
Mr. Dragon's Revenge (Multiverse)

This is one of my attempts. A book about a Dragon roaming the multiverse and changing stories. His main goal is to take revenge for his sealing. Home world = marvel First world = Lotr (to return) Current world =Harry Potter

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Mr. Dragon Welcome in Harry Potter

It's been about a century since I came to this world. Although it's not a big problem because time works differently in every universe. Since the person who rules this world is someone who can be considered one of my old friends, the entrance was not a problem. Now it's strange that in this world there are not exactly dragons, because over a long time their purity has fallen, we can call them dragonflies. At first, they were strong, so they defended the world, but now they are even weaker than human magicians. So, why did I come here, uh, to spend some time and see my old friend.

I wrapped my overcoat around my body and came to a big palace. There were too many children around. At the same time, some of them were looking at me and whispering. Well, I think everyone's going to dinner. Let me go in. I'm really, really hungry. As a flavor. I entered a large hall where there were 4 tables, chandeliers with candles hung from above. When I entered the room, the children looked at me and started whispering. The teachers also stood up. At this time, I walked towards the old man, who had more magical energy than the dragons in this world, and was carrying one of my friend's creations. He smiled at me and pointed me to sit on the seat next to him. Of course I sat down.

Latin) Esse (exist Latin)."Welcome Mr. Primum (first latin) Esse (exist latin). It's really nice to welcome you among us, it's not too much trouble, since you've already written in advance the reason why you're a few days late. Dec. That's why I'll introduce you to the students first, and then you'll meet other teachers."

I shook my head and started eating the plain food in front of me. The man hit his glass with a fork, but everyone fell silent. Well, at least they respect the old and strong.

"First of all, I'm sorry to interrupt your dinner, but it won't be long anyway. This is the gentleman on my left, Mr. Primum Esse, I think some of you know him, but this year he will take our newly opened course 'Ancient knowledge and magic', which is a compulsory course in all classes."

The old man sat down and I stood up.

"Since you've heard of Albus, you've at least recognized me by name. Even if my class is compulsory, anyone who doesn't want to come may not come. I'll walk you through it to the end."

A middle-aged witch stood up and looked at me.

"Master Primum, you shouldn't say such a thing!"

"Oh, Minerva. Don't need to be so serious. There is no need to forcibly teach something to children who do not want to become stronger and learn, is there? After all, such children will only continue to remain weak and weak. At least they won't disturb the peace of the class while telling something."

Dumbuldore stood up again.

"Anyway, since Mr. Esse has introduced himself, you can continue with your meal, bon appetit."

I met the people at the table and continued eating.

'Meanwhile, the Slytherin Table'

"Hey Malfoy are you sure he's really that Esse?"

Daphne really didn't understand why that impossible-to-reach man was here.

"I already told you that it was him, I saw him once."

The 'Ravenclaw Table'

"Are we really going to be able to take lessons from Mr. Primum Esse? This isn't a joke?"

The 'Hufflepuff Table'

"I'm saying this not as the head student, but as your senior. You should definitely attend his classes."

The 'Gryffindor Table'

Harry was looking at the people around him, and everyone was talking about the newly arrived teacher. Harry asked Ron and Hermonie.

"Is Mr. Esse really that famous?"

Even though Ron was looking at her with his eyes coming out of his socket, he kept eating. And Hermonie began to explain.

"His full name is Primum Nocdracoe Deus Esse, although we don't know exactly his age, we know that he is over 200 years old. Nothing is known about his family and his past. The greatest explorer of the last century and, in the words of the director, the only one he can't beat. Although some people think that because this was said 50 years ago, it has changed now. And some disagree, considering that Mr. Esse has not aged compared to 50 years ago. On the chocolate frog card, he is mentioned as the most powerful wizard alive. I heard that 1 century ago, he captured 10 dragons alive and put them as guardians in England, America and his home. Well, I'm sure there was more, but that's all I've read in books and cards."

Ron shook his head.

"Yes, but you're missing the most important place. He is the only person who can speak ancient languages."

Harry turned his head to Ron.

"Wasn't there already a lesson in ancient languages?"

"Well, you could say that, but I heard that it was a lecture on research and discussion. More on runes. What I'm saying is much different. Well, I don't know how, because only he knows how to write, and only his students know how to speak. Oh, my dad said that the Principal was a student of Mr. Esse's at one time. Dec. That's why I think you know how to write."

Harry is now more confused about the wizarding world someone was more than 200 years old, and even his exact age was unknown.

This Chapter 926 Words

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