
Future Plans

When Zack saw this he exhaled the compressed air from his lungs due to him being very tense.

Eve was standing there and one can see on her face that she very much enjoyed the whole scenario of Zack being so much tense. When Zack noticed it he felt very embarrassed and coughed to remove his awkwardness.

"Cough*um H- hello Hang Wei, you can stand up now." Zack said to Hang Wei who was still kneeling like a loyal servant. When Hang Wei stood up Zack asked from Eve "um Eve you were saying that Hang Wei's powers will be reduced but i can feel that he is still very strong, although it is a good thing but please explain it to me."

Eve said smilingly " of course his powers have been reduced, now he is still only at the level of a yonko."

"The hell he is at the level of yonko? Are you cracking a joke?" Zack didn't believe what eve was telling him.

"POUT* i am not cracking a joke, he really is at the level of yonko." Eve said while pouting cutely.

'Really! he is a yonko level expert? i have gotten this world's strongest battle efficiency as my servant? Is my luck that awesome?' Zack was thinking along these lines when eve make him come out of his delusions by saying

"Yeah he is now at the level of yonko but i can easily say it that he is the strongest even among them. but don't worry you will easily reach this level within two and a half years time by the cultivation manual which i will provide you. Now coming towards the main topic. So tell me Zack what are your future plans?"

This was the time he seriously started to consider about his plans at first when he heard that he have to conquer many world he was thinking along the lines that 'i will get strong and beat the living hell out of my opponents and when there will be no one to challenge me i would have conquered the world.' but now his thinking changed a bit. As he learned on Earth that there are two ways to conquer one is of-course by powerful fist and the other is by gaining the respect of general populace. The first method is very easy but the loyalty he would gain by that method will be temporary and in the future when he will leave this world the world will again get back to how it is right now and his legend will be forgotten. And the second method will take too much time but if he succeed then the loyalty which he will gain will be permanent and he will always be remembered.

Now he wanted to chose from these methods but then it clicked his mind

'what if i work on both these methods!!!!! Yeah lets do so, I will be using both soft and hard methods but for that i alone will not be enough i must gather many members who will help me with this.'

Thinking till here his vision suddenly turned to Hang Wei who was standing respectfully at his side. And his vision eyes suddenly started to sparkle 'yes i have such a strong servant besides me i should use him well'

Thinking till here he suddenly spoke to Hang Wei " Hang Wei as i learned that you were the one who created this world so you must know this world very well right?"

Hang Wei respectfully answered Zack "Yes Mi-Lord i know this world very well."

Before Zack could answer Eve told Zack that "When i was waking him from his slumber i also checked his memories and by doing so i have also copied the whole blue prints or you can say that the whole map. You can easily check the whole map now and if you wish you can teleport to any place in this world in a single moment."

Zack became very happy by Eve's declaration and said

"WOW Eve you are really amazing." he wholeheartedly complimented Eve who became slightly red because everyone loves to be complimented.

Zack then thought of something and asked Eve "Eve do you have any memory sharing techniques?"

Eve closed her eyes 'maybe she is searching for this particular technique in the system database.' Zack thought when he saw her close her eyes and his guess was totally on spot.

After a few seconds she opened her eyes and told Zack "Yeah there is an amazing technique which is called 'Memory Exchange Technique' it is very useful technique and is very safe to use. No harm will be done on the user as well as on the person on whom this technique is being used."

Zack became very excited. He hurriedly asked Eve to imprint this technique directly in his brain.

Eve simply waved her hands and a bright light directly entered Zack's forehead. He closed his eyes for ten minutes to comprehend the technique after which he opened his eyes and walked in front of Hang Wei and touched his forehead and transfer some of the pictures into Hang Wei's mind directly after that he asked him.

"Hang wei did you get the pictures in your mind?"

"Yes Mi-Lord i got all the pictures." Hang Wei replied respectfully.

"Leave this Mi-Lord thing, just call me young master, And i want you to go search for all these people in this world and make them become my subordinates. Method you can decide on But do not force them too much. And You can make a pirate group with these people and when you have searched for all tthese people bring them here, so that we can start our journey to conquer this world," Zack told his plan to Hang Wei after transferring the pictures.

" Yes young master and I have a request." Hang Wei told Zack.

"Go on." Zack gave him his permission. He also wanted to know that what is his request.

"Young Master! I want her highness Eve to plant this 'Origin Of Devil' inside the heavenly world."

Saying this he went towards his tatami mat and removed it and took a small box from a partition under the mat in which there was a totally red root of a tree.

"What is this 'Origin Of Devil'?" he asked but before Hang Wei could answer Eve who was feeling a little left out answered him hurriedly that "'Origin Of Devil' is the base of devil fruits. Have you never wondered why the eaters of devil fruits are rejected by water? The reason is simple, the tree which produces the devil fruits is incomplete, or you can say that it is just a hollow of original devil fruit tree."

"it is as her highness Eve stated. If you plant the Origin Of Devil inside the Heavenly World it will immediately grow into a tree with all the devil fruits without any negative affect."

Hang Wei explained further.

"Yahoo! I was getting the thought of not consuming devil fruit but now i am definitely going to consume my favorite devil fruit."

Zack became very happy, because he will be able to fulfill one of his fantasy.

Eve who heard that wanted to say to him that devil fruit will not much affect his strength but when she saw how happy Zack was she stopped herself thinking that 'well it is ok it will have zero negative affects so let him indulge his fantasy.'

"OK Eve please plant this Origin Of Devil inside the Heavenly world as Hang Wei requested,"

Zack asked Eve, And Eve said to Zack while taking that box " Yes YOUNG MASTER."

"Stop it Eve, Don't do this." said Zack with a helpless voice.

"hehe ok i will stop teasing you. So you plan to send Hang Wei to Gather People?"

"yes eve i alone will not be enough to control this world so it is better to gather some capable people who will control this world after i leave. Oh and please give Hang Wei an inter-spatial ring of the highest quality and a boat which is made of Adam Wood and have the capacity to house over a thousand people. And cover its base in sea stone."

Requested Zack.

"OK no problem it is very easy so lets go to the beach where we can put the ship."

saying this Eve started to walk towards the beach and both Zack and Hang Wei followed her.

Hello guys.

in the next chapter there will be start of Zack's training as well as a time-skip.

Guys why are you not supporting me? There are still no reviews about my work so that i can further improve it.

And if you guys give me power stones i will feel more encouraged to write more.


Ghori4343creators' thoughts