
Mrs Damefeild

Sebastian, Alex, Greta, Auriela, Iris, Apollo, Julius, Hamilton, Jason, Mila, Ophelia, Arthur and Gia all lived normal lives before they were brought into the world of the supernaturals. They were employed by the never before seen immortal Hanbity through the help of his right hand Alan, with the task of finding Octavius Grimoire which was split into four parts about a 100 years ago. They were enrolled in his school far way from civilization called HMA(Hanbity's Montessori Academy). As they embarked on this dangerous journey they were faced with many trials and tribulations, love, betrayal, tragedy. They also faced supernaturals; failed projects created by hanbity even stronger than them, including Hanbitys supposedly dead daughter who was reincarnated into the body of Avia, Alex friend. Will the thirteen supernaturals find the grimoire successfully? Will they discontinue the search when they find out that they are mortal supernaturals not immortal? Or will they learn the secrets of the immortal Hanbity and turn against him.

wild_dreamer17 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs



He was a normal kid going to Shesaw High School. He was also a twin. Everyone loved his twin brother more than they loved him. To everyone, he was a boring lad. His twin brother Jude would get all the girls he wanted, all the love he wanted and all the attention he needs.

His family were all seated in the dining room, having their breakfast, "So, tomorrow's prom. What's the plan?" Julius's excited mum asked Julius and his twin brother Jude. "I know I'm a junior, but I'm going, mom. And I'm staying out late." Julius's little sister; Julia said.

"Do you have a date?" Their father asked Julia surprised at what he said. "Yup, he's a junior too." She replied.

"I'm not going to prom," Julius said indifferently. Everyone wasn't shocked because they knew he was capable of what he said. "Look Julius, I know you're not the outgoing one but prom is a one-time thing. You have to go." His mum persuaded. "He's lame, it's a normal thing for him not to go to prom. He could stay at home and help you guys do whatever it is that you do." Jude said as he began to laugh.

"I'm not lame. I just believe it's not necessary. Isn't that where people go to have sex and ruin parts of their lives?" Julius said trying to contain his anger. "I call bullshit!" Julia yelled. "Let's make a deal, but not in front of mum and dad," Jude said as he left the dinner table. Julius tagged along so did Julia. "Oh my goodness, these kids." Julius's mom said wearisome.


They went to Julius's room and banged the door. He went closer to Julius and asked him a question, "Are you a virgin?" Julius was reluctant to say anything because he was a virgin, so he kept mute. "Are you a fucking virgin!" Jude yelled. "Answer the god-damned question, Julius!" Julia yelled. "I am," Julius said with edginess in his tone.

"What was that bitch?" Jude cussed. "I am a virgin." He repeated himself. Julia bursts out laughing, she tapped her lap repeatedly to control herself. "I am fucking 15 Julius and I've been fucked!" She lied trying to impress her brother. "Getting laid is not an achievement," Julius tried to defend himself.

"And being a Virgin is?" Jude said as he and Julia burst out laughing again. "What's your deal?" Julius asked. His siblings were getting on his nerves. "I swear to you brother, if you fuck a girl, on prom night, I would never bother you again. In fact, you would be one of us, the cool guys. No one would ever treat you like shit, not me, not Julia, not mom or dad. No one!"

Julius knew fucking a girl wasn't his priority but if doing it would make everyone stop mistreating him, he was game. "I'll do it," Julius said after a while of contemplating. Julius knew he had no idea how to woo a girl and talk more about having sex with her. So he went over to a friend's house, Jake.


Julius and Jake were both lying on Jake's bed as Julius explained to Jake the deal between him and his twin brother.

"Your twin brother has always been a dick," Jake said as they both chuckled. "I know but what can I do? I mean the deal's good, but how do I start talking to a girl? It's very difficult." Julius stressed. Jake turned to Julius and looks him in the eye,

"Hey, you don't have to do this. It's senior year, we just have one more year left and we're out." Jake advised Julius. Julius and Jake stared at each other for some while and then they both went in for a kiss. They made out on Jake's bed for a while, until Julius pulled himself away from Jake,

"Wait, wait, wait, what are we doing?" Julius said to Jake. "Making out?" Jake was cool about the situation but Julius wasn't. He knew that if his brother should know about what just happened, his reputation would be ruined.

"No, I have to go." Julius was about to leave when Jake held him back. "You know you don't have to leave right?"

"I want to stay back and do everything possible with you but I can't," Julius stressed. "I want you to stay back so I can do everything to you too. Because I love you, Julius Beger. I love you." Jake said. Tears rolled down Julius's face, he hugged Jake and left his room. On going out of his room he met with Jake's aunt,

"Hey Julius, how are ya." She said excitedly. "Not so good," Julius said. "I'm sorry child. Anyways, this envelope came in for Jake, would you help me give it to him? I have somewhere to be right now. And I'm so fucking late."

