
The New CEO

This day was the same as usual. Waking up early, eating my dull breakfast, brush my teeth and leave for work. As I approached my car, I realized that I've missed something... it was that the new CEO was arriving today. And I'm supposed to have picked him up from the airport. Oh no.... what have I done. I'm late on my first day of having the new CEO. I swung the car door open. CRASH. The door slammed shut, and the car started with a grunt. I was noe racing with time. I only have 10 minutes to get to the airport, lucky it's only a 6 minute drive... that's what I thought. My Black hair was wet, making it hard to see. I'm so angry at how I still didn't have time to dry it and make it look nice. After what felt like a short time, I made it to the airport, holding a sign that had Mitch Enterprise written on it.

Then a man with shinny but soft looking blond hair walked up to him, "Your 5 minutes late." "I-I'm sorry sir," I stuttered, "Is there anyway I can make it up to you?" The new CEO so charming, his brown eyes were glowing bright and sandy blond hair swaying in the wind. "You," He sighed, "I need a new personality assistant. You seem alright, so from today on you are my personal assistant. When we arrive back at work grab your gear and come to my office." I stood thier, astonished with what had just happened. I'm going to be his new personal assistant... how is this possible... "Hurry up, I have a meeting in 30 minutes" I stumbled over, grabbing his suit case and took him out of the airport and to my car. "I'm sorry that the car isn't suited for picking you up, but its all I have," I sighed whilst patting the bonnet of my Holden Colorado. It's red with black extras, and a black and red interior, designed by myself. "It's actually a quiet nice car," The CEO mentioned. I blushed with excitement as I whispered a quick thank you. What a great way to start this week. To go back to the company and become the new handsome CEO's personal assistant. My new life started with a loud grummble of the car... and the CEO telling me, "Call me Jaydon. Or Jay for short."