
Mr. Impossible'z angel

A boy who wanted nothing but love from his family and friends that's what he deserved but he wasn't given that. He was hated because of the facts and flaws that wasn't in his hands. He was disgusted in himself trying to make his life. In the way of getting better and worse. He met a boy who was willing to Give him all the love and care he deserved. In the world of judgment and hate and jealousy will both get their love ? Will they able to push the world aside and just love they have for each other ?

BaNgTaN_HeAvEn · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

James was right it was impossible to lock Jennifer in the house.

She was restless ,trying everything she could to free up herself.She asked her parents but it was late because James had already played his card. She even tried to get police but James had planned everything. He told the police that Jennifer suffering from "mental illness" that she always try to kill herself. He even prepared proofs and medical reports. That day she knew that James even planted the cameras in their room,that have clips of Jennifer when she tried to ran away from James. And asking him to let her go from home,when she even threatened him that if she force her again to stay she will kill his heir.

Police (woman constable) recommended Jennifer to listen to her husband.

Jennifer was okay with baby but being locked up made her angry. No one ever ordered him to do anything. Not even marriage because she thought James would be like a stair to her career.

She wanted to end the baby but when she heard the heartbeat. She thought one baby will not be a problem as after that she will be free.


James never visited her even when she was suffering from labor pain.

The news soon broke :





| "we love you Jennifer"

|"please take care"

|"we are here Jennifer we will wait for you"

|"please make a comeback soon"

|"love you"

| "ahh,i still question why Jennifer married that park?"

| "me too,i am better than him"

| "he is not good Jennifer,if he was he will be the heir of park industries"

| "ahh,i am jealous of you park"

| and 263555,55 more

The social media apps broke with the news. All were happy for Jennifer and wishing Jennifer to make a comeback soon. But some were not.

She liked the baby but more happy for being free.

Her agency released the statement that Jennifer will make a comeback soon after recovering.

James was happy that he had an heir now. He wanted that money fountain but his father didn't allowed him because he knew the real personality of his son. He forbid James that he can't be the heir but his son can if he become father before his brother. And he succeeded too.

but he wants two child but only boys.

He did try again to go to therapists but all it made it more worsen. He was just fine for some time but it didn't made any change so he quit it.


Jennifer made a comeback after recovering and maintaining her figure.

It made headlines again like she wanted. she reached where she wanted and James did what he promised. Jennifer was enough clever to make him agree at the time of when he was happy at the birth of Nathaniel.

He made him sign the contract that James will not disturb her from minimum 4 years.

So she was free to do whatever she want doing world tours. Doing shootings,being main guest and even the judge. She tried everything she wanted. She soon become the national beauty girl.

She knew her contract was about to be done but she was more bold now.

But she never knew that James had another plans.........

She had to go back to his house where she didn't want to go..


Jennifer came back to KOREA thankfully she came back by private jet so no one could know.

Her jet landed on the roof of a luxurious motel she spent the night there.

In morning she went home she saw Nathaniel eating his breakfast. When he saw Jennifer he ran to her to welcome her.

"Mommy,noona told me you are coming,are you okay?mommy"Nathaniel said while pulling Jennifer's dress asking for attention.

The guardian(babysitter)was at the table waiting for joon.

"Hey,you take him away from me."Jennifer said and walked to her room.

Nathaniel was now crying,he sat down holding his teddy tight.

His babysitter came and took him to the table while caressing his back "calm down,mommy is tired you know she love you. If you will be late your daddy will be angry.let's get ready okay?"

Nathaniel was very kind,he quickly wiped his eyes and went to his room to get ready.

(as you all be thinking about school.let me tell you as Nathaniel IQ is 148 so he wanted to go to school early).

When Nathaniel came back home he was expecting her mother but she was not in home.He was tired, he played in his room,did his homework and slept on the study table.

Nathaniel never went to park with his parent or spent time with his parent.

He was understanding child he always thought his parents are working hard just for him but he soon starting to realize the real things as he starting to grow.

He was very close to his grandfather he usually spent his vacation with them.


Jennifer Was lying on her bed when she heard the door opening sound.she turned her head to see who entered the room.She was taken back by James who was changed and become more handsome and sexy.

She already had feelings for his husband and those grew up more and more when she was away.But she couldn't come back and say James i missed u.she already faced what she got last time.Plus her ego didn't let her.

Jennifer pov:

"if he say that once what I want i'll surrender" i thought while admiring my husband.

Then i noticed he was drunk and was walking with difficulty.i quickly stood and ran to help my husband. He was drunk and was not in his senses if he was he could slapped me for running away.

He caressed my face and i leaned to the touch and did what i didn't wanted to do.

As i was on my edge i screamed "James!"

"it's okay, I love you baby"James whispered as he laid down beside me,that's what i wanted.

"I love you too"i said with low voice before passing out.

I woke up,got up my whole body was sore.I took a shower and when I went to the living room . I saw him.

"So you are up?" James said in the tone i always used whenever he threatened me.

what is he going to do?what is he even thinking?I thought while approaching him.



After few weeks after Jennifer caught up with him.Jennifer was feeling worst,look most messed up.She couldn't eat properly as her stomach push everything off.Soon she couldn't handle anything and passed out at the family dinner. James took her to the room and DR.Sean arrived.

Checked up on Jennifer then he took James in a separate room and remind her Jennifer's condition.

"Haven't you told her the consequence of being pregnant again?"Sean asked in calm tone.

James was silent and it was the answer. Sean sighed and told him to reconsider the decision because Jennifer couldn't be pregnant for more than four times as it may results any danger to the health of mother or the baby.

