
Mr. Billionaire Weds Ms. Trillionaire

To Vulcan, it was just a memorable one-night of pleasure. But for Ciara Morgan, announcing her unplanned pregnancy to her parents and abusive boyfriend had devastating consequences. They disowned her, leaving her with nothing. Desperate, Ciara demanded that Vulcan marry her, threatening to tarnish his reputation if he refused. He agreed, but only under the condition of a one-year contract, where Ciara would disappear without a trace after giving birth to his child. Ciara Morgan had been dealt a tough hand, going from her abusive boyfriend and parents to humiliation. But everything changed five years later. "I'm Lawyer Irion, Mr. and Mrs. Thane Morgan's lawyer," he explained, as I nodded, bandaged and battered. "You collided with my car, but that's not the main reason I brought you here." He held a thick folder. "Ciara Morgan, I regret to inform you of your parents' tragic death in the 711 plane crash. We've been searching for their only heir which is you, their daughter. And I'm pleased to inform you that you've been willed thirteen trillion dollars from your parents' empire, but only on one condition." The condition, which Ciara had vowed to destroy years ago, was the very thing she needed to obey to claim her wealth. Will Ciara choose wealth and power over revenge, or will love conquer all hatred? Trigger warnings: This novel isn't your typical basic billionaire romance as it explores the following themes: 1. Emotional Manipulation and Coercion 2. Non-Consensual Sexual Situations 3. Graphic Sexual Content 4. Physical and Emotional Abuse 5. BDSM and Kink 6. Gagging and Choking 7. Vomiting and Bodily Fluids 8. Mental Health Themes (anxiety, trauma, etc.) 9. Power Imbalance and Control Dynamics 10. Mature Themes and Intense Situations 11. Domestic Abuse, etc. This book contains mature, dark, and potentially distressing content. Reader discretion is advised. Please prioritize your emotional well-being while reading. Thank you!

taev_auroraC · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs

Chapter Fifty Eight: Where Are You, Ariana, Where Are You, Ciara?

Vulcan's POV

Readjusting my collar, I made sure I appeared as normal as possible, as if nothing had happened. I strode out of the corner and almost collided with the chairperson, who halted and asked, "Oh, Vulcan, I've been looking all over for you. I thought you had already left. Have you by chance seen Eleanor?"

I quickly shrugged, trying to appear casual despite looking suspicious. "Eleanor? No, I haven't. Why?"

"And Salvador?" His legs were poised as if ready to scurry away at any moment, his tone hurried.

I barely contained my irritation. What did Salvador's whereabouts have to do with me? I wanted to tell him, "Not my business," but swallowed the words when I noticed the spot where my Ciara had been seated and was supposed to still be seated was now empty.

My pulse quickened. "I have no idea, ask someone else," I said instead, my eyes going over his shoulder and scanning the area and around.