"I was about to go-" Julius was interrupted by Jake's aunt, "Thank you, Julius, Bye." She said as she handed the envelope to him. Julius did not want to back to Jake's room so he took the envelope with him to his house.


All night Julius laid down and thought about his twin brother's deal. He also thought about him and Jake's little romance. He was so confused, his thoughts ate him up. Amidst everything the only thing he could see was the envelope, he opened it and saw what was written, he read them aloud,

"It changes it all. HMA." He was confused, what does this mean? He thought to himself. He turned the back to see if there was anything else, then he saw something written, "Prom Night." Okay, this is definitely for Jake. Julius thought to himself. "What a weird way to send an invitation card." He said as he finally got some sleep.


Prom day had arrived. Everyone was so stoked, "Mommmmm!!!!!" Julia cried out. She wanted her mom to help her choose between the variety of clothes she had on her bed. Meanwhile, Jude was ready to engage his brother in what he thought was the fruit of joy, women and fucking. "Brother, the day has come! Are you ready?" Jude said as he grabbed his brother by the shoulders,

"I'm ready," Julius said trying to hide his true emotions. "So how are you guys gonna go to prom, Limo or Cab." Their father asked them. "Limo," Jude said as he laughed and shook his dad's hands. It was nighttime, everyone was more pumped than ever except Julius. Jake was knocking on the door at Julius' home. He was all dressed up, Julia opened the door and saw Jake,

"Jake, what are you doing here? I'm already taken so," Julia said. Julia looked as pretty as a rose flower, she was dressed in a floral red dress with black stilettos. "Julia you look, good. But, I'm not here for you. I'm here for Julius." Julia couldn't believe it, she was agape until she started laughing,

"What? Julius, your boyfriend's here!!" She yelled as she continued laughing. Jude immediately rushed downstairs. "What do you mean boyfriend?" Jude said irritatedly. Julius followed Jude and he was shocked when he saw Jake at the door all dressed up.

"She didn't mean boyfriend, I'm just his friend, and we're going to prom together," Jake said. Julius's heart was beating very fast until Jake said what he said, "Oh, my twin, my blood, can't be a fag. He'll never see tomorrow's sun." Jude said as they all laughed.

A Limo stopped by their house and horned, it was for Julia, "Oh that's my ride," Julia said excitedly. "I don't understand, a junior, is going to prom with a Limo?" Jude said surprisedly. "Who says he's a junior," Julia said as she smile dubiously. "Be safe out there sis!" Jude said as Julia went into the limo of her prom date. "I don't understand Jude, she's frickin 15 and you're gonna let her go into the car of a senior?" Julius said agitatedly.

"It's her life, she can choose to fuck whoever she wants. That's none of my business." Jude said as their limo arrived. Jude told Jake to come with them as they left for school.


They arrived at school, everywhere and everyone was looking glamorous. Jude immediately separated from Jake and Julius as soon as they arrived.

"I never told you, you look hot," Jake said to Julius. "What the hell did you think you were doing back there, at my house," Julius yelled at Jake. "Julius, I'm not scared! I would never ever deny my love for you. I only rephrased my sentence back there at your house because I did not want to make you hate me forever." Jake said.

"Well, I am scared. By the time I find a girl, I will have sex with her and this, this will all be over." Julius said. "Good luck with that." Jake was about to leave when Julius told him about the envelope his aunt gave him to give to him.

"Keep it. At this point, I don't fucking care about anything." Jake said as he went to meet other people. Julius was wandering about, he watched other people making out, he couldn't understand how they did it. Shortly, his brother had an altercation with a girl,

"Seriously Jude, you're just fucking cunt!" She said to him. "Vanessa! Vanessa, I didn't mean it!" He called out her name but she did not listen. She walked out on him and Julius used her as an opportunity,

"Hey," Julius said to her outside of the prom. "Fuck! Jude, I thought I told you never-" She was cut short by Julius. "I'm not Jude, I'm Julius his twin Brother."

"No way, so not only are you a fucking cunt, but a fucking bad liar?" She was about to leave when Julius held her back. "Let me go you insubordinate!" Vanessa yelled. "Insubordinate is a strong word Vanessa, adamant would have done just fine," Julius said, trying to hold her.

"Adamant my ass, you're shaking like you have some kind of PTSD," Vanessa said as she started laughing, and then Julius let her go.

"If you're really not Jude, you'll let me see your dick," Vanessa said confidently. Then Julius began to panic.