
Fight with Aokiji

"So now let's dance!!"

saying this Zack jumped down on ice field and started walking towards the centre. Seeing this Aokiji also shook his head and jumped on the ice stage created by articuno.

When both the parties came in front of one another Aokiji moved his eyes from Zack to articuno and then back to Zack before asking. "So~~ what is the deal with this bird dit it eat peramecia ice type devil fruit?" Aokiji was really curious about this magnificent bird.

"Na~ he didn't eat any type of devil fruit." Zack answered him.

"Do you think i am an idiot? you want me to believe that there are such mystical animals and birds which can use such amazing powers by birth? i have never heard or seen such type of birds." Aokiji ill-humouredly said to Zack.

"well if you haven't seen then it doesn't mean it don't even exist. The world is very big. Well just leave the birds aside and lets continue." Zack told ready and took his hand to hand fighting stance.

"Aisu Bōru (ice ball)" Shouted Aokiji and threw a ball in Zack's direction. Seeing this attack Zack just shook his head and used his extreme speed to appear at the right side of Aokiji and threw a punch on the face of Aokiji who in the nick of time was able to block it by crossing his hands in front of his face due to his observation haki.

'Fast and also strong!' Aokiji thought when he felt numbing sensation in his hand.

He atonce jumped bback wards to make some distance between him and Zack while also throwing some ice arrows toward Zack "Ice Block: Partisan" said Aokiji and four ice tridents flew towards Zack in a very high speed who easily destroyed them by punching them and turning them into particles.

"What happened Aokiji is this the power of navi's strongest battle efficiency? If it is so then i am disappointed." While saying this he appeared behind Aokiji and kicked him on the head causing Aokiji to fly and crash in marine ship.

"Arara you are really strong looks like i have to get serious. 'Suru'." Aokiji said and then suddenly vanished from his place only to be seen in front of Zack with his fist blackened and trying to hit Zack in abdomen.But only to be blocked by Zack's fist which was also blackend.


When both their fists hit each other the collision caused a shock wave which spread outwards from them as centre.

After this collision they started to fight hand to hand while also using marine's Rokoshiki style.

Aokiji was surprised to see Zack using this style very easily and he didn't want to admit it but he was also very better than he was.

But after some time and hitting each other both parties jumped away from each other and stared each other.

After this Aokiji knew that he was not his opponent in hand to hand combat because his armament haki was much more stronger than Aokiji's. So after considering for some time Aokiji made a jagged sword with his powers.

"Aisu Sāberu (ice sabre)" while making an ice sword he dashed towards Zack and hacked at Zack.

in his opinion Zack was only good at hand to hand combat but he was severely disappointed.

Because in the next instant he saw Zack smiling and waved his two fingers in such a way like he was swinging a ship. At this Aokiji's instinct was screemin for him to get away from here and he did as such but still he was a little bit late and his ice sword was directly cut from the sword wave caused by Zack's fingers as wall as he got a gash on his right hand and blood started dripping from his hand.

Once again Aokiji was shocked as he found that Zack was even better in swordsmanship than in hand to hand combat.

Aokiji again made some distance between him and Zack and stared at Zack as if he was a monster.

The people who were watching could easily see that Aokiji was in very bad shape.

He was panting very heavily and blood was dripping from his mouth and nose as well as from his hand from a gash which was caused by Zack's sword wave.

While on the other hand Zack was totally fine he was not even breathing quickly. It seemed as if he was fighting with some kid and not with a navy admiral.

"Scary~ You really are a monster." Aokiji said to Zack while trying to remain as calm as possible but he was not being successful at it.

He was now sure that today he will not be able to save that pig's life hell he was not even sure about his own life.

After thinking for some time Aokiji decided to use one last move which was also his strongest offensive attack.

When he was going to prepare for his attack Zack said " Aokiji looks like today you will not be able to save that pig. If you have any more moves bring them out i donot want to waste any more time."

"As you wish. Aisu Burokku: Fezanto Bekku (Ice Block: Pheasant Beak)" Aokiji shouted and released his full ice power which changed into a huge ice bird and flew towards Zack.

Seeing this Zack prepared to take on this attack directly with his body. When that attack was going to hit him him suddenly he heard a screeching noice

"Screech~~~" and suddenly articuno appeared in from of that attack and opened its beak from which a suction power was generated and starting to swallow whole of that attack after some seconds whole of that ice bird was swallowed by Articunu who was now chirping very happily as if he has eaten his favourite food.

When Articuno was enjoying the after taste of his meal Aokiji was shocked to his core.

His most powerful attack was 'EATEN' the hell~~

"Hahaha it looks like my pet really enjoyed his meal.And as i am seeing this was your final attack so it means that the fat pig is now going to yellow spring. Oh and by the way sorry that my pet interfared in our dual. hahaha." Zack said to Aokiji while laughing crazily.

"Haa~ so you really will not let the celestial dragon to go. You will definitely become the most wanted criminal of Marines and world government." Aokiji said in a defeated voice while also trying to put Zack under pressure while mentioning world government..

"Like hell i care about world government's retaliation." Saying this Zack turned towards enel who was sitting on a now awaken saint Jaffery's back.

"Enel do it." Zack ordered Enel to kill the scum of this world.

"With pleasure Boss!" Saying this enel concentrated his lightening on finger tip and pointed it at the head of Saint Jaffery or in simple words the pig who was now begging and crying while his snot and tears were dropping from his face. Really a pitiful creature.

"Swish~~~~" with a swish sound the pig fell down on the deck now with a hole in the center of his head from where blood was flowing like crazy.

"Sigh you really did it now. So what will happen to me and my subordinates?" Aokiji sighed and asked about their fate.

"Nothing you will leave this ship behind and get away from here. Simple." Zack said while smiling.

Aokiji nodded towards Zack and made an ice road which was leading towards the nearest marine base and then he ordered his men to to get going.

While they were going away Aokiji Turned towards Zack and asked " So why did you leave me alive?"

Zack for some time saw his face and the smilingly said to Aokiji "Robin told me that you were the one who let her leave from ohara when the buster call was issued there. So think of it as if your debt on robin has been cleared. And second i donot hate you if in your place it was sakazuki that lave bastard then till now he would have been turned into fish food. Now get going,"

When Aokiji heard Zack he looked towards Robin who was standing behind Zack and then sighed and went on his way.

When all the marines went away Zack waved his hand and both articuno and that ship vanished.

"Boss looks like we are going to get famous." Monnet who usually remains silent said to Zack.

Zack smiled and turned towards his crew and said to them.

"We have wasted too much time in four sees now it is time for heavenly pirates to go to new world and turn it upside down."


The crew also shouted eagerly.

So here is todays chapter.

i have not read it again so if there are any mistakes bear with them.

Ghori4343creators' thoughts