered in the garden next to the church, but it wasn't overly crowded. Stepping inside the church, I couldn't help but take in the vibrant and lively atmosphere. Children were playing, colorful balloons adorned the space, and the air was filled with the sounds of laughter and joy, painting a picture of a truly joyous occasion. 

The Creator gestured to me to follow him, and I complied, catching up to him. 

"Where are we going?" 

"We're meeting someone." 

I couldn't help but wonder why he would drag me with him if he simply wanted to meet someone. Crashing an event like a wedding uninvited, even if he might have tampered with everyone's memories, didn't sit right with me. I couldn't shake the feeling of unease about this situation. 

Who could this person be? Is it someone I know from my world, perhaps? Or someone else? Hmm, who could it be? Wait?! Could it be-

Just as I was thinking about who it could be, the gears in my hand jammed when I saw this person who he was talking about. She turned her head in response to his call. At that moment, it all became clear to me: I now understood why he had brought me to this wedding. 

It suddenly clicked in my mind, the reason for my presence here. He intended to change my mind, and what better way to achieve that than this? 

His gaze shifted to me, and he smirked slightly as he clearly relished the frozen expression on my face. 

I couldn't bring myself to focus on him; my attention was wholly consumed by the person approaching us. As she drew nearer, my face turned ashen, and a chill coursed through my entire body. Seeing her felt like I was trapped in a surreal dream. 

In the end, despite my struggle, all I could manage was a faint murmur, a single word that reached only the Creator's ears. 



It's around 4.9k words, almost 5k. 

This is just the start. The Creator is not a benevolent god at all. You'll see in the following chapters...

Next chapter coming within 7 days.

Really trying to flesh out the chracter of my MC.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Xeren_Valecreators' thoughts