
Start from Zero

The war had ended, the union of darkness had been defeated by the royal forces, they had all been destroyed. However, 2 people survived, namely the leader of the darkness union and also Grace. Michael was devastated by Vincent's departure, and before and after the entrance examination he always locked himself in his room.

'Vincent, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I can't protect you' muttered Michael, shedding tears. "Even though I used to try to abuse Vincent, but for some reason it turned out like this. But I'm grateful to have a friend like him" Michael said, smiling with tears in his eyes.

Soon the headmaster came to Michael's room, to visit him while improving his mood.

"Principal? What's up here? If you just told me to take the class, you can just leave" Michael said with a little indifference.

"Come on don't be so depressed, you have to let go of your friend's departure. I know it's a hard thing, but what's the point if you're so depressed, will he come back to life? That won't" replied the headmaster while standing in Michael's room to calm him down.

"What do you know about him ?! You don't even know how it feels when you see your best friend killed right in front of you!" Michael replied with a little yell.

"You understand, but you shouldn't be so depressed like this. If Vincent sees you in this situation, he might be sad too" said the principal, calming Michael's anger. 'Because I also experienced the same thing as you did, even more painful' murmured the headmaster.

"B-but this is all my fault, he died because of me, if only I hadn't started a fight with Vincent, maybe it wasn't like this" Michael said with tears in his eyes.

"You do not need to blame yourself, it all happened not because of your doing, this is all fate" answered the headmaster. "A death that has been predestined, will not return with a sadness and tears. Indeed, giving a person who is very dear to us is the most difficult thing, but people who leave us will be happier if we see joy rather than sadness excessively. also with Vincent, he would be very sad if he saw you like this, and vice versa, he would feel calm if he saw you happy" said the headmaster while motivating Michael.

"Thank you, headmaster. Maybe now I have to give up his death" replied Michael, calming himself.

'Hehehe, fortunately I often watch anime' murmured the headmaster with a smile. "Well that's better, so you want to take classes right?" The principal asked, hoping Michael would take classes.

"Well, maybe that is the best choice at this time" replied Michael, who was calming himself down. 'Vincent I will not forget you, because only you are the only person who can be good friends with me. I hope you are still alive, so we will meet again in the future' Michael muttered with a smile.


"Cough, cough. Eh? Where is this? Uhh ... my head hurts so much" Vincent said as he regained consciousness while holding his head. "What am I doing here? Not that I was- .. the darkness union, where are they? Not that I was fighting them and ... uh ... it hurts my head" He said while recalling what happened when he fought the darkness union.

Because the side effects after fighting the darkness union had not disappeared, Vincent fell back unconscious. Then shortly afterwards there was a man who accidentally passed Vincent's place, when the man saw Vincent who was unconscious full of wounds and blood all over his body, he decided to bring Vincent to his home to take care of him.

After a few days Vincent was cared for by the man, by giving Vincent the medicines he had made himself, finally Vincent had regained consciousness and the wounds he had gotten during the fight had also been healed. Then Vincent tried to open his eyes.

"Wow, thank God ... you're finally aware too. How are you doing? Is it better?" Asked the man with a little relief, because Vincent had regained consciousness.

"Eh? Who are you? And where am I now?" Vincent asked, trying to sit himself on the bed.

"Oh sorry, my name is Mags Frederick, you can also call me Mags. I'm a swordsman, and I live alone. And now you're in the city of Yoln, which is in Nest Country. How about you?" The man answered while introducing himself.

"My name is Vincent Christopher, just call me Vincent" Vincent replied.

"Oh yeah, by the way what happened to you? When I found you, you were unconscious and filled with lots of wounds" Tanya Mags.

"Eh? What happened to me? I don't really remember" replied Vincent, remembering what he had experienced before.

"Try to remember what happened to you," replied Mags.

"Dar-darkness union, right, darkness union, where are they?" Vincent said with a little anxiety.

"Darkness union? Oh calm down, they have been captured by the King of the Nest State" Mags replied.

"No... what about Michael? Is he okay? I have to protect him from the dark guild. Where is he?" Vincent asked very worriedly.

