
Multiprof | Apocalypse

The Supreme Being turned his attention to planet Earth... Having made sure that one of the few stars suitable for life is on the path to death... The Supreme Being has decided to destroy the pests who call themselves humanity! Even despite the violation of the laws of the universe regarding interference in the lives of Lower Beings, it brought down the Apocalypse on Earth! And although the “System” acted as a defense mechanism for the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, humanity was still destroyed after just 15 years of survival! But just before the death of the entire race, something happened that no one expected! The last surviving person on planet Earth chose to exchange his life for a tiny chance to change everything...

Kaniu · Fantasi
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29 Chs

Chapter 1 The last man on planet Earth!

Japan, Nagano, June 11, 2051

On the outskirts of the city,

in a place where the earth was scorched and covered with deep craters,

a man was kneeling. There was no life in his eyes, they were completely empty.

And only occasionally did pain, despair, reluctance and sadness slip through them. The power of which would drive a normal person nearby crazy.

*Ting* [Congratulations! Due to the fact that you are the last remaining human on planet Earth, you are given the "Warrior of Fortune!"]

[Congratulations! You were the first person to kill a rank 9 mutant! Depending on the user's rank and achievements, you are given a choice of one of three awards!]

[Elixir of Immortality!

Description: whoever drinks this elixir will never

will die of old age]

[Rank 9 Essence Elixir!

Description: Anyone who drinks this elixir will receive rank 9!

WARNING: If you consume the elixir before reaching rank 8, you will explode!


[Elixir of Time!

Description: Anyone who drinks this elixir will be able to return two components of the soul to the past.


[I wish to make a choice! Will you keep your achievement points or get one of the three rewards?]

[Please make your choice!]

[Please make your choice!]

[Please make your own...]

[Please do...]


An endless series of notifications continued to sound in Xi Yu's head, having lost the will to live.

Slowly coming to his senses, Xi Yu thought about how he could retire by committing suicide. Since Xi Yu has lost everyone he knew, loved and

There are no more people left on the planet; he believed that his further existence had no meaning.

While he was thinking about how he could commit suicide, in a meaningless fight with the creatures, or cut his own throat. Due to the constant noise in his head, Xi Yu paid attention to the system and decided to choose one of the rewards.

He didn't care what rewards he would receive, immortality or increased strength...

He didn't care about any of that anymore!

But when he saw the inscription with the word "Time", he was very surprised. Since in the entire history of confronting monsters, humanity has been provided with only 3 elixirs containing the law inside. And not a single one of the Laws was a Supreme Law like Time!

Since Xi Yu didn't care about immortality or rank nine, the description of the Elixir of Time left him confused. Before his death, he decided to satisfy his curiosity by choosing the Elixir of Time.

It cost him

drinking the elixir only when new system notifications started ringing in his head.

[Congratulations! you drank the Elixir of Time! Select 2 soul components that you would like to send back in time!] [Soul Components: 1 Memory. 2 emotions. 3 Soul power. 4 EGO] [Please make your choice!] System, tell us more about the components of the soul," Xi Yu turned to the system with interest and a little hope. [1. Soul Memory: This component of the soul is responsible for strengthening memory and information. Everything that happens to a person is consciously or unconsciously deposited in this component of the soul. By choosing this component of the soul, the user will receive a good memory of the experience experienced, combat experience and now he won't even remember all the details. ]

[2. Emotions: This is a component of the soul to enhance control

over emotions. Emotions make a person more mature. By experiencing them, a person develops quickly. All emotions experienced by a person are consciously or unconsciously deposited in this component of the soul. By selecting this soul component, the user will be: More intelligently composed. Will not lose self-control, will not succumb to anger or panic, will not become lazy and will not drown in greed, lust and envy]

[3. Soul Power: This soul component is responsible for how strong a person's soul is! His will!

Perception is the very essence of his existence! This component of the soul remains unchanged throughout a person's life from birth to death. The will can be strengthened! Sharpen your perception! but these will be additional improvements and the basic initial ones, like the talent, will remain unchanged within the Soul Power. By choosing this soul component, the user will acquire: A stronger perception of your 5 senses will become more acute and the sixth "Intuition" will appear. The will to harden, not to allow one to cave in under the situation and to resist troubles, fears, despair, feelings of uncertainty... The essence of nature will become denser, which will affect luck, intimacy and harmony with the world]

[4. Ego: This component of the soul is responsible for recognizing oneself as the Self. Everything that happens to a person is consciously or unconsciously deposited in this component of the soul and creates his "I". By choosing this soul component, the user will remain themselves]

Yes, there's nowhere to go in more detail... Well, since I can only choose 2 components, then I 100% choose memory first! Without memory there is no point in returning anything on time. But what should I choose from the remaining three components: Emotions Soul power or EGO, I have no idea, thought Xi Yu, turning over various events in his memory.

"Soul Power" will definitely affect what type of system I get... And I, having the "Warrior" system, was able to survive to the end, fighting shoulder to shoulder with people who had the "Heroes" system! It means "Emotions" and "EGO"

it will no longer be "I"... But the fate of humanity is at stake... All my dead friends... With the "Warrior" system, I'm unlikely to be able to change much.Even with the help of "Memory" I was able to prolong the existence of humanity... All my dead friends... With the "Warrior" system, I can hardly change anything. Even with "Memory" I can prolong the existence of humanity, but I can't become their hope for survival... *Chick* Huuuu maybe this is for the best... I'm so tired - racking my brains and struggling with internal desires in front of Xi Yu's duty , took the lighter and took it out

and took out a cigarette and lit it, thinking about what he thought was the best solution.

Xi Yu understood that in order to have even a tiny chance for humanity to survive and save everyone he had to lose, he must choose "Memory" and "Soul Power".

This difficult choice meant that he had to rely on his past self, putting aside his "EGO". At such moments you understand how difficult it is not to be an Egoist...

Having made his final decision, Xi Yu suppressed his selfishness and accepted the fact that he would see more of those whom he missed so much, because he would not meet them.

System I choose 1 and 3 "Memories" and "Soul Power"

[Component selection confirmed!]

[Select the Time at which the user will receive these 2 components]

Hmm, the time is 39 years ago At the time when I was just born," Xi Yu answered excitedly, hoping that these components sent to him in time would save all of humanity.

[The time request exceeds the allowed limit! Maximum return time is 15 years]

Ha Only 15 years Today is June 11, 2051. This means that the Apocalypse is 2 months away. What can he or I do from the past?

do *Ugh* Okay, send this back 15 years ago, exhaling cigarette smoke, tired of powerlessness, Xi Yu replied

[Time corrected. The process of removing Soul Components from the user's Soul begins! countdown 3...2...]

Friends, I'm coming to you, Xi Yu thought, closing his eyes and feeling his consciousness dissolving into oblivion.

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