
Mr. Robert (An inspector crime branch of police.)

Evening four o 'clock will be the phone is ringing sub inspector josh attend the call. A lady speaking with crying sound 'hello is that police station' yes tell me' said josh I want to talk to inspector Robert said the lady. Mr. Robert went out. I am his assistant sub inspector josh. What is the matter? Sir, my madam has killed by somebody. Then josh asked the address and written. And waiting till come Robert to take action. Half an hour Robert came back to police station. Then josh said all the details about the murder. With in five minutes Robert and josh went to the murder happened place. There is lady standing out of the door. Robert asked where is the murdered place? I will show you come with me. Get on the steps and went to Tina's room. Tina has fallen on the bed eyes opened but no movement. Josh called to ambulance and sent the body to the hospital. Behind ambulance police jeep is going. On the way Robert asked with a lady. Why did she come to that home? Then she starts to tell. More than five years I am working in that place. Tina madam is so much helpful for me. When I come to today morning she was not well. She is dancer in five star hotel and said the hotel's name also asked me to finish all the work and go. I will order the lunch from restaurant said Tina . And asked me to come in the evening. That's why I came now. Josh asked did she eat finish her lunch when come? Then she replied I don't know I didn't look. Then reached the hospital. Doctor Thomas checked the body and asked to the workers take body to post mortem. Dr Thomas is friend of Robert. He said after post mortem I will send the report to police station. Then took the statement from the lady and sent her to home. asked to come tomorrow to police station for further investigation. Robert and josh went back to the police station. Josh said to Robert until come report we couldn't take any action. We should start our investigation first from that lady. I have small doubt on her said Robert . Suspicion of everything that is a part of our job no sir. Said josh and Both are laughed. Next day morning they both went to the hotel for investigation. First they investigate owner of the hotel. More than six years she dancing in my hotel. She had lot of boyfriends. That's all I knew. Next they investigate with her close friends. One girl said often she go out with a hand some boy. I remember his name also Victor. Then asked to show her room. They checked the room. But didn't get any important things. They went out of the hotel. Sir, still we did not get any clue josh said with sad. Wait wait first doctor's report want to come. After that we can find the way to investigate said Robert . When talking about this murder report also came from the hospital. Robert open the report and start to read. There is a finger crossed mark in the neck. And poison in the alcohol she drank Robert said. Some time it will be a suicide attempt said josh. If it was possible won't be a finger mark in her neck. So we should search in the both sides. Yes sir, you are correct said josh. After death of third day. Again they deeply investigate with the house maid. She said the same. Asked her to go. Robert said to josh again we will go to the hotel as a one of customer. Then josh said that is a good idea sir. Both change the getup and went to the hotel and ordered the drinks. Many customers coming and going. No any special after some time stopped a very expensive car front of the hotel. Get down and came a smart look boy. He went to Tina's room and fallen on her bed and started crying. Said 'I miss you Tina again come back to me. Few days police followed his activities and one day went his home just a friend. When enter into the gate watch man soon stopped them. And said big sir not allowing any body in the house. Then Robert said we friends of Victor we have to meet him. Then watch man said now a days Victor sir to much not going out. Always staying with drink bottles. Then josh asked what is the reason now like this staying. Actually he is a funny guy. Yes sir, you are right. I don't know what is the reason said the watch man. Big sir is there in the house go meet him again he said. Then Robert and josh went into the house. Mr. David was sat in the chair and reading a newspaper. He looked these both and asked who are you both? Before I didn't see you both with my son Victor. Yes sir, we are victor's new friends but close friends. Oh.... Okay take a seat said David. When they sitting josh asked where is Victor now a days we couldn't see Victor in the hotel. That's why we came home to meet him said Robert. Why is he not well asked josh. Replied David yes not well not physically mentally not well. Why what happened to him. While my son was five years old my wife passed away by heart attack. After that I took more care of him. I thought in his life all the things should be best. I gave all the happiness to him with freedom. He had more friends start to enjoy his life without any disturb. Day by day I sow some thing different of him. Start to avoid the friends alone going mid night coming. Then I met one of his friend and asked about him. Then he said Victor now a days most of the time spending in the hotel. More times we saw he passing time with hotel dancer Tina. She hasn't a good character. We tried to advice him so he broken up our friendship. Then I understood I did big mistake by giving him more freedom. Then I thought I not good to ask anything about this with Victor. I want to meet that girl and want to ask to give my son beck to me. Few days ago I found her home and went to meet her. When I go she is there in the house. Then introduce myself and said I would like to talk to you . She asked me to come in. Went into the home and l started to tell about the reputation of my family and about my name's values in the society. Middle of my speech she was sneezed few times and said I am sorry for the disturbed your speech. I have little cold that's why. Then I said it's okay. And stared my speech again. And finally I said to her you also good. But this society looking at you very cheaply. There for I couldn't except you as a daughter in law to my family. Then she said I met lot of gens in my past life. But I never see a gem of the gentleman like a Victor. You don't worry sir here after I never meet your son again. If had any doubt on me. You can see my death now. With in a minute in her neck had a muffler take and she rolled her neck and put a knock and tried to pull it . I run and go and removed the knock after struggling with her. Then my fingers nails scraped her neck. I said to her here after don't do like this foolish work. After that I said anytime if you need anything don't hesitate to ask me and take care of yourself good bye. When I reach front door to go out she called me back' sir this diamond ring your son gave as a birthday gift before two months. This is belong to your daughter in law. So take this near the door come and gave. But I didn't take it. I said you gave me my son back. More than that this is not expensive for me. You keep that with you. I came back home. Next day morning I went to joking with my friend Peter. Then he said do know the matter five stars hotel dancer Tina murdered by someone. I am fully shocked. After listening everything Robert's mind said once without look Victor can't believe anyone. And asked to David to see Victor. He said he is there in his room with unlimited wine bottles and Tina's photos. David said way he there like that. Sir, I saw this photo in Tina's home too. Show one photo and told josh. Robert said me too. And he said take that photo and come we have to go Tina's home again. They said good bye to David and came back to Tina's home Robert said to josh. 'josh once again we have check Tina's room come let's go. Robert and josh came to Tina's house again. They begin check to each and everything very carefully josh you check the cupboard and drawers I am checking other every places said Robert. He started check the bed again pulled down the bed sheet and checked under the metres nothing there . Took the pillow and put it down then he just saw like piece of paper inside the pillow cover soon checked it again. There had folded paper piece. He take it and start to read. I have no chance to live with Victor. And I don't like to disturb him again. So this is the time say goodbye to Victor and others. How should say goodbye. Oh..... This ring Victor gave as a birthday gift. It will help me to say goodbye. After reading the letter Robert deeply checks around the bed. Then he took a glass from under the bed. He saw something like power in the glass. He gave the letter and glass to josh and asked him to send to check. And said check something to match the hand writing. Then josh found a story book with her hand writing. Tina had write an opinion about the story. After collet all the evidence they were went back. Next day they got the results of the evidence. Finally Robert said to josh happened her death by drank diamond powder. So.... This is not a murder. Finish the word and close the file josh .