

Eddie is in his late teens and is struggling to get a job so he decided to clear his head by going on a camping trip.

Eddie:"C'mon I need the job can't you get me in"

Jefferson:"I'm afraid I can't do that Eddie you'll just have to go somewhere else"

Eddie:"We've been friends for 8 years and you won't do this one thing for me"

Jefferson:"What your asking me could actually get me fired"

Jefferson:"Why don't you go camping or on a road trip"

Eddie:"You and me both know i'm not an outside person"

Jefferson:"Just go on one try it out and then maybe you'll find out what you want"

Eddie goes home to think about what Jefferson said.

Eddie:"Go camping he says maybe ill find out what i want he says"

Eddie:"Stupid Jefferson"

Eddie:"Well i am desperate for a job so maybe camping isn't all bad"

Eddie:"Ok camping it is"

Eddie decides to go camping not knowing what was instored for him on the way.

Jefferson calls.

Jefferson:"So you took my advice and went camping huh"

Eddie:"I need a job so maybe i might just might find what i'm looking for hiding somewhere surrounded by all the trees, bushes, and grass"

Jefferson:"Haha very funny but take this seriously theres been alot of those super powered humans running around so be careful"

Eddie:"When did you become my mother"

Jefferson:"Stop trying to be funny and just relax out here don't come home right away ok"

Eddie:"Wait what do you mean don't come home right away?"

Jefferson ends the call

Eddie:"That was weird"

Eddie gets bored so he explores the forest to see what's around.

Eddie falls down a hill

Eddie:"Just great now there's mud all over me"

Eddie sees a cave and out of curiosity decides to go check.

Eddie:"Now this is cool but in a creepy way

An alien goo comes out of nowhere and grabs on to Eddies jacket.

Eddie:"Get off me!"

The goo begins to expand and Eddie runs but the goo follows him

Eddie:"Thanks alot Jeff"

Eddie gets in his car but the goo starts to enter the car through tiny cracks and surrounds itself on Eddie.


Eddies mind has been taken by the goo and the goo is in total control of Eddie.

Then Eddie runs to the nearest gas station

Worker:"Hey welcome to our- ARE you okay"

Eddie looks at him and jumps on the counter

Eddie:"You look tasty"

The worker runs off but Eddie jumps at him and start to eat him apart.

I wrote another book called STRIKE⚡ go check it out this is in the same universe

Jase_Lezzcreators' thoughts