
Money Money

It was embarrassing to say but Li ZiChen was playing the part of the rationality that her head had shooed off out of shock. 

He was correct. These were evidence. Though in her eyes it was nothing more than torture, there were other victims who would have different idea and would perhaps need this to win against OuYang, while others could perhaps be free from their fear knowing now that the video won't be in anyone else's hands. 

She covered her face with both her palms, trying to snap out of it. This entire night she was being pushed from one situation to the next and the extreme situation wasn't great to her mental health which was as thin as a thread that was going to snap with anything heavier than a butterfly's weight. 

Though she believed she had became stronger, perhaps what was strong was only her physical ability. She was still the same weak AiLin and that thought torture her more than she could handle now.