
The Broken

~29 August 2006~

I look at Amelia in relief. While my intuition says that the people who come to my castle are good people, I still don't trust the devil race, at least the other devil other than Satan, but even then, I will not trust them fully.

"Is there anything you want to say, Amelia?"

"Ah! No! There is nothing I want to report."

"I see, then let me give you something."

I take out something from my back and give it to Amelia. As she opens up the bag, I can see her eyes widen up before saying.

"Lexian, what kind of snake is this?"

"Ahhh. Those are a Basilisk. Somehow Harry manages to kill a fully grown basilisk in his school. This morning he gave me those samples for you. Medea and Carol already test some of the skin and come up with the result that the skin can block a low to some of the mid-tier spells. I know you already work hard, but can you clone this creature using the remaining body of the basilisk?"

"Hmmm… Yeah, I think I can do it, but it will take some time."

"Take your time. This project is not our priority."

I can see Amalia eager to experiment on her new toy. After I remove the limitation of Shaper, Amelia becomes more powerful than before. Her power over biology is unmatched. She can create a creature that is powerful enough to make Carol break a sweat. While I am proud of her accomplishment, I don't want to attract any unwanted attention from her creation, so I forbid her to create a powerful creature at large. I don't want the other faction to see me as a Lord that gathers an army to march for war.

"Also, how is Harry doing, Valerie?"

"He is good, brother. However, there is something weird happening. Harry says that Dumbledore is gone from Hogwart. The newspaper there speculated that he had been kidnapped."

"That is worrying… Maybe we should…"

Before I could finish my sentences, Medea tapped my shoulder.


"Ahhh, I think we don't need to worry about him anymore, master."

"Huh? Why?"

"There is this report from the guard. They found a dead body on the edge of our bounded field. When I arrived at the gate and identified the body, it was the body of Albus Dumbledore."

"Wait. What? Seriously? How come I don't hear anything about this?"

"It was my fault. I see you are busy with your paperwork and planning for our attack, and I think that you don't need to know about this trivial thing. I'm sorry."


I see, so Dumbledore is dead, huh? That is good, I guess.

"No, you are right. Diodora and his friend are more important than that bearded old man. However, I want you to give me a written report when you have time."

"Of course, Master."

I nod at her before looking at Carol.

"Carol, how is the situation around Faysummit? Is there any intruder walk around our land?"

"There is nothing so far. There is some Low to Mid class vampire snooping around Constanta, but Charlotte and her ladies can deal with them."

I nod at her. Carol has been my external advisor. She is the one that takes care of intelligence coming from other people and checking if the information is real or not. The only time when she doesn't check any of the reports was when something emergency happened. Like a few days ago, when a well-known devil came to Constanta, Charlotte decided to give the letter straight to me instead of Carol. Not only as of the leader of the Intelligence gathering group, but she is also the leader of the 'Hit and Destroy' team, which consists of personally trained people that go around and kill any enemy around the land. Basically, Carol is the leader of CEDEF and VARIA in my family.

The only thing to do is waiting for a confirmation about the devil clan that will attack the Tepes clan. At the same time, I want to take care of them when I have all my guardians. However, seeing them get taken down without even me lifting a finger is good enough for me.


I snap from my thoughts when I hear someone knock on the door.

"Come in."

When the door is open, I see one of the 'special room' guards come inside. The particular room is the room where Medea creates a powerful bounded field in our basement to protect from anyone knowing that the place exists. The only one that knows about this room is one My guardian, a few guards, and I. What they are guarding is the peerage member of Diadora that successfully kidnaps the other day.

The former nun condition is worse than the anime portrayed it to be. In the name, they are not as lifeless as in here. When Amelia checks on them, she says that they are under some sort of 'master' effect that makes them an obedient slave to their master. Lucky for them, the master effect is gone after the death of Diodora. However, Amelia decides to go unconscious because she doesn't know what will happen if they know that Diodora is dead before all the master effects are gone. Amelia said that they would try to attack us or try to kill themselves in the worst scenario. They should be awake when all the master effect that Diodora cast is gone. So that means…

"My Lord, Your special guest is awake."

