
Chapter 10: The Dumb and Charming Drunk Cat_1

Penerjemah: 549690339

Ye Anran had previously downed an entire bottle of red wine and now, its aftereffects rushed in, leaving her mind in a muddled state.

She was seated at the table, dazed, staggering, and continuously shaking her head just like a swaying beckoning cat.

A glimmer of amusement flickered in Bo Jinyu's eyes, he couldn't help but laugh.

He didn't expect her to be so well-behaved after drinking.

She was adorably dazed and cute!

"Drunk?" he asked with an amused smile creeping on his thin lips.

Ye Anran firmly waved her hand: "Not drunk!"

Bo Jinyu chuckled lightly, elegantly squatted in front of her, his slender eyes shining brilliantly, staring at her blurry eyes, he asked playfully, "Well then, I'll ask you this: your friend clearly wanted to hand you over to me, so tell me, should I sleep with you or should I sleep with you?"

"Um... sleep with me?" Ye Anran bit her lip, then extended both hands, took hold of Bo Jinyu's face and stared at him for a moment, "Why do you look so good! Um... sleep... I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep!"

With that, she held onto Bo Jinyu, rested her little head on his shoulders, closed her eyes, and genuinely... fell asleep.


Looking at the woman who had confidently laid her head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep, Bo Jinyu was caught between laughter and tears.

So, she had decided to stick with him?

But somehow, that didn't seem bad?

Bo Jinyu lowered his gaze to the woman in his arms and a smile crept up on his lips, tinged with a sense of helplessness.

Her friend though, she was pretty bold. Wasn't she afraid he might do something inappropriate?

However, Bo Jinyu touched his own face.

Hmm, if he did take advantage of this girl, it seemed like he would be the one at a loss?

Looking at her limp body slumping, it seemed impossible for her to walk on her own. So, after pondering for a while, he stretched out his hands, intent on carrying her away.

However, just as he bent down, the sleeping Ye Anran suddenly opened her eyes wide.

Her eyes were already naturally big, with bright and lively pupils. When she stared at him like that, she exuded an indescribable liveliness.

Thinking she wasn't as drunk as he thought, he stopped his action.

Ye Anran immediately embraced his neck, her gaze intense as she spoke sternly, "Hmph, am I really that bad? None of you want me... fine, don't... you all can go to hell!"

After saying that, she furiously shook Bo Jinyu's neck several times.

Then... she closed her eyes once more and fell back asleep.

Bo Jinyu: "..."

This drunken madness was truly sweat-inducing.

He helplessly shook his head, lifting her sideways into his arms.

Her silky hair gently fell between his arms, smooth and delicate, with a faint fragrance wafting in.


As Ye Anran's best friend and partner in crime, Zuo Aiai, would of course not actually abandon her. After all, she didn't know Bo Xiaoshu and wasn't sure if he was interested in Anran or if he was a gentleman.

But she felt that she had to create an opportunity for the naive Anran!

So, while she said she would walk away, she actually hid outside, keeping an eye on everything.

When she saw Bo Xiaoshu carrying Ye Anran out of the private room, she felt this was the most beautiful couple she had ever seen!


"Second Master?" When Charlie saw Second Master Bo carrying Ye Anran out, his jaw nearly dropped to the ground.

Bo Jinyu raised an eyebrow, looking at Charlie, he said with light lips: "Take off your clothes!"

"Ah! Second Master, I'm not that kind of person!" Charlie dramatically crossed his arms over his chest, a horrified look on his face.

Bo Jinyu gave him a cold glance, showing his impatience: "One second longer!"

"Damn, at least let me put on an enticing act! But Second Master, I'm only wearing a shirt. Taking it off would be indecent~~" Charlie was at the height of injustice but dared not disobey. He began to unbutton his shirt, complaining as he did so.

"So, you want me to take it off?" Bo Jinyu lifted his eyebrow once more, questioning him.

The soft voice sent shivers down Charlie's spine!

He wouldn't dare!

Second Master was also wearing a hand-tailored shirt. If he took that off, the whole room would erupt into chaos!


"Second Master, why are we taking off our clothes?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Put it on!" Bo Jinyu looked down at Ye Anran in his arms.

Charlie followed his gaze.

Ye Anran was still wearing her wrap dress from the banquet, her short, knee-length skirt had slipped up to the top of her thigh, revealing a pair of slender, milky-white legs.

Moreover, because she was lifted sideways, there was a constant risk of an wardrobe malfunction.

When Second Master gave him a cold glance, Charlie decisively took off his shirt and draped it over Ye Anran's upper thighs.

Then, he made a show of covering his eyes, "Second Master, I'll do it myself!"

Then, he made an overdramatic self-blinding gesture, turned around, forgetting about his bare torso, saying quickly, "Second Master, I'll get your car ready right away!"

Damn, that look from Second Master just now was simply murderous!!

Bo Jinyu, holding Ye Anran, took the elevator straight out of the venue.

With a black shirt, black suit pants, his tall stature, delicate features, cool and noble aura, this man at the door of the venue gave an indescribable sense of brilliance.

"Shen Qi, look, is that Bo Jinyu?" A car passed by the venue, a handsome face leaned out from the car, staring in awe at Bo Jinyu who was carrying a woman.

"Ji Kai, are you blind? Would Bo Jinyu carry a woman? Bullshit!" Shen Qi quickly dismissed after a glance in the rearview mirror.

"Did I see wrong? But it really looks like..." Ji Kai sat back in his seat, furrowing his brows, looking puzzled.

"Didn't Bo Jinyu say he's already there, waiting for us on the top floor? We'll know when we get up there."

"That's true..."

As the two were about to enter the car park, a Maybach was just coming out.

The two... exchanged glances.

"Isn't that Bo Jinyu's car?"

"I think so."

"Then that person at the door..."

"Could be!"

The two... simultaneously dropped their jaws.

Bo Jinyu would actually carry a woman!

Strange indeed.

"Reverse the car, let's go and see." Ji Kai calmly suggested.

Before he could even finish his sentence, Shen Qi had already turned the steering wheel. The car made a turn and headed back out the driveway.

That's a no-brainer!

Bo Jinyu actually has a woman!

What explosive news that would be!!

By the time the two arrived again at the venue's entrance, they only saw Bo Jinyu, carrying a woman, elegantly getting into the car. The car sped off into the distance.


"Second Master, there is a taxi that has been following us," Charlie said.

"Slow down and see who it is!" Bo Jinyu's thin lips parted slightly and a cold smile flickered in his eyes.

So, someone was coming after him just as he had returned to the country?