"Michael? Oh sorry, I don't know who that is" answered Mags. 'Why does this kid keep talking about the darkness union? Did he have anything to do with the incident a few days ago, when the royal forces fought against the darkness union. No, I have to confirm it first, 'muttered Mags. "Sorry Vincent, can you use magic or sword techniques?" Mags asked to be sure.

"I'm not so sure, but as far as I remember, I can use magic" replied Vincent.

"Then, can you show it to me?" Ask Mags.

"Alright" replied Vincent.

They went out of the house and Vincent tried to get his magic out.

"Electrical Element, Thunderbolt" said Vincent, who was chanting a spell.

Vincent has issued one of his spells. However, the spell doesn't work.

"Hmm... sorry Vincent, are you really a sorcerer?" Mags asked who doubted Vincent.

"Wh-why does the spell not come out, what's this?" Vincent said, who was confused.

'There seems to be a problem with his memory. Looks like I have to teach a few techniques sword from my flow to him, after all he seems not a bad person' muttered Mags.

"Why doesn't it come out, what's wrong with me? Can I no longer cast magic?" Vincent said very confused.

"Well Vincent, for the time being I will teach you sword techniques. Maybe it will be useful for you" Replied Mags by giving Vincent an offer. 'If a sorcerer can't release his magic anymore, can he be taught a sword technique? It seems like this will be a very interesting experiment, hehehe' he muttered while smiling happily.

"Sword techniques?" Vincent asked again. 'It seems that I can also master the sword techniques before, but why can't I remember anything? What's the matter' murmured Vincent.

"Yeah, the sword technique, it might not be very useful for ex-sorcerer like you, but this might be enough to protect you from a danger in the future" Mags replied.

'Maybe now I have to practice the sword techniques first from him, and I'll see you soon, Michael' Vincent muttered. "Okay, please teach me, teacher" Vincent said eagerly as he slightly lowered his head.

"Hahaha, that's great. Alright, starting today I will be your teacher" Mags replied very happily.

Vincent also began practicing the sword technique from his teacher, Mags, every day he always practiced earnestly and full of enthusiasm. 5 years have passed, Vincent's age is now 12 years old, and this year new student enrollments at the Zokarth Academy were opened, an academy located in Orahull City. Zakarth Academy is a very well-known academy, and in the academy they accept sorcerers and swordsmen at once, with the aim of teaching them how to work together in fighting against magic monsters later. And the registration day arrived, Vincent and Mags rushed to the academy to register Vincent in the academy.

"Are you all ready, Vincent?" Ask Mags.

"Already, teacher" Vincent replied enthusiastically.

"Alright, before we leave, remember this, don't tell your identity to a stranger or your friend first. You have to keep using the armor" Tell Mags.

"Alright, teacher. I will not dismantle my identity. But, what about my best friend? Can I tell my true identity" Vincent asked.

"Of course not! You can't tell him, do you want your friend to be even more worried about you? Surely he thinks that you are gone, if he finds out you're still alive, maybe he will be shocked. will later target you if you tell me your true identity" Mags replied with a little scolding Vincent.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't be so angry" said Vincent.

"Never mind, than we are late, we are leaving now" said Mags.

"Okay, let's go...." Vincent said with great enthusiasm. "But by the way, where did the teacher get the horse carriage and also this horse?" Vincent asked curiously while sitting on a horse-drawn carriage and while traveling.

"Hehehe, well... teacher... borrowed it earlier, yes borrowed it," Mags said with a little wordy.

"Don't say if teacher borrows without asking the owner for permission?" Vincent asked.

"N-no, really, teacher really borrowed, calm down, hehehe" Mags answered.

"Hoi! Give me back my horse! Look out, Mags!" Someone shouted very loudly from behind them.

"Teacher..." Vincent said.

"Hehe, sorry, teacher will pay it later, just calm down, hehehe" Mags answered. "Take it easy, old man! I'll pay it later after I'm back!" Mags shouted to reply to the words of the one who shouted earlier.

"Okay, let's hurry, teacher" Vincent said.

"Okay... handle it" answered Mags, racing the horse.