"Very well. Thank you. I will visit the room immediately."

As I get up, my guardian and little sister follow me after as we go to the basement.


*Rosalina De Fiore POV*

Where am I? The last thing I remember is when we fight against a group of vampires that are attacking us.


Suddenly a rush of memory came into my head about how a devil breaks me physically and mentally, how he molested my body, how he said that he is the one that made the church excommunicate my fellow sister and me, how Diodora made me curse the God name for his amusement, how he killed my friend just to make me break faster. When I break, he then casts an unbreakable spell that makes us his slave that always obeys all his orders from having sex with him to a job into danger to save him. Day by day, I see him begin to increase his collection of the nun and holy woman. His last target is Asia Argento, the nun and holy maiden of the church. He keeps bragging how all of his plans are working smoothly.

However, one day he gets a letter from his ally, the Old Satan Faction. He receives an order to search for information in Romania about the whereabouts of this particular group that rescued some young woman from their hand. That day I hope for the day where I get saved like that young woman, how I dreamed of being free from my eternal prison and feel the warmth of family once again.

I snap from my thoughts when I look at the door where a group of people walks inside the room. The first one is a young man and followed behind him is a group of women.

"You have awoken. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lexian Vongola, and the lovely lady near me is…"

"We can introduce ourselves, Lexian. My name is Medea."

"Carol Danvers"

"Amelia Claire Lavere"

"My name is Valerie Vongola! I'm his best little sister!"

"You are my only sister Valerie."

"I know! Which makes me the best sister!"

I couldn't have but smile at their behavior. I don't know how, but I have a feeling that I finally found my freedom.


~Omake (Non-Canon)~

Gacha~ Gacha~ Gacha~

I will roll another Gacha~

Gacha is a good Civilization~

Gacha Hooray~

"You look happy, senpai."

"Of course, Mashu~ This is the first time I get a five star ticket at a random chance."

"En, I never thought that we would find a five-star ticket in the desert."

"Yes, ~."

I get this when we first arrive in our sixth singularity. I never thought to find this in the middle of a desert and without fighting anyone! How lucky is that?!?

As we arrive in front of the summoning machine, I place down the card in the middle of the room while Mashu joins up with Da Vinci in the observation room. I punch the red button near me, and suddenly, the room begins to glow in golden color.

After a few seconds, the light is gone, and standing in front of me is a woman with a somewhat familiar purple dress. What makes her different from the person I know is her earring, and she didn't cover her head like her alternate self.

"Come from the land protected by the rainbow, I, Medea, come to answer your call. Are you my master?"

"Yes. My name is Ritsuka Fujimaru, but you can call me Gudako!"

"Then master, Let's work together from now on."

I lead Medea to walk around the Chaldea and show where her room is located. After doing that, I walk to where Da Vinci is recording my newest servant data.

I'm a little bit disappointed that I get Medea. At least she is a five-star servant, so she must have something unique in her data. The five-star servant I got so far is either have some powerful Noble Phantasm, Skill and Parameter or have big boobies. While Medea is a beautiful woman, she doesn't have massive boobies like my current five-star servant. Look at Scáthach, Minamoto no Raikō, and Nightingale boobies. They are massive!

"Hello, Mashu! How is our newest servant parameter?"

"Emmm, Senpai, I think you should look at it yourself."

I walk next to Mashu and look at the monitor in front of her. As I look at the monitor, I widen my eyes.


Real Name: Medea Vongola


~Strength: C~

~Endurance: B~

~Agility: B~

~Mana: EX~

~Luck: A~

~NP: B++~

Class Skill:

~Item Construction: A~

~Territory Creation: A~

Personal Skill:

~Rapid Words of Divine: A+~

~Teachings of Circe: A~

~Arcobaleno Blessing: EX~

~Vongola Blessing: EX~

~Mare Blessing: EX~

~Affection of the Sky: A~

Noble Phantasm:

~Rule Breaker - Anti Thaumaturgy (C)~

~Box Weapon - Gufo di Nebbia {Agathe} - Anti Unit (B)~

~Cambio Forma - Sfera di Nebbia - Anti Unit (B++)~



The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts