
Multi-dimensional Group Chat

Guy travels around to different worlds with group chat. The main world is an amalgamation of different romance stories. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please send constructive criticism however don't just complain for the sake of complaining. You can also recommend what worlds to travel to or powers/items to gain. I don't own any characters. -----------------------------------------------------------------

Eevee_Express · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs


Kei and Megumi continue shopping together and after they are done head to Megumi's house first to drop off her groceries.

They enter her house and rest there for a bit before heading to his apartment. Kei checks the time and notices its already 4 o clock so they hurry back to his apartment

They leave her house and head to Kei's apartment. When they get to the apartment they take the elevator and go to the 8th floor. When they get to their door, Kei unlocks it and enters.

When they enter they see a girl with long white hair and red eyes resting on the sofa. She noticed the door open and looked towards them. She gets up from the sofa and goes near Kei. Kei puts the groceries down on the table and starts petting her head.

"Hey Anna, Megumi is going to eat with us today so entertain her while I make dinner." Kei says with a smile, to which Anna just nods while closing her eyes to enjoy his head pat.

While Kei is doing this Megumi feels like she has been forgotten and she doesn't know it but she feels a hint of jealousy so she starts coughing to get their attention.

*Cough, Cough*

Anna looks toward the coughing noise and sees Megumi standing there. She decides to greet her.

Anna moves away from Kei and starts to talk to Megumi.

Kei, seeing this, decides to start dinner. He goes to the kitchen and begins making dinner while Anna and Megumi start talking on the couch.

Anna is an orphan child that lives with Kei. Her full name is Anna Kushina. She used to live in the orphanage before she started living with him. One day when Kei was visiting the orphanage to help out he met Anna. She is the same age as Kei.

When he met her he didn't think too much and started to work. However, Kei noticed that she was right next to him no matter where he went. When he asked her why she was next to him, she said she felt warm inside and it was very comfortable. He didn't really understand and stopped trying to figure it out since he didn't mind.

After Kei finished his work at the orphanage he was about to leave when he noticed Anna following him. He stopped her and asked why she was following him. She replied that she was going to live with him from now on. Kei naturally was extremely confused and denied her request since he has only known her for 1 day.

Anna, however, didn't give up and every time he went to the orphanage to do charity work, Anna would be right next to him and ask the same question. This continued for a year until he finally relented and allowed her to live with him.

Of course, the only reason he even allowed her to live with him was that he figured out her personality during that year. He learned she was the reserved type which baffled him since she was anything but reserved in trying to go live with him.

When he asked her about this she said it was the warmth from him that made her want to live with him. He tried to understand her but she wasn't much of an explainer.

Kei decided it might be best to take Anna from the orphanage and live together since she didn't have any ill will towards him. Another important reason was that he didn't want this girl to follow the wrong person or she could be in trouble.

Once Anna moved in with Kei, he already informed his parents about it and made fun of him. Once he cleared their misunderstanding they told him it was fine and to bring in as many as you want. When he heard this he cleaned out his ear several times in order to make sure he was not hearing voices in his head. He immediately hung up.

Kei backed away from those thoughts and plated the food for 3 people.

"Megumi, Anna, dinners ready!" Kei yells at them.

Immediately they come to the dining room table and started eating. They enjoyed the food and small talk between the three of them.