It was obvious that James never told Jennifer about this and was not going to tell.As he knew what will Jennifer do after that.HE wanted to make his feet stronger to take control of the company.

James started to care her,this time she was not locked,not looked after by guards as James didn't saw any need as Jennifer was truly happy because she saw concern in James eyes as he started accompany her to hospital.

But it was that what she was thinking. James accompany her untill ultrasound give her smile when he saw seed growing then stay her to go for walk with granny .The same granny that was with Jennifer when she was pregnant with Nathaniel.

James was taking precautions not to let her know about her condition.

He somehow make doctor believe that Jennifer want that child that was true but truth was hidden from her.

After months she had completely fallen for James as she was considering everything he was doing for her.he started spend night with her. Make her eat properly,take medicines regularly and going for walk everyday.

James was thinking that everything is going to be okay.But it was just the start.

Jennifer's body started to react . Her body started to give up as there was only three months left. James started to feel bad a little. The gender was also not known as the baby was inverted in the womb.

Sean was warning him again as the condition was going far.He was afraid Jennifer wouldn't be able to survive through her labor. Or may be baby was not normal.


One day Sean was sitting on his work table worriedly reading through reports of Jennifer and baby's ultrasound. Baby's growth has slowed down as there is only one month left.He was worried may be the baby's heart will not be healthy .HE was more worried .If the baby is abnormal?what will happen? I am her doctor she have right to know. I didn't wow for that.I am her to save lives not making them covered by the fear of death.


The days was nearing he was more worried now. Soon that day came he told Jennifer that she won't be able to survive the labor pain but she was consistent because she had a show in two months. HE warned her and the result came out more worst then Sean thought.

Jennifer passed out on bed it was the first time James was in hospital for someone with his his own heart.

Nurse came out and told him about the news of boy's birth.HE was happy but Sean came out and without saying anything he went passed James.

After some hours later nurse call out James to meet up the doctor.

James went to DOCTOR Sean office who was going through some papers he sat down on chair.

"I told you to not to do that, i- told u--"Sean said in angry tone.

"what?what's wrong?" James asked he was worried now in real time.

"Sit down you should have strength for what you have done,now you have to see the result"Sean said before grabbing the new came out results of the new born baby.

"MR.PARK....The baby have weak heart and have really weak body as I had already informed your baby growth was stopped about one months ago"He sighed handing him the reports "It's not serious He won't need any treatment but his legs need that instant treatment...These may bend permanently If they don't get treated".

James hated imperfection.HE hated people with flaws and now his own son had flaws.He can't accept it.

Then a nurse came out from nursery to just James see his son for few moments because the baby will be in nursery for a long time to get further checkups. James hated him.He can't glance on him.

"SIR..have you thought of a name.???"NURSE asked

He didn't glanced on him..he didn't cried..his eyes was closed.He was standing at the doorway of Jennifer's room looked like Jennifer opened her eyes..Wishing for James to say some sweet words but what James said made tremble her world in mili seconds..

"You got what you wished for..."James went to stairs and sat on a bench near stairs in the waiting area.Jennifer's cosin came with baby..and made James to see that.When he saw the baby his big eyes,cute hands fair complexion.It looked like angel.

"jack"James said suddenly.

"what?"Jennifer's cousin asked in confusion

"jack, jack I wanna name him jack"James said.

In korea jack mean weak James was often called that by hatters but he knew he was gold and even might be diamond by his looks.

but also (jack is an atonal pinyin romanization of various Chinese names and words. These have also been romanized as Kin and Chin in the past. "jack" also occurs in Japanese and Korean. ... The most common one, Jīn , literally means "gold" and is 29th in the list of " Hundred Family Surnames")


A storm was yet to come soon because no one knew about Jennifer's condition..

She was un-conscious since the first day ,she haven't saw her son.

jack was discharged by a warning as his heart was weak so nothing was about to be predicted.

DR.Sean hoped that his heart get fit with his body.

THE little baby had to go through the hardest time yet.As that hospital didn't had any bone specialized doctor and as James never saw his saw again or held him in his arm,the news was also not out like the last time.

His father had to step in get his grandson and Nathaniel to his mansion to make him get a checkup as it couldn't be delayed.

DR.Sean apologized to Mr.YOONGI first and then told him the whole incident and about jack condition to act fast.

Sean was their family doctor from a long time and YOONGI trusted him too.

He was in rage but this thing was more important.

He invited Nathaniel's babysitter with him as well as he may need her.

Next day he went to that hospital that Sean suggested as MR.YOONGI went inside along with bodyguards,servents and Nathaniel's babysitter.

A doctor welcomed him to a VIP room.

Sean had informed everything and had made arrangements and sent all the reports that were needed.It was a private room but reporter could reach anywhere.

The guards checked everything.

The doctors didn't wasted time and took jack with them as jack was dignosed with Hypotonia

It was not a normal jacks legs were so weak that was the result from the stopped growth during his production under Jennifer's pregnancy.

If he doesn't go through treatment the joints of jack's leg may get stiff and bend permanently.jack went through surgery.

During the surgery jack's heart stopped that made doctors worried.they used tools that If someone see he would never allow to use on their son.

They used ropes and strip to pull and held jack's bone in shape.It was like to held someone's broken legs and held them in strips to make them come back in shape.

Doctors couldn't do surgery and put metal plated in jack as he was just 3 days old today as his heart stopped once.

They had to do it for some days regularly until jack's bone come to form.


Mean while Jennifer was screaming in the hospital room after Sean told him that she can't dance anymore.


How is it?

tell me please and

comment too please..

John will make entry real sooon.....