
Much Ado About Nothing (GL)

Euphoria "Euphie" Quill was asked by Scarlett White, her mortal nemesis, to fake date her.

Talesofheaven · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 5

The first time Scarlett kissed Euphie was in kindergarten. When she fell on one of the swings, crying. Euphie came to the rescue by touching her neighbour's cheeks to calm her. Scarlett kissed her on the lips. Punched her on the nose, and ran away, leaving a dumbfounded Euphie on the ground, massaging her nose.

Scarlett chuckles at the memory. She didn't intend to punch Euphie on the nose. She felt pitiful when she fell on the swing. She wanted to look tough in front of the girl, that's why she did that.

That was her defence mechanism acting up.

It was such a childish excuse, and she won't justify herself because it was such a mean thing to do.

Scarlett had known Euphie for many years. But they never interact with each other at school. She wanted to get to know Euphie more, but the girl is very reserved and doesn't like people that much, which is the complete opposite of her personality.

Scarlett is very outgoing. A party lover, and the kind of person who likes to be the centre of attention. It sounds obnoxious, she may add, but she loves it. Also, because of that kind of personality, she and Euphie can't seem to get along in some way.

Scarlett wants Euphie to acknowledge her, or rather, be obsessed with her. She wanted her to gush on her. Flatter her. Caress her everywhere. Lock her up all to herself.

She wanted Euphie's attention so badly. It sounds dramatic and borderline obsessive. No need for justification because it's indeed true.

Their little cat and mouse chase will be over if Scarlett would just admit that she likes Euphie and frankly tell her that she would love to start a relationship with her.

As simple as it sounds, Scarlett wouldn't allow that, or rather, her little pride wouldn't accept that. She wants Euphie to take the initiative to hold her and make her hers.

To her dismay, the girl seems like she's not interested after their kiss. The latter pushed her, making her arse slump on the ground. Scarlett was utterly displeased—hurt even when she watched Euphie walk out of the room.

The game was just an excuse to get close to her. What she wanted to express were her feelings. She doesn't know if Euphie was feigning ignorance or if she was just completely oblivious about her actions. Whatever might be the reason, she's sure is testing her patience. So she decided to become a bit aggressive.

But it seems like kissing the latter wasn't the best choice.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

She repeated the words like a mantra as she bangs her head on her locker remembering that memory.

Why did she think that being extremely flirtatious would work to get the girl? Why did she think of that idea from the beginning? Well, boys like it. She hears her conscience answer. But she immediately retorted that Euphie is not a boy. And she's highly allergic to people.

She wished Euphie would return to the party, look for her, then grab the collar of her shirt, and capture her lips in a frenzied yet passionate kiss. Kiss her right there, in front of those drunk people at the party. Oh, how she desired that scene to happen. But unfortunately, it didn't happen. She sighs in defeat instead and drowns her misery with alcohol right after.

It wasn't Euphie's fault. She was just being stubborn and wouldn't want to let anyone shudder her dignity. She thinks if she's going to act persistent and childish all the time, she can't get close to her.

Scarlett shook her inner turmoil and swallowed her pride. She made up her mind that she would just—straight up ask Euphie out on a date. Whatever happens, or if Euphie rejects her, then it's her loss, not hers. Her defence mechanism was acting up again.

That was supposed to be the plan that Friday night when she went to see the latter late at night. She didn't have any sort of malicious agenda in mind. But when she saw Euphie dressed in a silk nightgown, looking so lush and soft, her brain lagged.

"Date me, Quill," She uttered plainly, without missing a beat. It was a good thing she didn't stutter.

Scarlett could only sigh in utter misery remembering the nonsense she said to Euphie that night.

"I heard you were looking for a recommendation letter for your paintings? I can arrange that for you. In return, I need your cooperation. I need someone to act as my fake girlfriend."

What rubbish is she spouting?

"It's because we don't like each other. I don't wanna deal with the burden of someone falling in love with me. I don't have time for that."

Stop. Please.

"We both know that we despise one another, so the term flirting is non-existence from the very beginning. Plus, it's a win-win situation, you'll get the recommendation letter, then people will stop throwing themselves at me."

It was extremely painful to recall to be completely honest. She didn't know how she managed to get out there without embarrassing herself further. She was completely helpless and downright infatuated. She couldn't believe she fell so hard for Euphie, and her stupid, oblivious little arse—not literally her arse. Oh, god. No. She's not a pervert. God. What is she saying?

Exactly what she means—downright hopeless.

Euphie is probably the most oblivious person she'd ever met throughout her entire life. She figured that showing her downright interest and showering her with outright affection was already enough to tell how much she desires her so much, thinking that it was already enough for the latter to know about her feelings. But no. Euphie still thinks that everything was all just an act. She didn't give all those hickeys for no freaking reason! Ugh! Scarlett couldn't help but pull her hair out of frustration.

She wanted to rope herself to death because she tried to force her way to Euphie. It was such a jerk move to do.

Stupid alcohol. Stupid Scarlett. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Ugh! She groaned and banged her head on the locker yet again.

Well, she can't really blame her for reckoning such thoughts because from the very beginning she never really emphasised her intention before they started all this nonsense.

She wished she could turn back the time—turn it all back and start all over again and just straight up tell Euphie how much she desires her. And also apologise from all the things she'd caused her.

Aaaand that's what she did. She'd been standing like a moron, facing back and forth in front of Euphie's dorm room. She'd been a nervous-wreck since this morning trying to figure how she would execute her plan. She didn't even realise that she unconsciously walked towards the latter's dorm, while still in the middle of her pondering.

She was startled by the voice that she'd been longing to hear for days now, turning her into a mush. And almost immediately the fluttering feelings came back ten times more than before.


Scarlett let out a relief sigh. Not wasting her time anymore, the words just came out unrehearsed.

"I—I know we sort of got on the wrong foot but—" She pauses, fidgeting nervously like always, "Would you like to start all over again?" Tired eyes gazing back—pleading—begging.

She'd been having trouble sleeping for days just over thinking what Euphie would say, and it almost made her insane. But when she saw the tired eyes from those lovely brown eyes she reckoned that she wasn't the only one who was experiencing all of it.

Euphie stared at her for a moment, suddenly pondering. And it made her nervous all of the sudden.

She opened the door to her dorm, looked back at Scarlett with genuine eyes, and said the words that she didn't expect to hear, "Do you wanna go inside and grab a cup of tea?" She offered, smiling softly.

Scarlett let out a contented and relieved sigh as she smiled radiantly back, "Sure."


Thank you for those who took their time reading this short story :) If you wann read similar stories like this, you can all visit my page. I have a story called Miss Not so Typical that has a similar vibe.

Thank you again!

Talesofheavencreators' thoughts