
Mr. Tutor Confess His Sunset Love.

Certainly, her existence as the queen is grand in the numerical world. Where her mind unravels the arithmetic, her soul wanders around the decimals, and she interacts recklessly with geometry. Pi, roots, polynomials, trigonometry, and logarithms flirt with her fingertips. Xenthe Royce - who connects to the laptop, memorizes the machine code, explores various technologies, and learns from the electronic dictionary. Satisfaction in her heart and confidence in her eyes. Failure and Loser - such nonexistent words are not printed in her lexicon, and those words are disgraceful to her fame. What if those disgraceful words began to exist and go against her fame? Callum Malfoy - who began to exist as the tutor and proceeded ahead to discover the labyrinth of stormy nerd. He has an aura of mischievous sorcery and a passion to defy her non-existent words. He creates an abstract part of crimson dawn in her dusky heart. --- Will she ever accept his love like a bronze sunset? Read to find out! •••••••••••••••••••••••

RuenRoven8670 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

06. A Ruthless Mate.

The atmosphere was filled with a sound of disturbance, an unannounced racket and brimful laughter. The lectures were in the act of shifting to the staff room and a crowd of students were gushing over to the classes and some  the exit as the final hour was appeared, the time has come to go home. Meanwhile pupils were suspiciously gazing at Casey and Rozena who was in an upright position against the plain wall of the classroom. Where Rozena's form was at rest and her foot was in contact with the wall and her hands were shoved in the pocket and from the corner of her chocolate brown eye, she examined unusual act of Casey.

A pile of tense was rising in the mind of Casey as she was in a deep thought of 'how to deal with this situation'. She was constantly licking her dry lips and her blue oceanic eyes were displaying unstable confusion. Her pale, slender fingers were engaged twirling the strands of hair and her foot was continuously creating a sound of 'tap tap.'

Releasing a long sigh of frustration, Rozena rolled her brown eyes with an irritation while she hissed at her. "Casey, your presence bothers me and get in before it's too late." And with a thumb she pointed to the classroom.

The moment her merciless remark landed in the ears of Casey, her disappointed blue eyes came in contact with Rozena's terrible sharp eyes while Casey took a few steps ahead of her and with a whispering tone she said. "But he seems furious." And she shrugged off her shoulders in a concern way.

Rozena scrunch her brows at her remark and shook her head in disbelief while she hissed at her. "No, he is not!" And she folded her hands against her chest and shortly, she added nonchalantly. "Don't make it appear suspicious."

Taking a while, Casey blankly blinked her blue eyes at Rozena as her mind was analyzing the statement. All of a sudden, a realization hit her and nodding her head in a confusion she questioned her. "But what excuse am l supposed to give?" And she slightly shrugged off her shoulders.

Slightly, she tilted her head in the direction of Casey and for a while she stared at her in a state of disarray and released a sigh. "Ah!" And in a sarcastic tone she asked. "What the hell have you given him as an excuse before?" And her brown eyes were fixated on her as she was waiting for her response.

Nodding her head, Casey turned her head towards her and with a clear thought she pronounced in a casual way. "I asked him if I could get my notebook from the staff room." And she shrugged off her shoulders while her blue eyes were reflecting the image of confused Rozena.

Hearing her unexpected remark, Rozena's eyes popped out of the socket and slowly, she turned her aspect towards Casey. Her brows were twitching constantly in a fuddle state  while she frowned. "Are you serious, why you brought up the staff room earlier?" And she was staring at her with a stiff gaze.

In a swift way, Casey shook her head at the unaware offense. "Ah, oh! No! I had no idea you'd go in there." And she was gazing with a puppy eyes and she lick her dry lips.

"Huff!" Rozena released a long sigh at her slow-wittedness and she departed herself from the wall while she took a few steps ahead of Casey, who was remaining firm next to the door. "You dumb." She whispered and abruptly, she raised her hands in the air and gave a slight push to Casey.

"Woohoo, oops!" A sudden attack caused Casey to give a sound effect of falling over Xenthe, who was in a stagnant position close to the door as she was engaged in a convo with the history lecturer.

On the other end, an unexpected outcome caused Xenthe surprised which she end up screaming. "Ah, ouch!" And she stumbled forward as the form behind her was weighing over her but fortunately, they did not fell on the floor.

A high pitched noise caused the class to snap their head towards the fuss and in the return, the atmosphere was occupied of numerous gasped. "Aah!"

Shortly, Casey gained her posture from the back of Xenthe while Casey's astonished blue eyes roam around the class and soon, her wide eyes caught a sight of the furious history lecturer. "I - I am sorry, Sir! I missed the step. I - I wasn't aware she was here." And her blue eyes came in contact with a bemused eyes of Xenthe.

They both stood next to the each other and their eyes were staring at one another. An unspoken startled words were shared between them and in a nervous state, Casey licked her dry lips and slowly, her lips twirl in the form of an uncertain smile while Xenthe mentally face palm herself.

A pair of brown eyes of the lecturer was not leaving the sight of them and his lips formed in a thin line while he announced. "Well, go ahead, both of you and grab your seats." And he began to gather his notes and prime.

"Ah, thank you, sir." Casey, expressed his gratitude and he nodded his head at her.

Soon after, they both went back to their places and shortly, the lecturer disappeared from their vision.

"Ah!" They released a long sigh of relief and all of a sudden, Casey's eyes widen up when her gaze landed on a familiar brown eyes of Rozena, who was in the motion of entering the room. Taking a pace she approached to her spot and conquered her seat while she was gazing at them with a tiresome sight.

A buzzing sound of gossip was echoing in the class as none of them is aware of aftermath. The time has come to bring the presence of Evelyn and her suspicious punishment for the folks.

'Click clack, click clack.'

All of a sudden, a sound of clicking of high heels resonated gaining the attention to the pupils and in an swift way, a buzzing sound disappeared as everyone shifted their eyes on Evelyn, who's embrown eyes were displaying the wild rage of disappointment and slowly, she dragged her feet towards the direction of the wooden table and stood next to the white board.

"How you doing my dear folks!" Her every single word were dipped in a sarcastic tone.

"Must say better than you." All of a sudden, an unfamiliar voice responded as the word were marked by extreme vicious causing the class to snap their heads at the fierce wolf.

A ruthless mate.


- dusky_haze.