

The energy that was in the mines was often used to raised evolve genes. 

Because of that, when Earl and Jent's blood fell onto the essence stone flooring, they started to bubble and dissipate.

"Essence stones are used to evolve our bodies genes, but the same could be said for essence stones and the power they hold. Essence stones take in the energy from the outside into itself and our genes utilize this. So it's only natural that essence stones can absorb the energy back from us" Lissane explained.

Jacob nodded, "I was just wondering If I should let the feline eat the bodies"

"Why, that would go against the stores. Just leave them as they are" 

"No, I should at least let the feline chew on them for a bit. We need to get banged up a bit as well" Jacob stated. "It's too fishy if their heads are just stomped off. There has to be supporting evidence on our side"